Azrael - Elan Shaper 10/Thrallherd 10.
2 Thralls
Armisael - Kalashtar Egoist 7, Thrallherd 10.
Tabris - Human Wizard 9, Initiate of the Seven Fold Veil 7, Archmage 1.
2 Thralls
Sandalphon - Kalashtar Seer 6, Thrallherd 10.
Sachiel - Kalashtar Telepath 5, Thrallherd 10.
4 Thralls
Israfel - Human Nomad 5, Metamind 10.
Bardiel - Human Marshall 1, Sorcerer 5, Ur-Priest 2, Dweomerkeeper 6.
Shamshel – Human Wizard 5, Incantrix 9.
Ramiel – Human Factotum 13.
6th Level (8) – Human Cleric of Mystra, Human Artificer, Human Warblade, Human Swordsage, Human Factotum x3, Human Rouge.
5th Level (8) – Human Wizard (Conjurer), Human Soulknife, Human Psion (Nomad), Human Psion (Telepath) x2, Human Factotum x3.
4th Level (16) – Human Wizard, Human Sorcerer, Human Paladin, Human Factotum x13.
3rd Level (28) – Human Hexblade, Human Swashbuckler, Githzerai Monk, Human Factotum x25.
2nd Level (52) – Human Ninja, Human Fighter x50, Dromite Psion.
1st Level (540) – Human Marshall x14, Human Warmage, Halfling Druid, Human Psion (Seer) x2, Human Ardent x15, Human Sorcerer, Half-Orc Fighter, Gnome Wizard, Duskling Incarnate, Human Wu Jen, Human Clerics (each has undeath domain and another which covers every domain choice at least once) x502.
*Note: All thralls and believers are fused into one being.
*Note: All thralls and believers are assumed to begin with an 18 in primary stat (before racial adjustments) and 14 constitution on average.
Str: 31 Dex: 39 Con: 31 Int: 36 Wis: 31 Cha: 35
Hit Points: Current – 9,009; Normal – 8,709
Power Points: 1376
Inspiration Points: 144
Luck Rerolls: 21/day
AC (with family domain power only applied once): 2204 (10 base, 14 dexterity, 33 armor, 18 shield, 18 enhancement (thicken skin), 18 insight (precognition defensive), 5 natural armor, 2053 deflection, 10 ninja, 10 swordsage, 10 balance domain, +4 dodge (family domain), +1 dodge (haste)).
Flat: 2137 Touch: 2127
AC (with family domain power stacking): Googolplex
Flat Footed: 2137 Touch: Googolplex
Init: +67 (+14 dex, +4 improved initiative, +4 hummingbird familiar, +5 nerveskitter, +2 quick to act, +2 time mantle, +10 yondalla’s sense, +2 belt of battle, +12 marshal aura, +2 quick reconnoiter, +10 insightful divination).
Speed: 110ft (30 base, +30 expeditious retreat, +10 celerity domain, +10 freedom mantle (when psionically focused), +20 duskling racial ability, +10 divine vigor).
Fort: +2143 (7 base, 10 constitution, 2053 resistance (divine companion’s shielding), 5 sacred (dastanas), 12 luck (mysticism domain), 2 feat, 18 insight (precognition defensive), 12 divine grace, 12 arcane resistance, 12 marshal aura).
Ref: +2164 (9 base, 14 dexterity, 2053 resistance (divine companion’s shielding), 5 sacred (dastanas), 12 luck (mysticism domain), 2 feat, 18 insight (precognition defensive), 12 divine grace, 12 arcane resistance, 12 marshal aura, 13 battle clarity, 1 grace, 1 dodge).
Will: +2151 (14 base, 10 wisdom, 2053 resistance (divine companion’s shielding), 5 sacred (dastanas), 12 luck (mysticism domain), 2 feat, 18 insight (precognition defensive), 12 divine grace, 12 arcane resistance, 12 marshal aura, +2 ki power, -1 madness domain).
BAB: +20/+15/+10/+5
Attacks: (+20 base, + 6 luck, + 18 insight) melee touch +55/+55/+55+50/+45/+40 1d6 + 1060 (psychic scimitar); 40ft range (290ft) or melee touch +58/+58/+53/+48/+43 1083 (thunderlance); 70ft range, or melee touch +54/+54/+54/+49/+44/+39 1d8 + 1059 (mind blade); 40 ft range or melee touch +2066 (x3) +1064 damage (each) (toothed tentacle); 70ft range or ranged touch +58 (varies).
*Note: All stats were increased by +5 by casting 30 wish spells as supernatural spells.
*Note: Some stats may be higher than base 18 because of racial modifiers.
Appraise +48(20), Autohypnosis +45(20), Balance +51(20), Bluff +52(23), Climb +42(17), Concentration +50(23), Decipher Script +48(20), Diplomacy +58(23), Disable Device +44(16), Disguise +50(23), Escape Artist +45(16), Forgery +46(16), Gather Information +50(19), Handle Animal +44(17), Heal +45(20), Hide +45(16), Intimidate +47(16), Jump +44(17), Knowledge (arcana) +51(23), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +51(23), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +51(23), Knowledge (geography) +51(23), Knowledge (history) +51(23), Knowledge (local) +51(23), Knowledge (nature) +55(23), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +51(23), Knowledge (psionics) +51(23), Knowledge (religion) +51(23), Knowledge (the planes) +51(23), Listen +46(19), Martial Lore +44(16), Move Silently +45(16), Open Lock +45(16), Psicraft +51(23), Ride +48(17), Search +46(16), Sense Motive +50(23), Sleight of Hand +49(16), Spellcraft +64(20), Spot +46(19), Survival +44(17), Swim +42(17), Tumble +47(16), Use Magic Device +47(16), Use Psionic Device +50(23), Use Rope +47(16).
Azrael knows all the skill tricks.
*Note: Skill ranks are in ().
Azrael – Inquisitor, Maximize Power, Psionic Meditation, Expanded Knowledge (mindlink), Quicken Power, Linked Power, Azure Talent, Psycarnum Infusion, Expanded Knowledge (schism), Practiced Manifester.
Armisael – Inquisitor, Transdimensional Power, Delay Power, Widen Power, Twin Power, Burrowing Power, Split Psionic Ray, Extend Power.
Tabris – Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (Abjuration), Spell Focus (Evocation), Greater Spell Focus (Abjuration), Extraordinary Spell Aim, Still Spell, Silent Spell.
Sandalphon – Inquisitor, Chain Power, Empower Power, Enlarge Power, Opportunity Power, Talented, Unconditional Power, Overchannel Power.
Sachiel – Inquisitor, Craft Dorjie, Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, Craft Cognizance Crystal, Craft Psicrown, Craft Psionic Construct, Craft Universal Item, Scribe Tattoo.
Israfel – Psicrystal Affinity, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Mastery, Mental Juggernaut, Expanded Knowledge (astral construct), Boost Construct x4.
Bardiel – Skill Focus (diplomacy), Spell Focus (evil), Iron Will, Craft Wondrous Item, Heroic Destiny, Protected Destiny, Fearless Destiny.
Shamshel – Scribe Scroll, Envelope the Wall, Maximize Spell, Irresistible Spell, Invisible Spell, Deceptive Spell, Quicken Spell, Heighten Spell, Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Reactive Counterspell.
Ramiel – Improved Initiative, Danger Sense, Lucky Start, Tempting Fate, Dumb Luck, Survivors Luck.
All Believers (2002) – Initiate of Mystra, Divine Defiance, Divine Countermagic, Spellfire Wielder, Weapon Focus (mind blade), Hidden Talent , Speed of Thought, Combat Reflexes, Abberant Blood, Inhuman Reach, Trap Sensitivity, Stand Still, Willing Deformity, Deformity Tall, Great Fortitude, Eschew Materials, Empower Spell, Weapon Finesse, Two Weapon Fighting, Lightning Reflexes, Spirit Sense, Pure Soul, Font of Life, Trickery Domain, Yondalla’s Sense, Sudden Maximize, Sudden Empower, Sudden Extend, Sudden Quicken, Sudden Silent, Sudden Still, Sudden Widen, Combat Casting, Augment Summoning, Deft Hands, Investigator, Magical Aptitude, Negotiator, Persuasive, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Shot on the Run, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Brew Potion, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Forge Ring, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Widen Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, necromancy, transmutation, universal), Arcane Mastery, Double Wand Wielder, Reckless Wand Wielder, Craft Contingent Spell, Chain Spell, Cooperative Spell, Delay Spell, Energy Substitution (acid, cold, electricity, fire), Energy Admixture (acid, cold, electricity, fire), Explosive Spell, Fortify Spell, Nonlethal Substitution, Persist Spell, Repeat Spell, Sanctum Spell, Split Ray, Transdimensional Spell, Twin Spell, Combat Manifestation, Imprint Stone, Body Fuel, Mind over Body, Knockdown Power, Phrenic Leech, Sygian Power, Appraise Magic Value, Death Blow, Dive for Cover, Dual Strike, Quick Reconnoiter, Construct Grafter, Precise Swing, Bind Elemental, Extra Rings, Extraordinary Artisan, Legendary Artisan, Wand Mastery, Obscure Personal Truename, Personal Truename Backlash, Alacritous Cogitation, Defending Spirit, Hasty Spirit, Insightful Divination, Metamagic School Focus (abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, transmutation, universal), Weapon Focus (ranged spell), Ranged Recall, Somatic Weaponry, Vengeful Spirit, Retributive Spell, Dimensional Reach, Bonded Familiar, Bounding Assault, Rapid Blitz, Combat Familiar, Lurking Familiar, Weapon Focus (psychic scimitar), Weapon Specialization (psychic scimitar), Melee Weapon Mastery (slashing), Slashing Fury, Spell-Linked Familiar, Two Weapon Pounce, Vatic Gaze, Bonus Essentia, Quicken Turning, Rapid Spell, Reach Spell, Advantageous Avoidance, Better Lucky than Good, Fortuitous Strike, Good Karma, Healers Luck, Lucky Break, Lucky Catch, Lucky Fingers, Magical Fortune, Make Your Own Luck, Miser’s Fortune, Psychic Luck, Sly Fortune, Tempting Fate, Third Time’s the Charm, Unbelievable Luck, Victors Luck, Steady Concentration, Craft Rune Circle, Retrieve Spell, Divine Vigor, Fell Animate, Deathless Fleshgrafter, Eldeen Plantgrafter, Elemental Grafter, Etch Schema, Echoing Spell, Mysterious Magic, Craft Scepter, Item Reprieve, Spell Reprieve, Arcane Transfiguration (necromancy, enchantment), Wounding Spell, Craft Runestaff, Expert Timing, Miser with Magic, Unerring Strike, Channel Positive Energy, Ocular Spell, Divine Metamagic (still spell, silent spell, maximize spell, twin spell, deceptive spell, quicken spell, enlarge spell, widen spell, chain spell, cooperative spell, delay spell, energy admixture (acid, cold, electricity, fire), explosive spell, fortify spell, persist spell, repeat spell, split ray, transdimensional spell, retributive spell, rapid spell, reach spell, fell animate, echoing spell, wounding spell, ocular spell), Craft Homunculus, Improved Homunculus, Extraordinary Concentration, Mobile Spellcasting, Arcane Thesis (toothed tentacle, touch of idiocy, battlemagic perception, crack ice, khyber trap, manyjaws, ray of dizziness, sonorous hum, dimensional anchor, know vulnerabilities, orb of force, thunderlance, baleful polymorph, dismissal, feeblemind, flesh to ice, ice to flesh, transmute stone to sand, antimagic field, ensnare the heart, flesh to stone, freezing glance, permanent image, probe thoughts, programmed image, repulsion, stone to flesh, amber sarcophagus, antimagic ray, forcecage, project image, polymorph any object, temporal stasis, trap the soul, wrathful castigation), Skill Focus (42), Expanded Knowledge (207), Extra Turning (648), Extra Slot 1st (92), Extra Slot 2nd (93), Extra Slot 3rd (93), Extra Slot 4th (93), Extra Slot 5th (173), Extra Slot 5th divine (25), Extra Slot 6th (94), Extra Slot 7th (95), Extra Slot 8th (96).
*Note: These are in no particular order corresponding with believers listed above. Many have been replaced with psychic reformation in order to obtain the necessary feats.
Azrael – Resistance, Resilience, Repletion, Thrallherd, Psionic Charm, Psionic Dominate, Greater Dominate, Superior Dominate, Twofold Master.
Armisael – Mindlink 1/day, Thrallherd, Psionic Charm, Psionic Dominate, Greater Dominate, Superior Dominate, Twofold Master.
Tabris – Summon Familiar, Warding 4/day, Unimpeachable Abjuration, Unanswerable Strike +4, Reactive Warding, Double Warding, Kaleidoscopic Doom 1/day, Master of Shaping.
Sandalphon – Mindlink 1/day, Thrallherd, Psionic Charm, Psionic Dominate, Greater Dominate, Superior Dominate, Twofold Master.
Sachiel – Mindlink 1/day, Thrallherd, Psionic Charm, Psionic Dominate, Greater Dominate, Superior Dominate, Twofold Master.
Israfel – Free Manifesting, Cognize Psicrystal, Font of Power 1/day.
Bardiel – Minor Aura (motivate dexterity), Domain Access (magic), Rebuke Undead 2164/2607 day, Mantle of Spells 3, Arcane Sight, Supernatural Spell 2/day.
Shamshel – Summon Familiar, Focused Study (necromancy), Coopertive Metamagic 16/day, Metamagic Effect 16/day, Metamagic Spell Trigger, Seize Concentration, Instant Metamagic 2/day, Snatch Spell.
Ramiel – Inspiration, Cunning Insight, Cunning Knowledge, Trapfinding, Arcane Dilettante (6 spells), Brains over Brawn, Cunning Defense, Cunning Strike, Opportunistic Piety 14/day, Cunning Surge, Cunning Breach, Cunning Dodge 1/day.
All Believers – Artificer Knowledge, Disable Trap, Item Creation, Retain Essence, Metamagic Spell Trigger, Battle Clarity (reflex saves), Weapon Aptitude, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Battle Ardor (critical confirmation), Quick to Act +2, Discipline Focus (diamond mind, stone dragon) (weapon focus, insightful strike), Sneak Attack +3d6, Evasion, Trap Sense +2, Abrupt Jaunt 13/day, Mind Blade +1, Throw Mind Blade, Free Draw, Shape Mind Blade, Personal Space (medium creature size), Telepathic Communication (100 ft), Harbinger, Divine Companion, Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Arcane Resistance, Mettle, Grace +1, Intuitive Attack, Darkvision 60ft, Psi-Like Abilities (3/day inertial armor, psionic daze, catfall, concussion, 1/day plane shift, energy ray), Power Resistance 25, Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Ki Power (Ghost Step)10/day, Sudden Strike +1d6, Scent, Minor Aura (marshal; remaining 14), Armored Mage (light), Warmage Edge, Animal Companion, Wild Empathy, Psychic Knowledge, Fate Points (15), Assume Psionic Mantles (30/all), Spell Shield, Low Light Vision, Spell-Like Abilities (1/day speak with burrowing mammals, dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation), Aura (neutral?), Detect Opposition (but he’s true neutral…), Watchful Spirit 4/day (see feats), Access to all domains and their abilities.
powerlink shard x 20, spiked gantlet +1 (spellblade - dispel magic, slashing dispel, steal spell, greater dispel magic, chain dispel, reaving dispel), mithril dastanas +5 (empyreal), mithril chainshirt +1 (twilight, proof against transmutation), bracers of spellcraft +10, amulet of second chances and arcane spell conversion and adaptation, belt of magnificence +6 and battle, ring of epic wizardry IX, ring of natural armor + 5, ring of anticipation, ring of nine lives, mantle of second chances, casting glove, rod of absorbtion (50), rod of greater metamagic maximize, vest of the archmage, aureon’s spellshard x 20, thought bottle, khyber dragonshard worth 50,000 gold (for khyber trap), 14,700 gold.
*Note: Azrael technically has access to unlimited gold/magic items because of his ability to cast wish as a supernatural spell. However, I only spent his actual money earned (2,072,000 gold).
Azrael knows all powers in existence(1-8th level; there are 414) due to his 210 expanded knowledge feats.
9th level powers known: genesis, stygian conflagration, true creation
Azrael knows all wizard spells in existence (0-9th level); he stores them in his aureon’s spellshards. Due to the fact that he has had literally a million years to study (Font of Power, Temporal Acceleration, Temporal Reiteration) and makes a great effort to keep tabs on any new spells developed.
Desert Wind: burning blade, burning brand, fan the flames, flashing sun, wind stride.
Diamond Mind: emerald razor,
Iron Heart: absolute steel stance, disarming strike, iron heart surge, punishing stance, steel wind,
Setting Sun: feigned opening
Shadow Hand: cloak of deception, dance of the spider, shadow garrote, shadow jaunt, strength draining strike,
Stone Dragon: mountain hammer, overwhelming mountain strike.
Tiger Claw: hunter’s sense, leaping dragon stance, sudden leap,
Cantrips (4): detect magic (4)
1st Level (100): instant search (8), locate city (8), locate touchstone (2), rouse (2), thunderhead (20), unseen servant (10), summon monster I (50).
2nd Level (100): gust of wind (15), locate object (15), ray of stupidity (40), spymaster’s coin (10), summon mirror mephit (20).
3rd Level (100): alter fortune (5), battlemagic perception (30), daylight (20), ray of dizziness (25), touch of idiocy (reach spell) (20).
4th Level (100): celerity (30), dimensional anchor (20), locate creature (10), solid fog (20), toothed tentacle (maximized) (20).
5th Level (180): cloudkill (10), contact other plane (100), ice shape (5), khyber trap (irresistible) (5), precipitate breach (5), sonorous hum (echoing) (20), transmute stone to sand (5), wall of force (30).
6th Level (100): antimagic field (10), contingency (10), crack ice (irresistible) (5), eyes of the oracle (30), know vulnerabilities (irresistible) (10), permanent image (10), ruby ray of reversal (20), veil (5).
7th Level (100): ability rip (2), antimagic ray, greater arcane eye (5), greater scrying (5), forcecage (40), manyjaws (echoing, maximized) (20), ice castle, limited wish (5), project image (10), simulacrum, vision (10).
8th Level (100): baleful polymorph (irresistible) (5), bigby’s clenched fist (5), dimensional lock (5), dismissal (irresistible) (5), dominate person (irresistible) (5), ensnare the heart (irresistible) (3)*, feeblemind (irresisbile) (5), flesh to ice (irresistible) (20), flesh to stone (irresistible)*, ice to flesh (irresistible) (2), otiluke’s telekinetic sphere (5), greater celerity (5), greater plane shift (4), orb of force (echoing, maximized) (20), polymorph any object (echoing)*, probe thoughts (irresistible) (3)*, spell engine, stone to flesh (irresistible)*, summon monster VIII (5), trap the soul.
9th Level (4): antimagic ray (irresistible)*, ice assassin, maw of chaos, left open from alacritous cogitation feat.
*Note: Used 1 abjuration, and all 3 divination, enchantment, and transmutation uses of metamagic school focus (*).
*Note: All spells (except those which are inappropriate (ex: image spells) are modified with the invisible spell feat.
Cantrips (6): detect magic (6)
1st Level (7): incite (irresistible) (2), inhibit (irresistible) (5).
2nd Level (7): frost breath (energy admixture (acid), irresistible, repeating, twin, widened) (5), divine insight (2).
3rd Level (5): chain of eyes (irresistible) (3), remove curse, remove disease.
4th Level (5): control wate (2), sending, wrack (irresistible) (2).
5th Level (30): revivify (10), surge of fortune (20).
6th Level (4): find the path (2), revive outsider (2).
7th Level (2): resurrection (2).
8th Level (1): discern location.
*Note: All spells are prepared with echoing and invisible (where appropriate) spell feats.
Desert Wind: burning blade, fan the flames, wind stride.
Iron Heart: disarming strike, iron heart surge, steel wind.
Setting Sun: feigned opening
Shadow Hand: shadow jaunt, strength draining strike,
Stone Dragon: mountain hammer.
1st Level: (7)
2nd Level: (6)
3rd Level: (5)
Vigor (300), Inertial Armor (33), Force Screen (18), Precognition Offensive (18), Precognition Defensive (18), Thicken Skin (18), Prescience Offensive (20), Detect Teleportation (600ft; widened), Biofeedback (DR 21/-), Body Equilibrium, Detect Hostile Intent (transdimensional, widened), Reach, Concealing Amorpha Greater, Touchsight (300ft; transdimensional), Sense Danger (up to 56 pp), Mental Barrier (17), Detect Remote Viewing (widened), Empathic Feedback (up to 58 damage), Schism, Freedom of Movement, Adapt Body, Temporal Reiteration, Telekinetic Buffer, Second Chance, Dispelling Buffer, Moment of Prescience, Reddopsi, Fusion, True Metabolism.
*Note: Most powers were augmented with power-link shards when they were manifested.
Bloodwind, Beastland Ferocity*, Detect (dragonblood, dragonmark, familiar, incarnum, manifest zone, secret doors, undead, vestige, weaponry), Divine Favor, Ebon Eyes, Expeditious Retreat, Familiar Pocket, Neverskitter, Detect Aberration, Detect Thoughts (irresistible), Toothed Tentacle (maximized), Tounges, Wraithstrike, Ferocity of Sanguine Rage, Battlemagic Perception, Ghost Touch, Fly, Haste, Sonorous Hum (which maintains a Major Image (irresistible and cast as supernatural spell)), Sonorous Hum (which maintains a toothed tentacle), Sonorous Hum (maintaining all detect spells and powers), Spellcaster’s Bane, Thunderlance (maximized), Otiluke’s Suppressing Field (all schools; widened and modified with extraordinary spell aim so it doesn’t affect Azrael), Death Ward, Delay Death, Friendly Fire, Favor of the Martyr*, Divine Power, Forceward, Sheltered Vitality, Greater Blink, Divine Agility, Duelward, Indominability, Surge of Fortune, Eyes of the Oracle (readied action to use temporal accelertation if an enemy uses timestop or temporal acceleration), Contingency (activates as soon as an enemy with a CL 17 or higher begins casting a spell; casts Time Stop on Azrael), Starmantle, True Seeing, Freezing Glance (irresistible and cast as supernatural spell), Anticipate Teleport Greater, Antimagic Field (widened and modified with extraordinary spell aim so it doesn’t affect Azrael), Hardening (increases the hardness of all his possessions by 1,026), Repulsion (irresistible and cast as supernatural spell; 20,530 ft radius), Veil (to make Azrael appear as Azrael; used to mask shapechange), Arcane Spellsurge, Energy Immunity (All), Ironguard, Greater Consumptive Field x12 (irresistible), Arcane Sight Greater, General of Undeath, Ghostform, Golem Immunity, Polymorph Any Object (irresistible, retributive; cast as a supernatural spell), Superior Invisibility, Mind Blank, Stormrage, Veil of Undeath, Foresight, Effulgent Epuration (2,053 spheres), Dimension Jumper Greater, Shapechange (default is troll form), Srinshee’s Spell Shift.
*Note: Azrael uses a major image spell which is constantly active due to his persisted sonorous hum. Basically it’s used to conceal his actual location while he remains about 30 feet behind the image under the effect of a superior invisibility spell. Thus someone without true seeing, touchsight, or something similar will attack the image instead of him. Because of his trickery domain he can make his powers seem to originate from the image.
*Note: All spells are cast modified by the metamagic feat ‘invisible spell’.
*Note: (*) – obtained through a wish spell.
Balance domain power, charm domain power, divine companion’s shielding ability, family domain power (activated a googolplex/4 times), font of power, indigo/violet veils (x a googolplex, if you can have more than two of the same type active at the same time), mentalism domain power, mysticism domain power, trickery domain feat ability.
Time Stop – triggers if an enemy ever attempts to prevent Azrael from casting a timestop or manifesting temporal acceleration.
Time Stop – triggers if an enemy attacks or targets Azrael with a potentially harmful spell without Azrael having taken an action for that particular combat.
Greater Plane Shift – triggers if Azrael is ever unable to act for any reason; plane shifts inside mordenkainen’s mansion on Azrael’s plane.
Prestidigitation – triggers if Azrael is ever the subject of a divination (such as contact other plane).
Azrael used genesis to create his own demiplane which is just over a googolplex miles in diameter. Inside this demiplane he manifests a mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion every 171 days. Azrael and his psicrystal are the only ones permitted to enter the mansion. Inside are 50 servants (he voluntarily keeps this number low) and his astral seed; which he cast a sequester on (and he renews every 2053 days). Only Azrael knows the location of his mansion and even if someone could locate it, they wouldn’t be able to enter. It is protected even further with an irresistible refusal cast as a supernatural spell which wards the area and only permits Azrael and his psicrystal to enter (he comes to renew this spell every 85 days). The door to the mansion is located in one of the dungeons of a googolplex identical castles of stone (evenly spaced apart) he creates with true creation and psionic greater fabricate, afterwards he uses the spell hardening on them, granting them an additional 1,026 hardness.
2. Affiliation scores for all domains are maxed out.
3. Azrael could theoretically cast additional greater consumptive fields thus giving him a CL of a googolplex; however, this would take actual time since he would have to exit his temporal acceleration to affect creatures. Therefore, he voluntarily keeps his CL at 2053.
4. There are two reasons Azrael can manifest or cast spells without paying experience. One is by utilizing the Dweomerkeeper’s ability ‘Supernatural Spell’. The second is his thought bottle. Before Azrael ever manifested a power costing experience he used the ability of the thought bottle to place his current experience inside (he was either originally a thousand or so experience past level twenty or he killed a bunch of CR 13 creatures/npcs in order to gain it (which should be no problem for him). Afterwards he is able to spend the remaining experience to manifest powers and cast spells requiring an experience cost. Before he would lose enough experience to put him below 20th level he simply opens up the thought bottle, placing him at the original experience amount…rinse and repeat.
5. If for some ungodly reason Azrael is defeated he has a backup plan which will revive him (other than his astral seed). Once every twenty hours Azrael manifests a metamorphosis on his psicrystal (turning it into a human) followed by correspond and a forced dream. He then manifests time hop mass, only targeting his psicrystal. Twenty hours later when the psicrystal (now in human form) exits the time hop he will immediately use a free action to speak with correspond and ask if Azrael is still alive. If he receives no reply (Azrael can reply by using an immediate action from celerity or anticipatory strike) then the psicrystal will use a swift action from forced dream and return to the round just before the time hop mass was manifested. He will then inform Azrael he received no reply and he is in potential danger. Azrael will follow this with a series of contact other plane uses to pinpoint exactly what will kill him in the next 20 hours and avoid the threat.
Note: not my idea, forget who to credit this brilliant idea to though.
6. Every week Azrael uses several castings of Contact Other Plane (COP) in order to divine potential threats to himself; he asks a series of questions as follows:
Preparation: The next series of 6 castings of COP will be labeled number 1 (repeat for each series increasing the label by 1 each time).
1) What is the first name of the enemy that will be the biggest threat to me in the coming week? (Let's say the answer is Bob)
2) What is the last name of the enemy that will be the biggest threat to me in the coming week? (Let's say the answer is Smith)
3) What is Bob Smith's biggest vulnerability?
4) Which of Bob Smith's capabilities poses the biggest threat to me?
5) What is the best way to counter Bob Smith's biggest threat to me?
6) What day will I face Bob Smith on?
7-12) repeat 1-6 for the second biggest threat of the week.
2) Azrael continues this line of questioning until no further threats are discovered.
3) Azrael then asks things like "Other than the threats I've uncovered today using Contact Other Plane, are there any other defensive measures that will be critical to my survival this week?"
If answer is "yes", then "What is the most important of these defensive measures?" and "What day should I take this defensive measure on?" "At what time should I take this defensive measure?" (Repeat for 2nd most important defensive measure, and also for offensive measures)
Azrael then asks (for each series of questions):
1. Were the answers on series number 1 (2, 3, 4, etc) reliable?
2. Was the answer to the last question reliable
3. Which of the two previous castings of COP is reliable?
If Azrael receives a negative answer he will redo the series for which the negative answer was received (labeling it a new number each time); including these error-checking questions. He will repeat this as much as needed until he is 100% positive each COP was truthful.
Of course Azrael always performs these in temporal acceleration which gives him as much time as he needs to complete each series.
Note: This one was not my idea...I forget who to credit it to, I think Phaedrusxy came up with it.
7. Inevitable Defeat (I named this one because I felt it needed one) – If Azrael’s contingent prestidigitation ever goes off, thus indicating he is the subject of another caster’s divination, he immediately goes into temporal acceleration and uses a series of Contact Other Plane spells to indicate exactly who is using the divination, exactly where in the Multiverse they are located, and if there are any special defensive preparations of theirs which could affect him from defeating them (he will also craft another contingent prestidigitation). Azrael then (still under the temporal acceleration effect) teleports or plane shifts one mile from their location, walks/flys the rest of the journey (in case they have anticipate teleportation). When he arrives he points at them, casts another COP to make sure it's them (if he gets a no answer he recasts it a few more times to be sure; if it's truly a no somehow he repeats his previous COP castings), uses an infinite number of linked synchronicities to gain infinite standard actions and finally dispels the temporal acceleration on himself. He returns to normal time and proceeds to use his infinite actions to defeat them. No matter what contingencies they have prepared he will always be able to interrupt their actions/go before their contingencies. The only real question is…assuming the caster were able to finish his COP would it have alerted him to this second or the assumed battle which would have occurred in the future? Either way, their defeat was inevitable.
8. Before Azrael engaged anyone in any form of combat (after he finished his preparations (ex: fusing all of his followers, casting all his defensive spells, prepping his contingencies) he spent 1 year in solitude, inside his mordenkainen’s mansion inside his own demiplane. Therefore, he will most likely be the first to act in terms of Contact Other Plane prep because he would under most caster's normal CoP prep window. Therefore, once he did embark (thus becoming a “potential threat” to any caster) his prestidigitation contingency will always alert him before any caster attempts to divine on him.
The Character is slightly unfinished since I have had many new ideas and haven't bothered to update him in a while so he could be a bit more powerful. Also there's a few things I think I have to fix regarding his spells/feats.