Right then quick introductions:I go by the name Bribri (Brr-Eye), 29 years old, Male, Canadian. Bit of a lurker I'll admit but I'd like to be able to give my thoughts on things from time to time.
Been gaming since I was ten or so, and got more serious about it in my late teens. Been juggling 2-4 Campaigns a week since then (not the -same- 2-4 campaigns mind they come and go after all). Can't say I have a favorite system; having a 'let the system match the game' sort of philosophy; but I have the most experience with the various flavors of D&D simply because it's something I can depend on others knowing. Prefer chat-based games over live ones since the role playing tends to be stronger there.
Outside of that I'm nothing out of the ordinary in my hobbies:Steam games, the occasional anime, and western cartoon. Presently trying to get something out of university so we'll see how that goes.