I personally am not sure how this could be done reliably, but as an aside to the Wraith Plague topic on You Break It...
Use 32PB and no LA/RHD, in Faerun, with 900g (Lvl2 WBL). Can anyone here create a Cleric who, at level 1, will on average, be able to face off against a Wraith (CR5) and destroy it? Build does not count if the Wraith survives, you have to put it down. Assume for ease of creation that you have an alternate way to get rid of Con drain at the end of each day, though massive props if you can either do it yourself or reliably prevent it.
Bonus points for greater numbers of these encounters per day, being able to knock off more than one at a time, and anything that requires less than 4g (maximum starting wealth for a Commoner, before they retrained to Cleric and without support).
If you can do it with content from other settings, please do post it, but the scenario indicated Sharn. Same goes if you have to (within reason) break the gold limit.