Then use Gate or Plane Shift.
Why would I use gate or plane shift? Teleport, etc, works (unless anyone here is saying it does not).
Though at the same time, since it's blocking everything magic, then the Initiate can't throw anything at you until he drops the Veil, no?
That's not the way we've been running it, and a look around the web seems to indicate most groups play it that all an Initiate's spells can pass outward.
And if I'm reading it right, all you need to do is cast Daylight to negate the Indigo Veil (apparently without even needing a higher CL than the PC as it is not mentioned thus assuming it'd work like Counterspelling where all you need if to cast the correct spell and you succeed without needing any rolls (except if doing so via dispel magic)).
This is true, however, Daylight wasn't something my foes of late have had prepared. Last night my giant Wizards did drop some Limited Wishes and Greater Shadow Evocations to get Daylight to drop that veil.... and then he'd just bring it up again as soon as he had another immediate or swift action.
Also, the violet veil isn't an auto-dispel, like the same color is in prismatic wall. The violet veil specifies it can be taken down by dispel magic, but only if you succeed at a dispel check. Hard to do with a Dispel Magic that is capped at +10; allowing Greater Dispel Magic helps, but it is a higher level spell, which the BBEG's have fewer of.
I thought you could just run through too... just need to make a save and eat some damage *g*.
So maybe some kind of VoP Monk... if that wizard is evil. Or some kind of other "I can fail no save"-npc. Or some kind of frenzied berserker who just doesn't care?
The Iot7FV is at a DC 25 for all his veils right now. Sure, I can build a foe to specifically have great saves, but damage isn't the issue, so a frenzied berserker tanking through isn't going to help:
Indigo Veil: This veil prevents the passage of all spells or spell-like abilities. Any creature crossing an indigo veil must succeed on a Will save or become confused, as if by an insanity spell. ...
Violet Veil: This barrier destroys all objects and effects that cross it, as if they were disintegrated. Living creatures passing a violet veil must succeed on a Will save or be shifted to a random place on a random plane (as the plane shift spell). ...
Even the CR 19 and 21 wizard foes that were facing the PC's only have Will saves of around +20; they can still fail those saves. And no matter what, all your equipment was just disintegrated, no save.
Have fun attacking the PC's with your hands.
I guess I need a wildshaped druid...
Both veils allow Will saves at a relatively average DC (18+Int) with no means to increase it AFAIK. It's not hard to build opponents that auto-pass that Will save and can just walk through the veils unmolested.
alternatively, it takes relatively low-level spells to bring down the veils. If the enemy knows about this character and his tactics he can just have around a couple of expendable minions with wands of Daylight (or Daylight prepared) and use some kind of multiple actions per round combo to Greater Dispel Magic and attack himself (at the most basic level, a Rod of Quicken or Celerity). If the enemy doesn't know about this character....let's just say that if an 18th level wizard comes after you and you don't know about it you're already dead.
Much of the time the foes have never seen the PC's before (they are currently exploring thousands of miles away from their normal stomping grounds), as was the case last night. The BBEG even had the PC's brought into a trap (the "throne room" was inside a Sudden Widened Dimensional Lock, and the whole level of the complex was under a Halaster's Teleport Cage. The foes were all Craa'ghoran Giants, so they could use Wall of Stone as an SLA 3/day each, to block the PC's in.) The PC's had gone exploring into the complex, and were willingly brought before the leader after being discovered (the PC's were looking for information), but the bad guys just had their normal spell allotments (not a special selection for PC's they'd never met), and the veils shut everything they had down. A spellcraft check recognized the veils for what they were, and I used what spells I could to knock the veils down, but four separate attempts to knock down the violet veil with dispel magic and greater dispel magic all failed (very poor rolls).
The only big gun that worked out well was Mordenkainen's Disjunction (I've altered it to still require CL checks, and items are merely made inert for 1d4 hours, like in Pathfinder). But the very next attack against them... and the veils come back up.
The bad guys basically spent 70% of their time trying to get around the veils, and once they did, they still had to contend with Greater Mirror Image + Displacement, etc. And then the veils came back up.