More Dragonlance Stuff:
Arcane Staff
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 5
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Nonmagic quarterstaff touched
Duration: Permanent until discharged (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
Spells you can normally cast may be placed into a prepared quarterstaff. You can store a number of spell levels equal to your caster level, but no spell can be higher than 4th level. For example, a 9th-level wizard could store two 4th-level spells and a 1stlevel spell; or one 4th-level spell, one 3rd-level spell, and one 2nd-level spell; or any other combination totaling nine levels. 0-level spells cannot be stored within an arcane staff.
A spell stored within the quarterstaff can be cast just as any other spell. It does not count against your normal allotment of spells for a given day. You use up any applicable material components and expend any experience cost to cast the spell when you store it in the staff. You cannot have more than one prepared arcane staff at any given time.
Focus: The masterwork quarterstaff that stores the spells.
Arcane Staff, Greater
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 7
As arcane staff, except that you can store up to your spellcasting level + ability modifi er (Intelligence if a wizard, Charisma if a sorcerer) in total spell levels within the quarterstaff, and the spells you store can be up to 6th level.
Arcane Staff, Lesser
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 3
As arcane staff, except that you can store only up to your ability modifi er (Intelligence if a wizard, Charisma if a sorcerer) in total spell levels within the quarterstaff, and the spells can be only 1st or 2nd level.
Curse the Magi
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One arcane spellcaster touched
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You cast a curse upon another spellcaster, rendering her unable to cast her spells without suffering for it. If the spellcaster you target fails her initial Will save to negate the effects, she needs to make additional Will saves in order to cast any spell. On a failed save, the spell fails and the target suffers 4 points of Constitution drain (though her Constitution cannot be taken below 1 in this way). Ability drain can be regained as normal (through restoration, for example), but the effects of curse the magi continue until the affected spellcaster has remove curse cast upon her by a spellcaster of at least 15th level, or through the use of a limited wish, miracle, or wish spell.
This spell does not affect the divine spellcasting classes, but may affect bards if bardic magic is considered arcane in your campaign.
Material Component: An iron mask with a closed mouth.
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 9
Components: V, S, M, F, XP
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One-way portal through time and space.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Another spell known only to the Masters of the respective Towers of High Sorcery, timereaver is one of the most potentially powerful and dangerous spells known on Ansalon. This spell creates a portal through time and space and allows up to 1 individual per 4 levels of the spellcaster to travel through the portal to another period of time. Originally intended to allow wizards to research the past or the future, the spell allows individuals to travel backward or forward along the River of Time. The travelers can travel up to 20 years per level of the spellcaster backward in time, or 1 year per level of the spellcaster forward in time (as the future is much more diffi cult to navigate). The spell pierces the barriers between both time and space. It requires incredible concentration from the spellcaster in order to ensure that travelers end up at both the right time and in the right place (requiring a Spellcraft check at DC 10 + 1 for every decade traveled backward and a Spellcraft check at DC 15 + 1 for every year traveled forward). If the Spellcraft check is failed: 1) the travelers end up either in the right time but the wrong place — 25 miles away per point the Spellcraft check is failed, in a random direction (50% chance), 2) in the right place but the wrong time — up to 5 years per point the Spellcraft check is failed either before or after the targeted time (50% chance). Either failure may place the travelers in a precarious situation, particularly as the spell is a one-way trip (unless the travelers are provided with a means of returning, such as through the device of time journeying or another such rare, powerful artifact).
At the beginning of time, the High God dictated that alterations to the River of Time were forbidden, thus those using the timereaver spell cannot affect either the past or the future, no matter how hard they try (as a pebble dropped into a river cannot alter the river’s path). However, if one of the Chaos Races (any race altered by the effects of the Graystone, such as kender, gully dwarves, dwarves, minotaurs, or sea elves) travels through time, the touch of Chaos within them allows for the possibility of time alteration — a potentially disastrous consequence. This spell was primarily used by the Masters of the Towers to send individuals through time to research aspects of the past or the future, secure in the knowledge the travelers could do little to affect the River of Time. Such expeditions were rarely undertaken, however, as artifacts like the device of time journeying (which originally allowed only a single individual to return through time) are exceedingly rare and difficult to produce.
Material Component: A magical circle, created by a mixture of rare ingredients worth at least 10,000 stl + 1000 stl per decade traveled backward in time or per year traveled forward in time.
Arcane Focus: A major artifact, which is temporarily inert for 1 hour per decade of time traversed backwards or 1 year of time traveled forward.
XP Cost: 1,000 XP + 500 XP/decade traveled backward in time or year traveled forward in time.
Note: Prior to the Chaos War, traveling forward in the future reveals a world the gods never left, for Takhisis had not stolen the world. Following the Chaos War, traveling backward in time is impossible past the beginning of the Fifth Age (the moment Chaos was defeated and Takhisis stole the world) up until the gods return after the War of Souls, at which point movement forward and backward in time is unhindered.
Source: Towers of High Sorcery.