Dread Necromancers are seriously Feat tight, check to see about Flaws.
To easily resist Turning, just pick up the Lifebond Feat (LM), it gives you +4 Turn Resistances and an additional +2 to all Saves while your 1HD zombie parrot sits on your shoulder.
Is Dragonlance splat allowed? Probably not, but it is official WotC endorsed so ask anyway. What you're wanting here is Age of Mortal's Undead Battery Feat on page 209. This lets you permanently drain HD from your zombies to power metamagics. Combined with commanding self producing undead, this gives you free Metamagic capabilities off a single Feat at the 1st level rather than having to wait for Incantatrix or Spelldancer. It also has the side effect of producing some of the most amazing glass cannons of wtf ever. Like take a 14 HD Hydra and drain all but 1 HD from it, repeat NI times, and shove them all in a bag of holding or something. When you're ready to go nuts just ask the Wizard to ready a Widened Mass Snake's Swiftness. Poof, thousands of bite attacks, give or take for range/area, to score as many natural 20s as it takes to drop your opponent.
Unearth Arcana offers a nice Wizard ACF, like Dread Necro and Desecrate any undead created gain +2hp/hd with no spell limitation. If such a person were to preform the Necropoliton ritual on you, you'd obtain 12.5hp per level which is pretty sizable.
Lords of Darkness has a couple useful Rituals, Ritual of Shadow Walking is by far one of the best for you. For 500gp & 2,000xp you permanently obtain the ability to supernaturally teleport 100ft. as a standard action. Technically each use deals con & HP damage, but your immune to the former and with Carnal Touch have infinite of the latter. Unlike Dimensional Door, you are not prohibited from taking actions afterwards either. You can also look into the Ritual of Dark Flames, 100gp & 1,200xp nets a 10ft ray of Negative enrgy. Costs 2 wis damage to use and deals 1d6 per HD you have (excellent for burst healing/damage), use a Wand of Lesser Restoration to heal the wisdom damage as needed.
Minions minions minions. We have handbooks on undead, read them. Zombies/Skeletons are not created equal. Hydras and Dragons tend to be among the best, but with Animate Dread Warrior even the fellow Warblade can be pretty useful.