Author Topic: Hulking hurler: throwing people at people while running at people, can it work?  (Read 4105 times)

Offline Gawwy

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so i have improved grab and pounce thanks to taking the feral template. could i use this along with really throw anything from hulking hurler(im also large) and the Hurling Charger feat to do the following

1.use claw attack and improved grab to grab 1 or 2 creatures
start of second turn
2.charge another creature while dragging thing
3.use charging throw to throw person as an improvised weapon using really throw anything at the target of my charge end of charge use single attack mentioned in hurling charge to grab target.
5. use full attack thanks to pounce to throw person i just grabbed

would this work?

are there ways to make it better?

can i be like hulk tossing loki and just smash someone from left to right all turn somehow? (really please even if it takes an entire build i must do this)

thank you for all your help :)

Offline ksbsnowowl

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Fling Enemy from Races of Stone tells me that this won't work.  First, it is a standard action, not an attack action.  Second, it requires that you have an ability to throw rocks, either from a racial ability (such as most Giants have), or from the Rock Hurling feat in the same book, and you can merely throw a grappled foe (10 feet per 5 points by which you beat their opposed grapple check), and have them land prone in the resulting square.  You can't use them to attack.  A DM might let you do so with Really Throw Anything, but I wouldn't expect most to allow it.

That said, there are monsters that can attack with a thrown foe.  The Mountain Giant from MM2 can do so.


Fling (Ex): A mountain giant that sucessfully grapples a foe two or more size categories smaller than itself can hurl the creature as a standard action. A flung creature travels up to 120 feet and takes 12d6 points of damage. A creature that is flung off a mountain takes this amount of damage or the appropriate falling damage, whichever is greater. The giant also can throw the flung creature as though it were a boulder. In this case, the flung creature takes 12d6+16 points of damage, and any opponent it strikes takes 4d8+16 points of damage.
Note that it is even a standard action for a Mountain Giant, so the chances of you getting it down to an attack action are pretty slim.

Offline SolEiji

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What about defining the thrown creatures as "improvised weapons"?  There's a few things that give proficiency in that (drunken monk I believe, books not on me).

Me not reading, he mentioned improvised weapons.  Even so, is it drunken monk that gives proficiency?  Though you may need to make sure your toss-ees are "one-handed or light" weapons.

Offline Gawwy

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actually i am the dm and im asking on behalf of one of my players.

as hes the only non caster in the group id rather find a way to make it work for him even if i have to bend the rules a bit.

also im in the melee can have nice things camp.

in that vein would using the war hulks 3rd level ability Mighty stone throwing to replace the rock throwing pre-req for fling enemy be balanced?

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are there any semi balanced ways i could say he can use really throw anything to throw as an attack action? eg use grapple check as a modifier?

is there anything that is really cool that you can do with improved grab?

sorry for all the questions but just saying no to a melee character in a all caster group seems mean.

Offline altpersona

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while fling enemy parallels the intent, its not the method of choice... i dont see that it exactly applies. 

i see a valid argument each way... at worst i see grapple control checks to see if the flingee can be ungrappled.

if anything is a problem its the action required for grappling each round, or ungrappling as the case may be.

either way i dont think it breaks anything. but thats just my 2c.
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Offline zook1shoe

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i could easily see grabbing a foe and using it as a thrown weapon via the Hulking Hurler, i don't see anything that prohibits that in the PrC.
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