The one houserule that I've found to work well (for a lot of things, but it includes diminishing rocket tag) is just to switch to using 2d10 instead of d20. It makes for a much nicer probability curve, and defenses become much more reliable.
Enemies hit on a 2. That means they go from hitting 95% to 99%. Not exactly reliable. On the defense side at least. Characters that aren't bulking up their saves need more than an 11 to resist spells. They are now even less able to do so. The ones that do bulk up their saves resist spells more but then I said that already.
It reduces autohits and misses, and even more importantly, crits (which are always better for team monster than for players). It means that if you can get your defenses (whatever type they may be) up to point where you succeed on a 8 or better, you have a much, much higher chance of survival than when rolling a d20.
No, it doesn't do much against monsters that hit on a 2, but if you let one of your defenses lapse that hard in a high-op game without another way of countering, you deserve to die.
Against physical attacks, you don't have much of a choice. Reducing crits is nice, but you still have to eliminate them entirely to avoid damage spikes, and since the straight up damage is more reliable I wouldn't say you're any better off overall.
Oh and hitting on a 2 means to hit = target AC -2 or higher, not to hit = target AC + 19 or higher.
For all your bitching about Sunic, you are doing an excellent job of proving him right on all counts.
Paraphrased discussion upon learning that I was on this board:Sunic: Wait, you're dealing with those clowns? Don't waste your time, they're all mouth breathing fuckwits. Trying to educate them on high level play is like pearls before swine.
BB: It's not that I don't believe you, it's that I want to see for myself if they really are that bad.
Sunic: Suit yourself, but your faith in humanity will suffer for it.
If you were smarter, you wouldn't prove those who hate you right and turn others against you, others that initially had no problem with you. You'll respond to this by bitching some more about posters that don't care about you, and liken them to posters well on their way to ceasing to care about you instead of taking the point for what it is. I know that you will. And I know that you will not cease to nitpick about hypothetical dragon full attacks instead of focusing yourselves, because you really are that predictable.
That explains why most of the talent left though.