Ah, yes. Had overlooked the thing with the flying. It was described as "flying into the night after tearing out of the tower", and i thought skeletons kept their magical flight. Now that i looked up the draconomicon: skeletal dragons don't... yay... i can just levitate up and rain down death until no powerpoints left. Then somebody can finish it. Might work.
Which brings me to the second "chapter" of my rant: after that, i need to rest. Then let's say we open the tomb, fight the guardian... then i have to rest. The "fifteen"-minutes adventurer day in full action.
But ok, it isn't as difficult as i tought on first glance (Well, still depends it the dragon gets the drop on us while in reach for a full attack i guess, and if it wins initiative), or if the DM describes the encounter in a way that tells me: USE YOUR DAMN "detect psionics" or "touchsight"
Read a bit farther into the module though... taking a small keep. Looks weird too. It's funny that in that section it is explicitly stated that the mercenaries in the guardroom won't reinforce fights in the courtyard, when they hear fighting sounds.
"NYARGS... some kind of adventurers attack us"
"Fast, get help... GRAHHHH, my SPINE"
Mercenaries (40 feet and one wall away): "What was that? Eh, just our slavemasters whipping the slaves, i guess. What else could it be, some attack-force taking us out?"
"Wanna check it out?"
"Are you crazy? Keep sitting down and gamble until it is our turn... eh, i mean 'tis is nothing, ignore it"
(Through the closed door):
"Wow, those Ettins were pretty tough, wanna rest up and come back tomorrow?"
"Nah, i scryed in there, just some gnolls and some dude... lets teleport in and surprise them"
Also, the sergeant of the guards seem to have a deathwish. his quarters have a trap installed, crushing the first creature to enter. His key opens the door, but doesn't deactivate the trap. (Ok, i would say he knows how to deactivate it... but would you trust a falling rock trap to not go off falsely and do you trust yourself to never make a mistake?) Deadly traps in own living quarters: Weird stuff.