Also recall that you can't just make something and sell it by the boatload. The DM will, if half intelligent, have your flooding of a good affect the supply-demand, and thus the amount you can sell it for. Might even punish you for flooding the market and lowering the demandable price for such items. Just remember the rule of the internet, and apply it to the world where magic makes anything: if you can imagine it, someone else has already done it. Thus there has to be a reason why everything isn't pittifully cheap, collapsing the market. At level 1, it's doubtful a regulator will be beaten by you.
So come up with something that's value cannot be as easily determined. I liked the epic poem idea, but what I think really needs to happen is you spread yourself out with what you make, so you don't upset the balance of any one item, and thus you might be able to keep up your schtick for years, decades if your smart.
Then rename yourself Petyr Baelish and have done with it.