Hello Fellow Gamers,
You were most helpful in shaping my druid, but unfortunately, that campaign has come to an end. Now I need your help once more. A new campaign has arisen: we're limited to Core + all the Complete Books, nothing else outside. We are starting at level 4, with half the starting money you're allowed in DMG.
My plan is to go melee focused cleric, with DMM: Persist and a greatsword. The plan would be to take Divine Oracle and Contemplative at some point. I wanted to play a Half Giant, but Human sounds like the best bet. Could you please advise on any changes, direction I should take? Here's what we have so far:
Str: 17
Race: Human
Feats: Extend Spell, Extra Turning, Persist. (at 6th DMM: Persist Spell)
Skills: Concentration, Spell Craft, Knowledge (Religion), Heal
Deity: Homemade with War (for greatsword) and Travel domains.
What do you think? I know I need to pick up power attack at some point and was thinking of a fighter level dip.