Pfff, Gameshark? I borrowed a Game Genie for my NES from my neighbour when I was a kid. Tried inputting random codes for a few games. For Super Mario Bros, I turned Mario green and he couldn't jump. Made Link invincible in Zelda 2. Nothing memorable in any of the other games, though.
What do I win?
An awesome-five for mentioning Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness.
So owners of the PC version of the game are capable of transferring MP3 files to a "Custom Soundtrack" folder in the game's source file. These tracks can be accessed in-game to play when the helicopter comes in, or as a casette tape on your iDroid.So I've been accumulating a series of music choices, some serious, others not so much. I felt that Dethklok's Hatredcopter was highly appropriate, for example.So, what music choices do you find particularly appropriate for the game, whether to play during missions or when the helicopter's summoned?
Going by what I've heard in a Let's Play, I'm going to assume you are talking about MGS5. I don't own the game, so I can't say what I do use, but I do like the idea of using the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance soundtrack for some of it.