So basically we have a Forgotten Realms game running right now and I'm playing a Paladin of Mystra looking for relics to return to reliquaries and protect. Think Indiana Jones in full plate. I started the character as a Crusader, and although the class was quite fun, I found that it didn't fit the concept quite like I would have liked. In addition I felt far more powerful than the rest of the group and I didn't want that to be a problem. So I have reworked the same character and concept into a paladin, with the rest of the party is a rogue, a ranger, a cleric, and a warlock.
I built him as a Mystic Fire Knight (makes sense) so I can learn and memorize arcane spells into my paladin slots. While with a paladin I would normally focus on a charger, I have opted to keep the mount and even made it celestial with the planar ACF instead of the Greater Dispel class feature. I'm getting to the point of dotting my Ts and crossing my Is, and thought I might swing by for a review.
Most specifically, I am unsure of my character's feats, and the feats of the mount. I am also really lacking options for ranged combat. Currently I am taking the 4th level MFN acf which trades turning for extra spells per level which will pay off more next level. I was thinking of exchanging that back out and then taking Magic Devotion to enable ranged touch attacks? I am also concerned with my character's ability to 'adventure'. He has no athletic or perception skills, so finding and recovering aforementioned relics could prove to be... awkward. I was hoping that some of you might see a few suggestions that I could work with.
Also, does anyone know of a divine prestige class which has full bab and casting advancement? Preferably with some interesting class features? That paladin well turns a bit dry after level six. My GM will let me advance my mount's HD by making him a leadership cohort later.
================ Devan of Mystra ================
Paladin 7
str 14 +2, dex 12 +1, con 16 +3, int 14 +2, wis 14 +2, cha 18 +4
Bab +7/+2
Fort 12 = Base 5 + Divine 4 + Constitution 3
Refl 07 = Base 2 + Divine 4 + Dexterity 1
Wisd 08 = Base 2 + Divine 4 + Wisdom 2
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Divine Grace
Aura of Courage
Divine Health
Celestial Mount
Lay on Hands (28)
Bonus Spells
Mystical Smite Evil 2/day No casting:(10 + Class + Charisma + Spell Level)
Human: Power Attack
1st: Mounted Combat
3rd: Battle Blessing
6th: Sword of the Arcane Order
==== SKILLS ====
Diplomacy (Cha) 5, Knowledge(Arcana) (Int) 10, Knowledge(Religion) (Int) 5, Ride (Dex) 10, and Sense Motive (Wis) 10, Spellcraft (Int) 10
==== SPELLS ====
1st 3/day
Divine Sacrifice, Rhino's Rush, Divine Favor, Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil
=Arcane Spell Book=
0 Detect Magic
0 Read Magic
0 Mage Hand
0 Message
0 Prestidigitation
1st Benign Transposition
1st Identify
1st True Strike
+1 Greatsword
+1 Full-plate
Ring of Sustenance
+2 Ring of Protection
================ Midnight ================
Celestial Heavy Warhorse
Large, Speed 50ft
Hit Points: 56, Hit Die:6d10
Armor Class: 22 = Base 10 + Dexterity 1 + Natural 8 + Armor 4 - Size 1
Fort 12 = Base 5 + Constitution 3
Refl 07 = Base 5 + Dexterity 1
Wisd 08 = Base 2 + Wisdom 2
Str 20, Dex 13, Con 17 3, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 6
Lowlight Vision, Scent, Darkvision (60)
Empathic Link, Share Spells, Share Saving Throws, Improved Evasion
Spell Resistance hd+5 (11)
Resistance Acid/Cold/Electricity 5
Damage Reduction 5/magic
Base Attack Bonus 6
Smite Attack 1/Day
Hoof +11 (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 Hooves +11 (1d6+5), and bite +6 (1d4+2)
== Skills ==
Balance 3, Jump 4, Listen 4
== Feats ==
Power Attack
Improved Bullrush
Awesome Blow
Chain Barding, Military Saddle, Saddlebags
Mounted Charge
Flanking with each other
Fighting Separately
triple charge (mount charge, translocate, evan charge, mount charge)