Been visiting these boards for years but this will be my first post.
I'm currently playing in a 3.5 ported Temple of Elemental Evil game. Currently running a Warlock but I have a feeling he won't last long due to how I play him (and the table top we play on apparently hates my dice...). We're lacking a true rogueish character in the party so I'm making a back up to fill that position if I lose this character.
I love the beguiler but I'm stuck on having some sort of damage option besides the Whelm line. I've looked at Extra Spell, DrMag Bloodlines, Arcane Disciple and magic items but I'm not finding anything that really stands out for me and that comes online early enough (I have a bad feeling that around 6th level I'll need a replacement). We're also limited to Core, PHB2, the Completes, Spell Compendium and Magic Item Compendium as our DM is new to DMing. I'd like to work Beguiler 19 or 20, not interested in Gish'ing. Also, I'm looking for an option that is effective vs Undead and the others that are hard to deal with for the class.
How would you work in a decent damage option to the Beguiler?
I'd love to hear some suggestions.
Thanks much,