Hey guys, first real post. I've got a gestalt game coming up with beefed up core races and core classes, and my DM dared me to come up with a class better than frenzied barbarian. When I pointed him to Planar Shepard, he claimed it "wasn't too bad." and said I could use it. In fact, he almost dared me to. So.... I'm going to. Now, the problem I'm having is deciding on a secondary side of the build. The party will need a trapfinder, and a damned good one, as it's the DM's specialty... Any ideas? I can feat and prestige class outside core, I can base class inside core and complete series/PHBII, and the playable races are Elves (favoured enemy and combat style as/stacks with ranger and bonus caster levels, track as a bonus feat), Dwarves (DR and free toughness feats coming out of their rear), Orcs (DR and rage as barb), Human (2 bonus feats, another every 5 levels and +2 skill points per level multiplied at level 1 as normal), Gnome (caster levels toughness and bonus feat every 7 levels), halfling (bonus to leadership, free leadership feat at level 11, basically bonus to social situations. +4cha at creation, bonus feat every 6 levels and at level 1)
Also, it must be viable from level 1, because I'm not sure what level we'll be starting at yet.