Reverse respond to your example.
Wiz 3 / Psion 3 / Cerebremancer 10
+ recharge too, is quite enough really.
Psiomancer feat would give almost the
full Wiz 13 spells, just enough leftover
to do a recharge.
Cerebremetamagic would then allow
each of those spells to be metamagic'd
up to the Wiz13/Psi13 capacity, although
it's multiple recharges and ditching most
of the psi-festing for the metamagic.
Then of course recharge again, and a
Psiotheurgist is kinda meh in comparison.
It can't pay for the massively higher CLs
and so many spells are capped anyway.
The T.O. link
iirc (I should review it more)
Cleric goes DMM Heighten first
raw Ardent 2+ then goes Psiotheurgist.
Having gotten 9s on both sides, now
you Cerebremetamagic it to cheese^2.
Moment to moment its very thin compared
to the Wiz/Psi above, it was just the furthest
reaches I got to at that time.
I was assuming the DMM Heighten tags
the ridiculousness right off the bat.
(it is possible to
not break dmm heighten ...