Dragon 350 has some new time travel Spells which is cool.
#351 offers up Oerthblood, a new metal-based Material to tinker with. It's actually some kind of alloy because it can be mixed with Mithral for calculating Hardness/HP, the unique benefit for mixing is it provides a +100% increase to Hardness & +50% increase to HP. Costs to Magical Enhance it are reduced by 25% which is pretty freaking nice, a +10 Weapon drops from 200,000gp to 156,000gp. In addition the Material provides it's own properties.
Weapons: +6k or 150gp ammo, +1 luck to attack/damage, creatures struck gain a stacking -1 unnamed to saves for 1 round.
Light Armor: +10k, dr 1/-, +1 luck to saves vs magic.
Medium Armor: +20k, dr 2/-, +2 luck to saves vs magic.
Heavy Armor: +30k, dr 3/-, +3 luck to saves vs magic.
Yeah, stuff like this is why Dragon is seen as OP and poorly written.
The Monkey Head Talisman for 128k gives you combat Reflexes & Stunning Fist even if you lack the prerequisites. They offer a bunch of Wisdom-To-X Feats for Ninjas & Arcane Spellcasters, Potent Dweomercraft's Damaging Spell is a two Feat investment for basically a once per Encounter +25% damage bonus to a Spell.
There is a section on Technomagical Implants. Quickdisk, a necklace, provides +2 unnamed to Initiative for 1,000gp. I like the vest through, Greater Shocking Field costs 42k and deals 1d4 electricity damage to anyone that hits you in melee, then they need to make a Fort Save against DC 10 + 1/2 your level + ConMod to be Stunned for one round breaking their Full-Attack and rending them helpless.