Hello folks! Some friends of mine are finally taking a shot at a Skaven adventure using Oslecamo's classes, which is great. I told them about them quite some time ago and they all just loved them so much that they've been included in pretty much every campaign world we've created since (especially after I sent a force of Skaven in as a villainous invading force upon their kingdom. THAT was fun!) Point is, everyone loves the Skaven.
So yeah. It's been decided that I'll be playing the Eshin Agent. The extra option feat doesn't apply to them, sadly, but they still have plenty of options so it should be fine. We're starting at level 5, so I was thinking of going for a Shuriken Poison Master approach. With the ability to throw 3 Shuriken as a standard action (by using a swift action), and the Poison Contract ability, my Skaven friend can dish out quite a lot of ability damage in a round, if the rolls are on his side. I was thinking of also grabbing the Net Mastery ability so I could at least try and contribute in the event that an enemy has Immunity to Poison or an arbitrarily high fortitude save.
My build ends up looking like this:
Skaven Eshin Agent 5
Str 12, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 8, Cha 12
Night Runner abilities: Rapid Shurikens, Sneaky Saboteur, Obscured Observer, Slinking Advance
Gutter Runner Ability: Shuriken Flurry
Assassin Ability: Sudden Shadow
For sixth level, I was thinking I would like to have Infernal Bombs for my next Assassin ability, but taking Vermin Pets and Snaring Net for two Gutter Runner abilities instead is also very, very tempting.
As for feats, I was actually considering taking Monster Blooded and Monster Hybrid with Drow to get the very nice synergy on ability score increases, the Shadow Assassin abilities, the utility SLAs, and the ability to wear clothes that can be enchanted as armour (since the Eshin Agent, of course, cannot wear armour).
So really, what do you guys think? Can I rejig this a bit to make it better? Maybe rejig it a lot? Are shurikens really stupid and I should look at something else? Is Drow a bad way to go? Have at me! Oh yes, and some suggestions as to what class direction to aim for afterwards would be much appreciated. As I have no sweet clue.
P.S. If you're reading this, Mr. Oslecamo, consider this a request for the Skaven Warlock Engineer.
P.P.S. Thanks to Raineh Daze for reminding me that the Drow Defensive Straps feat exists! Kill la Kill, yeah!