Author Topic: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...  (Read 15611 times)

Offline Goongalagoo

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A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« on: January 22, 2014, 06:39:57 PM »
The anti-typical fighter.
Also, the coolest guy you will ever meet.

This is a male human fighter build, but can use any race that boosts Cha, Dex or Int without sacrificing anything useful to this build.
You could easily go with an Aasimar and enjoy the bonus to Charisma as well as skill bonuses where they count, and look even cooler...but that would be obvious.

Base Class: Fighter
Archetype: Tactician

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A tactician is not proficient with heavy armor or tower shields, therefore defensive feats and a lot of versatility on and off of the battlefield is what makes this fighter such a fun class to play. Maneuvering and positioning your allies on the field, and making sure that all eyes are on you is your forté.
Off the battlefield, you will be the DIplomat, Spy, and Ladies' Man.

You will want to begin play with high numbers in Cha, Int and Dex in that order of priority.
A Charisma based fighter? WHY!?!?
Because it's cool. It's different, it's not the average one-trick pony, and I like proving people wrong. You might see the focus on feinting and diplomacy as a little linear, but the ability to move about the field and position yourself as well as enemies to your team's greatest advantage is a huge part of this build and makes him incredibly versatile, regardless of the enemy's AC or saves.
Mostly because you can play this guy like the most arrogant jackass ever and people will love you. Because you're awesome.

Strategic Training (Ex)
A tactician gains 4 skill points + a number of skill points equal to his Intelligence modifier at each level, instead of the normal 2 skill points + Intelligence modifier at each level. Furthermore, Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Linguistics (Int), and Sense Motive (Wis) are all class skills for the tactician.
This ability replaces the bonus fighter combat feat gained at 1st level.

The fighter's class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

With at least a +3 modifier to his Int, he should start with;
Diplomacy (Cha)
Intimidate (Cha)
Know: Nobility (Int)
Sense Motive (Wis)
Climb (Str)
as well as 2 from Hermean Blood
Bluff (Cha)
Disguise (Cha)

Max your potential with Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate for use in and out of combat.
Know: Nobility and Disguise are huge advantages to being a spy, gathering information, blending into a crowd, or just looking cool when the rest of your party flounders about in the presence of kings.

Your main skills should be Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive. If for some reason you are forced to drop a 10 into Intelligence... then those 4 skills are the ones you need for this character.

A tactician may choose Skill Focus or any teamwork feat, in addition to Combat Feats, as bonus feats. These are feats that I highly suggest, in the order taken per level. You lose out on the level one bonus feat for fighter, remember.

1 - Hermean Blood (Bluff, Disguise)
1 - Combat Expertise
2 -  Improved Feint
3 - Gang Up (As long as 2 other people are threatening the enemy, you are considered to be flanking it
4 - Outflank (+4 to flank bonus, ally gets Att of Opp whenever you score a crit
5 - Combat Reflexes
6 - Dodge
7 - Mobility
8 - Combat Patrol (Reach with Glaive is now 3 squares, and attacks of opportunity are now easier)
9 - Bodyguard (Offer Aid Another to an adjacent ally who is being attacked)
10 - Weapon Focus: Glaive
11 - Stand Still
12 - Pin Down (Opponents I threaten cannot withdraw or take 5' moves without incurring Att of Opp from me
13 - Skill Focus: Bluff (+6 by this level)
14 - Lunge (Reach is now 20' with Glaive)
15 - Antagonize
16 - Spring Attack
17 - Voice of the Sibyl (Bluff and Diplomacy get another +3)
18 - Whirlwind Attack (20' radius with you at the center... hopefully you can crit a few and offer some attacks of opportunity to Grog the Dumdum.)
19 - Dazzling Display (Intimidate all foes within 30')
20 - Improved Critical: Glaive
By level 20, you should have at least a 20 Cha. We'll use that as a base. With 20 ranks in Bluff as well as your +3 for taking the skill as a class skill, you have a base 28 with it.
Add in your +6 from Skill Focus, +3 from Voice of the Sibyl and that becomes +37
Another +5 from the Bracelet of Bargaining, and you've got a +42 to Bluff, +36 to Diplomacy and +30 to Sense Motive.

Why the focus on feinting?'s useful against high-dex enemies, obviously. It's also useful when you feint during your turn and then tear up the place the next attack with a Whirlwind Attack, or even just a slough of Attacks of Opportunity, or a decent Flank. So many reasons, you don't need me to tell them all to you.

It's not just the feinting though. It's also a focus on demoralizing your opponents, giving them negatives on their attacks and chances to fail spells, as well as boosting your allies abilities to hit and improving their defenses.

It's about getting the most out of flanking, and getting the most out of situating the enemy as well as your party so that the casters can optimize their casting as well as prevent enemy movement and enemies from flanking you.

When playing this build, you have to step outside of the thought process that the fighter has to be able to do 200 points of damage in a round to be a useful party member, or that his actions outside of the fight are limited to sitting at the bar while the other party members do all the fun stuff.

This build is for the guy who wants to be the center of attention, on and off the field. He will be the one who steals the woman, speaks for the party, and keeps the team in a position of advantage at all times.

Tactical Awareness (Ex)
At 2nd level, a tactician gains a +1 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 2nd level (to a maximum of +5 at 18th level).
This ability replaces bravery.
Who needs bravery when you've got a +10 to your initiative? You can use this to position yourself between the weaker characters in the party, so you can aid them even better since they need your support as much as possible.

Tactician (Ex)
At 5th level, a tactician gains this ability as the cavalier class feature. He may use this ability once per day at 5th level, plus one additional time for every five levels after 5th (to a maximum of four times at 20th level). If the tactician also has cavalier levels, these levels stack for determining the number of uses per day, and he can take the better progression.
This ability replaces weapon training 1.

You only need one weapon...a Glaive.  It is your friend, your friends' friend and your enemy's greatest threat in a fight.

You only have one teamwork feat, which is Outflank. Use it when the big stupid and less-charming-than-you Barbarian is flanking the enemy with you, so you can both get silly amounts of Attacks on one poor, miserable and soon to be dead enemy.

Cooperative Combatant (Ex)
At 11th level, when a tactician uses the aid another special attack, he may affect one additional ally per point of Intelligence bonus. For each ally that a tactician aids, he can pick whether to grant that ally the +2 bonus on its next attack against the opponent or the +2 bonus to AC against the opponent’s next attack on that ally, and can grant different allies different bonuses.
This ability replaces armor training 3.

It's a good thing you're smarter than the rest of the people in your party. They won't really appreciate the help, but you're awesome, so help them since they obviously need your support. If there's a Bard already buffing the party, then this just makes things a lot cooler. You can also help protect the weaker party members, (the Wizard) by boosting their defense a bit so they can retreat and cast a fireball or something.

Battle Insight (Ex)
At 15th level, as a swift action, a tactician can grant his Intelligence modifier as an insight bonus on the attack rolls made by a single ally within line of sight that can both see and hear the tactician. That ally gains the bonus until the end of the tactician’s next turn. The tactician can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier.
"Grog! LISTEN TO ME YOU OAF!! Hit the cyclops in the EYE! THE EYE!! Not the... close enough."
A raging Barbarian with a bonus +4 to hit from your keen insight, as well as an additional +2 from Cooperative Combatant, is a huge thing. Especially considering neither is going to be soaked up by pre-existing enchantments. Combine this with the idea that you'll probably be able to be in a flanking position to begin with, and Demoralizing the opponent... your big friend Grog is now hitting with a +10 bonus from you because YOU ARE AWESOME, on someone who is getting a -2 to their AC because you just scared the bejeebus out of them.

Cool clothes, a nice hat and some cologne to mask the stench of the weird crap that the party wizard insists on carrying around with him.
Tearaway clothes for disguises works well too for those quick escapes when your cover was blown during infiltrations because someone cast detect magic in the area and that pesky wizard insisted on following you to "help".
A mitrhil chain shirt will help you retain movement while giving good AC. You're not a big clumsy knight who doesn't understand the basic concept of moving out of the way when ogres are swinging logs at your head, so light armours are important to you.
Getting a Glaive that is made from Fire Forged Steel would not only be really useful when the wizard accidentally forgets to tell the party to get out of his way when he chucks a fireball into the fray, but it looks cool too. That's important.
You really are the only one in the party that understands the concept of how important movement is on the field, especially for the enemy. So buy caltrops. Lots of them. When the party is focusing on enemies from one side of the fight, drop them in your retreat zone. Enemies won't be able to sneak around and flank you as easy. Your bard will thank you when he hears the enemy trying to sneak up on him to snatch his flute, and they let out sries of pain from your little investment. The wizard can mage-hand them all up for you at the end of the fight. (See, they do have a use after all...wizards that is)

Magic Armour...
Going for the obvious Breastplate of Command would be what most people would strive for here, and that would be correct.
Magic Weapon...
Glaive of Repositioning would be great, since your party members are usually not as smart as you are, they need all the help they can get in placing enemies where they need them to be. Even forcing them to turn their back on the rogue is useful, or herding them into a circle for the wizard to... I dunno... do wizardly things... turn one of them blue, I guess.

Decoy Ring.
This is a must. For so many useful reasons, in and out of combat. But mostly due to the fact that you'll be the last one to retreat during fights. During combat, feel free to use this just before activating your Hat of Disguise as you waltz invisibly behind the enemy to take the place of one of their fallen comrades, putting you in the perfect flanking position.

Ring of Friend Shield
Another must-have for the real hero of the party. Wizards and Sorcerors get something like 1 HP per level, and that's before they take into account their negative scores for their Constitutions. Save them because someone has to stay alive at the end of the day to write about your glory.
If you can't find a ring of Friend Shield (or can't afford one because someone in the party just HAD to spend 50,000  gold on one spell component.) then your next best bet is a Ring of Blinking.

Ring of Blinking
Being able to sneak about the battlefield while your decoys are causing havok is very important. If you can't run between the enemy combatants to flank them, then this is your best course of action. Keep them away from the squishies in the party. Don't forget to drop caltrops along the way.

Hat of Disguise
Well who really wants to hang around and discuss the woes of infidelity when you can instantly turn into the maid and walk out of the room unquestioned, as soon as you hear the lock being fiddled with.
You can also use this in combat after activating the decoy ring, or in conjunction with a caster who has attempted to use Mirror Image. Once the bad guys see through the illusion, they tend to ignore the ones that they believe are false. Also, turning into a second Grog the Dumdum barbarian will make the other guys think twice about going melee with your group.
Millions of's my favourite item in the game, by far.

The only item I'd drop the Hat of Disguise for is a Headband of Mental Superiority.

Cloak of Displacement
Useful, considering how often you'll be drawing attention to yourself.

Belt of Dexterity
The more Dex, the better... getting more and more attacks of opportunity to save your party members from their own misguided attempts to be heroes.

Eyes of Charming
Why WOULDN'T a fighter want these!?!? God...just look at me! I'm AWESOME! Capturing the heart of a maiden wouldn't seem right if you didn't have her father's blessings, or her soon-to-be ex-husband's blessing. Yes, you understood me just fine. Use them on the men to give up the women. You won't need to use magic to get women to swoon over you.
They're also useful for other things, but who cares.

Boots of Caltrops
Eventually you'll forget that you have caltrops in your possession, but with these boots you will learn to cherish the cries of anguish that you remember from your childhood as your mother stepped on your legos. In tandem with Combat Patrol or other movement based skills or feats... these boots are incredibly underrated and overlooked as a controller's best friend.

Bracelet of Bargaining
Another +5 to Bluff, Diplomacy and Sense Motive? Ok sure why not... you can never be TOO good at something, after all. Feinting in combat is going to be easier than making Grog jealous of your good looks with this item.

Deliquescent Gloves
Because like it or not... you do have to hit people once in a while as a fighter. A Glaive  that is suddenly corrosive is really fun. Also useful for shaking hands or rubbing in the eyes of casters, and even leaving a mark on a wall as you walk by in case you have no chalk.

That's about it... everything here was off of the D20pfsrd site and constructed in about two hours. The most important part about this build is that the character should be played like an arrogant ass. Because he is.

Hope you enjoy it, I look forward to feedback!
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 01:22:47 PM by Goongalagoo »

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2014, 12:55:51 AM »
Over 60 views and not a single comment, positive or negative?
No criticisms at all?
I'm kinda disappointed.

Offline Lo77o

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2014, 07:11:57 PM »
Iv read it 3 or 4 times now.. and i still dont know what im looking at.

Offline Goongalagoo

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2014, 07:35:58 AM »
I don't know how I could be more descriptive with it.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2014, 03:19:22 PM »
I'm not a Lockdown guy, but I see a few things that would boost one of those. 

I'm not a PF guy, but those magic items came from somewhere.
The party wizard "cowering" in the corner, or a magic mart,
or the monsters without either the right feats or CLs.

Level 1 Kobold on a ledge just outside your improved reach
with cover and 1 more ranged feat than you have.
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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2014, 03:52:09 PM »
This is... PF?  I guess it's an OK fighter?

When I hear "Charismatic fighter with a Brain," I think Bard, not Fighter.

Offline Goongalagoo

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2014, 09:34:58 PM »
The idea behind it, is to be the lockdown fighter who can protect party members, and reposition his allies when they need it.
It was inspired by a discussion, where someone was insisting that it was impossible to make a Charisma based fighter.
So I opened the SRD and starting searching for ways to make the best Charismatic fighter I could.

It isn't a high damage build, until you take into account that he can get a ridiculous number of attacks in a round, based on attacks of opportunity.
Since his threat range is so wide, the enemies can't even move or he hits them.
If they stand still, he hits them too.

The Kobold out of range is a bit of an issue, but hopefully there's someone in the party who can do some ranged damage, like the mage.

It is indeed a Pathfinder build.
Everything on this build is easily referenced on

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2014, 07:36:21 PM »
If you want a charismatic fighter, you should be looking at the Bard class, Paladin class, Oracle class, or you can take Path of War's Warlord class if your group is okay with Dreamscarred Press content (which they should be, considering DSP is the only reason you might want to play Pathfinder).

Now, onto your build, that build is total fucking shit. I mean absolute shit. You're playing a fighter who invested in mental stats over physical stats and invested in skill feats over combat feats. The end result is that you're terrible at combat but at least you make an okay party face. Shoulda rolled a Bard then. You'd've done much better on both fronts that way. All you have is feints and AoOs but feints use up actions and AoOs are made without any damage or attack behind and you are really praying your enemies will provoke AoOs from you. If you really want to play a Charisma & Int based fighter it's doable but not with that setup. Holy shit, I just saw Combat Patrol, thanks for reminding me to post it to our Worst Pathfinder Feats thread, thanks. I notice no Weapon Finesse feat with your dexterity-based melee fighter either.

Also you have repositioning property on your glaive? Are you for real? That's a +3 property that gives you a +2 enhancement bonus on reposition checks (and free reposition attempts on crits). Lets put this into perspective: You already get an enhancement bonus on combat maneuver checks from your weapon's enhancement bonus, enhancement bonuses do not stack, and just to get the Repositioning property you already have a +1 weapon, which means AT MOST this will give you +1 to reposition attempts (because you have a +2 enhancement bonus competing with your weapon's innate +1), but if you just got it up to a +4 weapon instead you would have a +4 enhancement bonus to the combat maneuver. That's how disgusting awful it is. If you really want a high combat maneuver bonus, you want the Dueling (+1 bonus cost) property from the PFS field guide, which adds double your weapon's enhancement bonus as a luck bonus to all combat maneuver checks except bull rush, grapple, overrun, drag, or steal - note: the reposition is not one of these - which means a +3 Dueling weapon would give you a +9 to reposition attempts instead of your disaster of a +1 repositioning weapon.

Breastplate of Command is overpriced for what it does. Ring of Friend Shield is dubious to me. It's a 2nd level spell with hours of duration and you're charisma based. Put a magic trait in Dangerously Curious (+1 trait to UMD and UMD is now a class skill), skill that UMD a bit, and invest a plain wand of Shield Other instead if you really want the spell. Now it's a 4500 gold item instead. You'll have to stay within 30 feet but it's still much better. The real use of a Friend Shield ring is to have an out-of-combat minion with insane hp and regeneration permanently take half your damage for you. If you're both going to be in combat, might as well Shield Other. Correction: Shield Other is a Paladin spell. You don't need UMD for it either. Just get a 2nd level Pearl of Power or two and cast it from your prepared slot.

If you're looking for a Charisma-based Fighter, you'll want the Antagonize and Cornugon Smash feats. You should also get Dangerously Curious trait to make your UMD get a +1 bonus and become a class skill. Now you can use scrolls and wands in combat. If you're going for combat maneuvers, I'd also strongly recommend Lore Warden archetype over Tactician.

Heck, what level is this build supposed to be? I notice you charted 20 levels but I'm guessing you're not starting at that level.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 07:01:45 PM by Power »

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2014, 05:50:24 PM »
clicked links ... oh, so that's your PF version of the SRD + goodies.
And following their terms too.
Your codpiece is a mimic.

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2014, 06:25:56 PM »
Iv read it 3 or 4 times now.. and i still dont know what im looking at.

This. Lmao so much this.  :lol
I appreciate the logical, cool-headed responses and the lack of profanity displayed by our community.

Offline Goongalagoo

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2014, 02:08:04 AM »
If you want a charismatic fighter, you should be looking at the Bard class, Paladin class, Oracle class, or you can take Path of War's Warlord class if your group is okay with Dreamscarred Press content (which they should be, considering DSP is the only reason you might want to play Pathfinder).

The discussion that brought this forth, was that it was claimed to be impossible to make a charisma based Fighter. Not a charisma based Bard.
Also, it's all core material, no 3pp.
Anyone can make a broken 3pp character, that takes no thought process at all.

Now, onto your build, that build is total fucking shit. I mean absolute shit. You're playing a fighter who invested in mental stats over physical stats and invested in skill feats over combat feats.
You missed the part about a Charisma based fighter, I think.

The end result is that you're terrible at combat but at least you make an okay party face. Shoulda rolled a Bard then.
The challenge was to build a charisma based fighter though.
You'd've done much better on both fronts that way. All you have is feints and AoOs but feints use up actions and AoOs are made without any damage or attack behind and you are really praying your enemies will provoke AoOs from you. If you really want to play a Charisma & Int based fighter it's doable but not with that setup. Holy shit, I just saw Combat Patrol, thanks for reminding me to post it to our Worst Pathfinder Feats thread, thanks.
Well combat patrol increases my threat range by 20 feet... which can be used to... waitasec...let me bold something here...
I notice no Weapon Finesse feat with your dexterity-based melee fighter either.
Benefit: With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.

Are you fucking kidding me?
You don't even know how Weapon Finesse works.

The rest of your entire post has just hit the trash bin, under the category of "this mouthy little windbag just likes to hear himself talk"

Also you have repositioning property on your glaive? Are you for real? That's a +3 property that gives you a +2 enhancement bonus on reposition checks (and free reposition attempts on crits). Lets put this into perspective: You already get an enhancement bonus on combat maneuver checks from your weapon's enhancement bonus, enhancement bonuses do not stack, and just to get the Repositioning property you already have a +1 weapon, which means AT MOST this will give you +1 to reposition attempts (because you have a +2 enhancement bonus competing with your weapon's innate +1), but if you just got it up to a +4 weapon instead you would have a +4 enhancement bonus to the combat maneuver. That's how disgusting awful it is. If you really want a high combat maneuver bonus, you want the Dueling (+1 bonus cost) property from the PFS field guide, which adds double your weapon's enhancement bonus as a luck bonus to all combat maneuver checks except bull rush, grapple, overrun, drag, or steal - note: the reposition is not one of these - which means a +3 Dueling weapon would give you a +9 to reposition attempts instead of your disaster of a +1 repositioning weapon.
A repositioning weapon grants the wielder a +2 enhancement bonus on combat maneuver checks to reposition a foe.

Can you please actually read the items before looking stupid?

Breastplate of Command is overpriced for what it does.
Yeah it was just for the leadership score, to be honest. There's better items...armour of displacement would be better, taking Awaken's example into account, regarding the kobold.

Ring of Friend Shield is dubious to me. It's a 2nd level spell with hours of duration and you're charisma based. Put a magic trait in Dangerously Curious (+1 trait to UMD and UMD is now a class skill), skill that UMD a bit, and invest a plain wand of Shield Other instead if you really want the spell. Now it's a 4500 gold item instead. You'll have to stay within 30 feet but it's still much better. The real use of a Friend Shield ring is to have an out-of-combat minion with insane hp and regeneration permanently take half your damage for you. If you're both going to be in combat, might as well Shield Other.
Because dropping my glaive to use a wand is better than activating a ring that's already in my hand...and the ring has unlimited use, compared to a wand?
If you're looking for a Charisma-based Fighter, you'll want the Antagonize and Cornugon Smash feats. You should also get Dangerously Curious trait to make your UMD get a +1 bonus and become a class skill. Now you can use scrolls and wands in combat. If you're going for combat maneuvers, I'd also strongly recommend Lore Warden archetype over Tactician.
Neither of those feats can use the glaive, there is no Power Attack in the build to get Cornugon Smash, and Antagonize is cancelled once the target realizes that to get to me, he'd have to run by the rest of the party. Also, the Dangerously Curious trait would mean dropping one of the two traits that make this build possible.
Heck, what level is this build supposed to be? I notice you charted 20 levels but I'm guessing you're not starting at that level.
It's a full build progression... have you ever played this game before?
I'm guessing not, since you don't understand basic feats like Weapon Finesse, and you think that a glaive fighter with Whirlwind Attack and 7 attacks of opportunity in a 110 foot diameter, isn't going to do any damage at all.

tl-dr; Change out the Breastplate for Armour of Displacement so arrows miss more.


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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2014, 03:39:07 AM »
If you want a charismatic fighter, you should be looking at the Bard class, Paladin class, Oracle class, or you can take Path of War's Warlord class if your group is okay with Dreamscarred Press content (which they should be, considering DSP is the only reason you might want to play Pathfinder).

The discussion that brought this forth, was that it was claimed to be impossible to make a charisma based Fighter. Not a charisma based Bard.
Also, it's all core material, no 3pp.
Anyone can make a broken 3pp character, that takes no thought process at all.
Don't lump Dreamscarred Press in with the rest of the 3rd party developers.

You missed the part about a Charisma based fighter, I think.
Being a Charisma-based Fighter does not mean you should go burn your feats on skill checks unless there's something really special about those feats or skills. Just getting your skill checks higher at the price of feats is generally pretty bad.

The challenge was to build a charisma based fighter though.
Yes, and you're failing it when the Bard does your shit so much better so easily. You'd have to prove there's a point to doing this as a Fighter, I reckon.

Well combat patrol increases my threat range by 20 feet... which can be used to... waitasec...let me bold something here...
You can't feint and combat patrol. Combat Patrol is a full-round action. Feint is a standard or move (Improved Feint) action. If you sneak in a feint as a swift action I guess you can do that, but otherwise you've got feats working at cross purposes. Not a good idea. Not to mention Combat Patrol is the kind of feat that sacrifices your full attack just to get a few more AoOs. There might be a few specialized builds that would take advantage of this, but this is definitely not a good one.

Benefit: With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.

Are you fucking kidding me?
You don't even know how Weapon Finesse works.
Jumping to conclusions doesn't make you look smart. Your build is MAD as fuck. Combat maneuvers with dex maximization and no agile maneuvers or weapon finesse? Sure, staying str-based is fine, but then you shouldn't go crazy on the dex, which I guess competes with your super AoO build idea. If you want a reach weapon with weapon finesse, by the way, you could use the whip with Improved Whip Mastery.

The rest of your entire post has just hit the trash bin, under the category of "this mouthy little windbag just likes to hear himself talk"
Your build is shit. I call it shit. What were you expecting?

A repositioning weapon grants the wielder a +2 enhancement bonus on combat maneuver checks to reposition a foe.

Can you please actually read the items before looking stupid?
Right back at you. Did you not understand what I said? No? Then here's some more reading for you:
Quote from: Combat Maneuvers
When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects. These bonuses must be applicable to the weapon or attack used to perform the maneuver.
Quote from: Dueling property
A dueling weapon bears magical enhancements that makes it particularly effective at performing certain combat maneuvers. When a dueling weapon is used to perform a combat maneuver that utilizes the weapon only (see below), it grants a luck bonus equal to twice its enhancement bonus on the CMB check made to carry out the maneuver. The dueling weapon also grants this same luck bonus to the wielder’s CMD score against these types of combat maneuvers. These combat maneuvers include disarm and trip maneuvers, but not bull rush, grapple, or overrun maneuvers. If you’re using the additional combat maneuvers in the Advanced Player’s Guide, this also includes any dirty trick maneuvers that utilize the weapon, as well as reposition combat maneuvers, but not drag or steal combat maneuvers. Note that this luck bonus stacks with the weapon’s enhancement bonus, which in and of itself adds to CMB checks normally.
Quote from: Pathfinder Glossary
Bonus: Bonuses are numerical values that are added to checks and statistical scores. Most bonuses have a type, and as a general rule, bonuses of the same type are not cumulative (do not “stack”)—only the greater bonus granted applies.
Enhancement bonuses do not stack, dumbass. Repositioning: It's terrible! If you were to houserule that Repositioning adds the enhancement bonus on top of the weapon's regular enhancement bonus (note: no such provision in the repositioning property exists. Check the text. As written, these bonuses clearly compete.), it would still be damn bad, though not so completely useless as it is now. Swap it out, make it a Dueling weapon instead.

Yeah it was just for the leadership score, to be honest.
...There isn't even a Leadership feat listed on your build.

Because dropping my glaive to use a wand is better than activating a ring that's already in my hand...and the ring has unlimited use, compared to a wand?
As I mentioned, it has hours of duration; that means you do not need to activate it in combat. Use wand once: It lasts 3 hours! The ring costs more than 11 wands put together. Do you need more than 550 uses? Also, you should really consider getting UMD if you want to present an argument for the Charisma-based Fighter being viable.

Neither of those feats can use the glaive, there is no Power Attack in the build to get Cornugon Smash, and Antagonize is cancelled once the target realizes that to get to me, he'd have to run by the rest of the party. Also, the Dangerously Curious trait would mean dropping one of the two traits that make this build possible.
Well as you can tell, I am suggesting rebuilding this character and taking Power Attack. And getting UMD on your charisma-based fighter is strongly recommended. It gives him a crazy huge bag of tricks and makes a decent argument for that charisma on your fighter. Only the intimidate effect gets cancelled from antagonize, not the diplomacy effect, and only if it cannot attack you without harming itself - but - if the effect is cancelled, you are allowed to make another intimidate check as an immediate action to extend the duration by 1 round. Also, you realize your own build lists Antagonize?

It's a full build progression... have you ever played this game before?
That's my question for you. Full build progressions are unrealistic, and some builds are much stronger at certain levels than others. That's why when we build, we build for specific levels.

Whirlwind Attack and 7 attacks of opportunity in a 110 foot diameter, isn't going to do any damage at all.
Glaives don't threaten in the 0-10 range when large size, but you can cover it with another attack. Also, you don't get both. If you combat patrol for extra 20 feet radius you burned your full round action. If you're doing whirlwind attack, you don't get combat patrol.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 04:09:28 AM by Power »

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2014, 02:22:05 PM »
Don't lump Dreamscarred Press in with the rest of the 3rd party developers.
It's 3pp. End of story.
Being a Charisma-based Fighter does not mean you should go burn your feats on skill checks unless there's something really special about those feats or skills. Just getting your skill checks higher at the price of feats is generally pretty bad.
It was to show that the fighter was versatile outside of fighting. Dropping feats solely into combat proves that the fighter is just a one trick pony.

Yes, and you're failing it when the Bard does your shit so much better so easily. You'd have to prove there's a point to doing this as a Fighter, I reckon.
The point was to make a Charisma based fighter who was just as useful outside of combat as he was in combat. The bard doesn't get as many attacks, his BaB is lower, and he can't cover as much ground as the fighter with a glaive.

You can't feint and combat patrol.
You don't have to. Just set up combat patrol when you start the fight, or once you get into your desired position, which is central on the field. Feint is pretty situational, and it's a move action with Improved Feint, which is part of this build. The way to play this character is to use him as a bodyguard and a deterrent for the enemies to close the gap on your casters and ranged characters. He isn't a front line damage dealing fighter. The idea is to use him to manipulate the battlefield in your favour.     
There might be a few specialized builds that would take advantage of this, but this is definitely not a good one.
Name one.

Jumping to conclusions doesn't make you look smart. Your build is MAD as fuck. Combat maneuvers with dex maximization and no agile maneuvers or weapon finesse? Sure, staying str-based is fine, but then you shouldn't go crazy on the dex, which I guess competes with your super AoO build idea. If you want a reach weapon with weapon finesse, by the way, you could use the whip with Improved Whip Mastery.
MAD... it depends on CHA for most skills. Int has to be 13 to make this build work, and Dex 14 will do just fine. Do you know what MAD means? You can use this with average stats. The whip is treated as a melee weapon with 15-foot reach, though you don't threaten the area into which you can make an attack. A glaive has 5 feet less, but you actually threaten those squares. It doesn't sound like you know this game very well.

Your build is shit. I call it shit. What were you expecting?
Useful criticism, perhaps some ways to improve upon the idea. Not, "just play a bard," or suggestions to make a Str based fighter, which is the complete opposite of what I was trying to accomplish.

Quote from: Combat Maneuvers
When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects. These bonuses must be applicable to the weapon or attack used to perform the maneuver.
Quote from: Dueling property
A dueling weapon bears magical enhancements that makes it particularly effective at performing certain combat maneuvers. When a dueling weapon is used to perform a combat maneuver that utilizes the weapon only (see below), it grants a luck bonus equal to twice its enhancement bonus on the CMB check made to carry out the maneuver. The dueling weapon also grants this same luck bonus to the wielder’s CMD score against these types of combat maneuvers. These combat maneuvers include disarm and trip maneuvers, but not bull rush, grapple, or overrun maneuvers. If you’re using the additional combat maneuvers in the Advanced Player’s Guide, this also includes any dirty trick maneuvers that utilize the weapon, as well as reposition combat maneuvers, but not drag or steal combat maneuvers. Note that this luck bonus stacks with the weapon’s enhancement bonus, which in and of itself adds to CMB checks normally.
Quote from: Pathfinder Glossary
Bonus: Bonuses are numerical values that are added to checks and statistical scores. Most bonuses have a type, and as a general rule, bonuses of the same type are not cumulative (do not “stack”)—only the greater bonus granted applies.
Enhancement bonuses do not stack, dumbass. Repositioning: It's terrible! If you were to houserule that Repositioning adds the enhancement bonus on top of the weapon's regular enhancement bonus (note: no such provision in the repositioning property exists. Check the text. As written, these bonuses clearly compete.), it would still be damn bad, though not so completely useless as it is now. Swap it out, make it a Dueling weapon instead.
Dueling: This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. A dueling weapon (which must be a weapon that can be used with the Weapon Finesse feat)
Please read the abilities before making suggestions. It was a good idea, right up to the point where I read it, and realized that it can't be used on a glaive.

Yeah it was just for the leadership score, to be honest.
...There isn't even a Leadership feat listed on your build.
Yeah I forgot that I swapped it out for something else. My bad. Displacement is better anyways.

As I mentioned, it has hours of duration; that means you do not need to activate it in combat. Use wand once: It lasts 3 hours! The ring costs more than 11 wands put together. Do you need more than 550 uses? Also, you should really consider getting UMD if you want to present an argument for the Charisma-based Fighter being viable.
Duly noted, that makes sense now that you point that out. Also wands might make him more dangerous, since he could actually grab one off of the wizard's belt if he has to, during a fight.

Well as you can tell, I am suggesting rebuilding this character and taking Power Attack. And getting UMD on your charisma-based fighter is strongly recommended. It gives him a crazy huge bag of tricks and makes a decent argument for that charisma on your fighter. Only the intimidate effect gets cancelled from antagonize, not the diplomacy effect, and only if it cannot attack you without harming itself - but - if the effect is cancelled, you are allowed to make another intimidate check as an immediate action to extend the duration by 1 round. Also, you realize your own build lists Antagonize?
I thought I swapped out Antagonize before posting it here.
Power attack wouldn't help him, it would sacrifice his bodyguard concept for a front line fighter concept, not the concept for this character build. The free intimidate would be great, but you'd have to sacrifice prerequisite feats to get it. Dropping Whirlwind attack would devastate this build. If he's in the center of the fight, whirlwind has a HUGE range with this build. That's his main offense at high level. Dropping Hermean Blood for Power Attack, then Skill Focus: Bluff, for Cornugon Smash might work, but then his Bluff drops by 9 and is no longer considered a class skill.

It's a full build progression... have you ever played this game before?
That's my question for you. Full build progressions are unrealistic, and some builds are much stronger at certain levels than others. That's why when we build, we build for specific levels.
It's a full doesn't matter if it's unrealistic to design for lvl 20. That's what build progressions are for. Building for lvl 12 is fine and dandy, but once you pass lvl 12, then you drop off because you optimized for a mid level campaign, and now you don't have the prerequisites for high level feats.

Glaives don't threaten in the 0-10 range when large size, but you can cover it with another attack. Also, you don't get both. If you combat patrol for extra 20 feet radius you burned your full round action. If you're doing whirlwind attack, you don't get combat patrol.
I guess I could have worded that better...Whirwind attack is offensive. AoO's in a huge range like that is a lot of damage. The build allows for the Glaive to have a HUGE threat range when you set yourself up at the beginning of the fight and maintain it. You could drop your Combat Patrol to go into offense with Whirlwind, and then take a round to set yourself back up for Combat Patrol again. It's about being versatile, and not being a low tier fighter who's just another one trick pony.

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2014, 04:17:33 PM »
Here's the thing with the repositioning weapon: Compare a +1 repositioning glaive with just a +4 glaive.
  • The +4 glaive provides a +4 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls, including combat manuevers. Total bonus from weapon to reposition: +4.
  • The +1 repositioning glaive provides a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls, including combat maneuvers. It also provides a +2 enhancement bonus while repositioning, which does not stack with the +1 general bonus (they're both enhancement bonuses). Total bonus from weapon to reposition: +2.
  • Repositioning is a +3-equivalent property, so the two weapons cost the same.
So, what does each weapon give you that the other does not?
  • Using the +1 repositioning glaive gives you the free reposition on a crit.
  • Using the +4 glaive gives you +3 more to ordinary attacks and damage, or +2 more when repositioning.
Unless you really, really need that free reposition on a crit, just a straight +4 glaive is better than a +1 repositioning glaive, even for repositioning. Even if your GM lets the enhancement bonuses stack on the repositioning weapon (which would be a house rule, but could happen), the +4 glaive is still better, by +1 when repositioning and +3 the rest of the time. This looks like a case where nobody at Paizo actually read their product before they published it.

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2014, 04:36:39 PM »
I don't really see this as much different than the "one trick pony" of a fighter that you keep calling out.

Really, it's kinda just like you added a juggling act to a balancing act. It's the same act, but with some extra pizazz on the side.

I think a good question would be; is this really so great a build that you would actually play it even if you know a different, better, and more fun trick?
Because all this thing can do is AoO the world and flash a twinkling smile on the side. I mean, Whirlwind attack is really not going to get used much, if at all, in a build like this, I can imagine.

Near the beginning where you're talking about the focus on can't Feint then Whirlwind attack so that'll never get used like that.
A "slough of AoOs" isn't really right either, because Feint only let's your next attack ignore their Dex modifier to AC. So that's just a single attack.

Your other listed reason for this build is the focus on flanking. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I might be as I don't know Pathfinder as well as D&D, but you can not provide flanking bonuses to allies when you use a reach weapon because you are not adjacent to the enemy or can't provoke adjacent squares with the majority of reach weapons. Flanking isn't just being on opposite sides of the enemy, both parties have to be adjacent to get the bonuses. Or only you get the flanking bonuses and your allies never do, but I believe you emphasized assisting your allies by wanting to provide them the flanking bonuses. So, this would also prevent the Outflank teamwork feat you've got from working most of the time. On top of needing some one else in the party to also have that same feat.

Ah, that above point suddenly lessens a bit as I finally notice the Gang Up feat you have in the build. But maybe only a little bit because as it's worded, every enemy is going to need at least 3 party members (including you) attacking it. So I don't know about your parties, but I don't generally see that kind of singular focus fire going on if there is a mob on enemies on the field simultaneously attacking everybody. Focusing an average of half the party on a single enemy at a time just so you can count as flanking for your allies is not very efficient.

Bodyguard doesn't seem like it'd be getting used much either as you state wanting this fellow to be in the center of the field. With your reach, your other melee allies are likely to not be adjacent to you very often, especially if you need two of them adjacent to an enemy in order for Gang Up to activate for you. Your ranged and casters are also likely to be on the edge of the battle rather than near you, who would likely be attracting too much hostile intention to stand beside you for this bonus.

The Stand Still option is really nice though. Like, I would have asked if something akin to Large And In Charge from D&D was in PF as it'd be perfect for this kind of build if I hadn't looked up or noticed what Stand Still was. Plus you don't have to be large so bonus there :p

Dazzling Display at 19 seems very very late as at that level, the penalty from being demoralized is pretty much negligible, in my opinion. You very likely could and maybe should replace with with something that synergizes off the rest of the build. I mean, you don't even have your Intimidate modifier listed, much less making any visible attempt to boost it like you as your Bluff and Diplomacy checks outside of obvious skill ranks.

Improved Critical for your Glaive at 20 is definitely far too late when you've been trying to crit enemies to grant free attacks to allies since level 4.
Oh, I just checked Glaive and it's a straight 20 to crit. If you're vying for bringing in the crits to provide more bonuses for your allies like you are, isn't there a reach weapon that have at least a 19-20 crit range that'd benefit from Improved Crit far far more than a glaive would?
Ah, like, I just found the Bardiche, which is the same damage and a 19-20. Only x2 instead of x3, but your aim is to crit to give allies free AoOs on your critted foes. Improved Crit on that would double your crit chance overall compared to the Glaive. Isn't that more helpful, overall? It even has a special bonus against being sundered for when the enemy gets pissed off at your stick and somehow makes it to you :p
The better crit range would also help your argument of needing the Repositioning weapon effect as you are far more likely to crit now than you were before, thus opening up far more chances to reposition enemies for free.

Or we could forego that and grab a guisarme and see if it's possible to work some free trip attempts when you attack. Standing up from being prone only helps provide even more AoOs and they're easier to hit in melee *shrugs* Just a thought.

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2014, 04:46:39 PM »
This looks like a case where nobody at Paizo actually read their product before they published it.
Sounds like Tuesday at Paizo.

Also, friendly reminder. These types of threads take character concept and houserules first, optimization second. It's the OP's character and s/he intends to experience the his/her game in his/her choice of manner. The OP is here because they have already admitted needing help and are seeking advice and tips to improve.

Getting pissed because you fucking fail at teaching or because you forgot who's character you're working on is your short coming, not there's.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 05:01:21 PM by SorO_Lost »

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2014, 04:56:21 PM »
It was to show that the fighter was versatile outside of fighting. Dropping feats solely into combat proves that the fighter is just a one trick pony.
Being a one-trick pony doesn't mean "your one trick is combat" it means "you only have 1 trick in combat" (in your case, AoOs). If you have a bunch of skill ranks (2 for fighter, +2 for lore warden/tactician, +1 for human, +1 for int, making 6 ranks/lvl - 8 if you have 14 int and put your favored class bonus into extra skills) you will already have a decent amount of non-combat utility with those skills. Also, overkilling a diplomacy skill does not make your fighter much better out of combat. Just ranks, items, and a solid charisma modifier should be enough. Usually you want to cover your bonus with items like Circlet of Persuasion and save your feats for combat utility. In its own way, your tendency to excessively focus on the skill check makes your character weaker which reduces the number of effective tricks at its disposal.

The point was to make a Charisma based fighter who was just as useful outside of combat as he was in combat. The bard doesn't get as many attacks, his BaB is lower, and he can't cover as much ground as the fighter with a glaive.
The bard gives the whole team huge buffs which also cover the lower BAB he has and help out the whole team like you were attempting with the tactician teamwork feats (Also he can cast coordinated effort which lets him share his teamwork feats). Also, covering the ground with combat patrol like you are seems rather dubious to me. I'm not saying you should redo this as a Bard if your challenge is to build this as a Fighter, as that would defeat the purpose of the challenge, but that you really don't want to make a Fighter who looks like a crippled Bard if you want to prove your case.

You don't have to. Just set up combat patrol when you start the fight, or once you get into your desired position, which is central on the field. Feint is pretty situational, and it's a move action with Improved Feint, which is part of this build. The way to play this character is to use him as a bodyguard and a deterrent for the enemies to close the gap on your casters and ranged characters. He isn't a front line damage dealing fighter. The idea is to use him to manipulate the battlefield in your favour.
So you invested into a feint you are unlikely to use. This does not sound like a good expenditure of resources. Also, you should consider getting alchemical items, scrolls, and wands if you want battlefield control.

Name one.
Bows and whips. Combat Patrol lets you make AoOs outright, so you could threaten with any weapon.

MAD... it depends on CHA for most skills. Int has to be 13 to make this build work, and Dex 14 will do just fine.
And you need Strength for your attacks and combat maneuvers, and Constitution if you're planning on tanking for your buddies and running that Shield Other, and if you dump Wis (which you have to at this stage, because you need the stats) you lose out on will save and perception. That means 5 stats. We call that MAD.

Do you know what MAD means? You can use this with average stats.
"Average" stats are the bane of MAD builds. It means you're not good at anything.

The whip is treated as a melee weapon with 15-foot reach, though you don't threaten the area into which you can make an attack. A glaive has 5 feet less, but you actually threaten those squares. It doesn't sound like you know this game very well.
Improved Whip Mastery lets your whip threaten (0-10 feet). Or you can just Combat Patrol and point out that Combat Patrol lets you make AoOs regardless of the fact that whips don't usually threaten AoOs, at which point your whip would use the default range of "wherever it can attack" .

Useful criticism, perhaps some ways to improve upon the idea. Not, "just play a bard," or suggestions to make a Str based fighter, which is the complete opposite of what I was trying to accomplish.
You need a combat stat either way, and for melee and combat maneuvers, strength is favored because it's attack, damage, and CMB out of the box. Dexterity can also be these things, but then you have Weapon Finesse, Agile property, and Agile Maneuvers putting you down 2 feats, 1 property, and limiting your weapon selection. You can also just choose to use both stats, but then you're looking at a rather weak stat to do what you want.

Dueling: This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. A dueling weapon (which must be a weapon that can be used with the Weapon Finesse feat)
Please read the abilities before making suggestions. It was a good idea, right up to the point where I read it, and realized that it can't be used on a glaive.
Actually, there are two melee weapon properties called Dueling (I don't know why either). You're looking at the wrong one. You want the one from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide, which I quoted above. It doesn't have a light weapon requirement, and it costs a +1 bonus, not a flat 14k gold.

Displacement is better anyways.
Can't find the displacement armor you're speaking of. Mind posting a link? There's a cloak of displacement though. Also, if you're using the Bodyguard feat to aid another to give allies AC, you should put the Benevolent property on your armor, so it adds your enhancement bonus to the AC your aid another gives.

Duly noted, that makes sense now that you point that out. Also wands might make him more dangerous, since he could actually grab one off of the wizard's belt if he has to, during a fight.
You should carry some wands and scrolls of your own, to be honest.

I thought I swapped out Antagonize before posting it here.
You shouldn't. The feat makes a strong argument for a charisma-based fighter. It makes enemies focus you, and not your allies. Also, you shouldn't overlook the diplomacy use of Antagonize.

Power attack wouldn't help him, it would sacrifice his bodyguard concept for a front line fighter concept, not the concept for this character build.
It sacrifices some attack for a lot of damage (-6 atk, +18 dmg at 20). That's it. Don't overthink it. You don't even need to make an attack action to get its benefit with AoOs.

The free intimidate would be great, but you'd have to sacrifice prerequisite feats to get it.
Voice of the Sybil is bad (you can't even feint with that Bluff bonus). Skill feats are dubious because items. You get Outflank for free at level 5 because Tactician gives you a bonus teamwork feat (so you still have a spare feat), although I think Outflank is a dubious feat because it takes effort to set up and I don't think it pays off (your allies don't have Gang Up to flank). If you go with Lore Warden over Tactician, you don't trade out the level 1 feat and get free Combat Expertise at level 2 so that's better feats for you. Improved Feint should get thrown out because I just don't see you really using feints. You've got full attack, Whirlwind Attack, and Combat Patrol all competing for your actions. Dazzling Display is a waste of a full-round action when you can Whirlwind Attack and Intimidate everyone in 20 feet with Cornugon Smash. It's 25 feet radius if are Large size, and it's only 2,500 gold to permanency an Enlarge Person buff on yourself (caution: it can still get dispelled - consider a ring of counterspells?) or you can get a Wand of Enlarge Person (750 gold, 1 min duration) or you can hope someone else will be kind enough to cast it on you. If you really want to do 30-foot radius intimidate, you could get a wand of Blistering Invective for 6K gold:
You unleash an insulting tirade so vicious and spiteful that enemies who hear it are physically scorched by your fury. When you cast this spell, make an Intimidate check to demoralize each enemy within 30 feet of you. Enemies that are demoralized this way take 1d10 points of fire damage and must succeed at a Reflex save or catch fire. Spell resistance can negate the fire damage caused by this spell, but does not protect the creature from the demoralizing effect.
Better than Dazzling Display.

Dropping Hermean Blood
is a good idea. If you really want those class skills, you can use the Cosmopolitan feat to get those skills and 2 bonus languages. Or you can take Additional Traits and use that for more class skills with a +1 trait bonus. Speaking of traits, you haven't mentioned what traits your build is using. Also, if you're grabbing a Skill Focus as a Human, you should swap out the racial bonus feat for Focused Study alternate racial trait because that will give you an extra skill focus feat at levels 1, 8, and 16 (3 skill focuses for the price of 1).

It's a full doesn't matter if it's unrealistic to design for lvl 20. That's what build progressions are for. Building for lvl 12 is fine and dandy, but once you pass lvl 12, then you drop off because you optimized for a mid level campaign, and now you don't have the prerequisites for high level feats.
It's still important because some builds are terrible until they suddenly pick up at high levels and other builds are only good until they get marginalized out at higher levels, and you don't want to be the guy at the table talking about how awesome he will be 5 levels from now because it's better to enjoy the game you're playing than to bug everyone fantasizing about the game you might be playing in the future. Also, the items you should be carrying change depending on what level you're at. Not everything scales cleanly.

Honestly, at level 20, you stand a very large chance of being a waste of space just because, as everyone knows, level 20 is the unquestioned holy ground of spellcasters. Better skill that UMD.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 09:39:36 PM by Power »

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2014, 06:13:32 PM »
This is... PF?  I guess it's an OK fighter?

When I hear "Charismatic fighter with a Brain," I think Bard, not Fighter.

When I hear that, i think Imbrudar
Riding a fancy lad of course.

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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2014, 09:05:16 PM »
Here's the thing with the repositioning weapon: Compare a +1 repositioning glaive with just a +4 glaive.
  • The +4 glaive provides a +4 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls, including combat manuevers. Total bonus from weapon to reposition: +4.
I hadn't actually considered that before. Thanks for that.

I don't really see this as much different than the "one trick pony" of a fighter that you keep calling out.
It offers you a lot more options in combat, than most straight up attack-kill fighter builds. Vital Strike builds are neat, but they only focus on getting in that one big hit for 200 dmg, and anyone can build that.

...all this thing can do is AoO the world and flash a twinkling smile on the side. I mean, Whirlwind attack is really not going to get used much, if at all, in a build like this, I can imagine.
Admittedly, WW attack is pretty situational. The whole concept is to become a wall of AoO that the enemy can't get past.
Near the beginning where you're talking about the focus on can't Feint then Whirlwind attack so that'll never get used like that.
A "slough of AoOs" isn't really right either, because Feint only let's your next attack ignore their Dex modifier to AC. So that's just a single attack.
With the feats listed, he gets AoO whenever anyone within his insane range makes more than a 5' move, among other situations. The AoO's are really the biggest thing about this build.
Your other listed reason for this build is the focus on flanking. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I might be as I don't know Pathfinder as well as D&D, but you can not provide flanking bonuses to allies when you use a reach weapon because...
Normally, no. 
Gang Up (Combat)
Benefit: You are considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two of your allies are threatening that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.

Other parts of the build allow the reach to threaten.

Bodyguard doesn't seem like it'd be getting used much either as you state wanting this fellow to be in the center of the field. With your reach, your other melee allies are likely to not be adjacent to you very often,...
Good point. I think that this would be a good feat to drop, in lieu of Power Attack or Cornugon Smash.

Dazzling Display at 19 seems very very late as at that level, the penalty from being demoralized is pretty much negligible, in my opinion. You very likely could and maybe should replace with with something that synergizes off the rest of the build. I mean, you don't even have your Intimidate modifier listed, much less making any visible attempt to boost it like you as your Bluff and Diplomacy checks outside of obvious skill ranks.
I didn't assume what stats the character would have. If I was basing this on a point buy, I would have. I'll do that for the next build. Dropping Dazzling Display for Cornugon Smash.
Improved Critical for your Glaive ..... /.......Bardiche, which is the same damage and a 19-20. Only x2 instead of x3, but your aim is to crit to give allies free AoOs on your critted foes....etc
Excellent idea.
Thank you for all those ideas, those are actually very helpful and much more useful than, "this build is complete shit" which isn't advice at all, but just childish nonsense.


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Re: A Charismatic fighter with a Brain...
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2014, 09:22:12 PM »
Excellent idea.
Thank you for all those ideas, those are actually very helpful and much more useful than, "this build is complete shit" which isn't advice at all, but just childish nonsense.

I was pretty hard pressed to not say that, but then it's more because I hate Pathfinder on principle and not because the build may or may not be good (or because PF may or may not have decent stuff)  :lmao

You're welcome :p