Hi !
So, we're having a pathfinder one-shot next saturday, and I was thinking of making a human wizard (conjuration specialist, teleportation variant). The problem is, when I asked about magic items, the GM told that we would have the starting gold of lvl 1 characters. But, and here is the thing, we could ask for one "gift from the GM". And as an example, he suggested an invisibility cloak. So there went my extend metamagic rod and my wands.
The other players are going 2-hander Paladin, Rogue, Druid, Warrior
Here is my current build:
LN Human Wizard (Conjuration specialist, teleportation variant) 5
Banned schools : Enchantment & Necromancy
Abilities (with 18, 16, 14, 12, 12, 10, 8)
Str 8 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 18+2 (human), Wis 12, Cha 12
Feats :
Spell focus (conjuration), Augment summoning, superior summoning
I still have to choose two : one wizard feat (rapid studying, extend spell or spell mastery ?), and one general feat (thinkong of Improved Initiative, Combat casting or Improved familiar and go for earth or air elemental)
Appraise 1, Craft (alchemy) 1, Fly 1, Knowledge (Arcana & Planes) 5 (Nature & Religion) 2, (others) 1, Linguistics 4 (Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, Elven), Perception 5, Ride 1, Spellcraft 5, UMD 2
Spells (4)/5+1/3+1/2+1
0: Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Ghost sound, Prestidigitation (should I swap something for Mage hand ?)
1: Grease, Mage armor, Color Spray, Enlarge Person, Protection from Evil, Silent Image
2: Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Web, Summon Monster 2 (I was also thinking Bull's strenght, Flaming sphere and Invisibility ...)
3: Haste, Summon Monster 3, Fireball (or maybe Fly ?)
And, finally, what item should I ask for ? A ring of wizardry, maybe ?
Any advice welcome, really !