I find it somewhat curious you've been editing that last post of yours for two days now.
Since, you're curious, I first posted this one to announce I'd look into it. Then after making the modifications to say it's done. I think once more because I adjusted it to remove the first level of free casting to make it fully dependent on Just for Laughs, then again to clarify intent and I'll edit it once more now because I just noticed a typo that annoys me. It took a while I think before the first edit since I couldn't find much time to work on it.
TaninjukiYoroitoshiI see what you mean. It is meant to be half bypasses for a swift. But if you spend a swift and a move and still can make some attacks they all gain full bypass. I'll rephrase it when I'll adjust the prc.
Immunity to precisionAlright. There are many angles to take care of it. One is that it could bypass precision immunity related to creature types and class abilities. It keeps gear immunity intact as an anti-ninja-glass-cannon defensive measure.
Another is to make it work only against creatures that are denied a Dexterity bonus to AC, so it can try to bypass the immunity with a swift action through a good Kasumi Gake.
Another is maintain full immunity piercing but put a limit on Kunai use. Either a daily limit, a 'per minute' limit or a cooldown after using it X times. Either way, this would provide some reliable immunity piercing (if you can hit) to a point but it would make Kasumi Suzaku less spammable.
A less interesting way is that it works only against those with an HD equal or lower than its own, as if everyone had some kind of lesser Improved Uncanny Dodge. There are certainly other alternatives but I'm trying to stick with the supernatural ninja monster thing that's good at trick-shooting out other supernatural monsters. As long as it stays in there somehow I'm fine with it.
Mischief ComboBefore I get to possible fixed, I'll explain how I tailored the ability:
You have a maximum of 3 combo at ECL 10. Getting more requires going into more tanuki prc that do not progress sneak attack. Maximum 4 combo at ECL 13, 5 at ECL 15, 6 at ECL 18 (if you don't take the capstone) and 7 at HD 20.
At HD 20 (or 21 if you take a second capstone) you could thus use all your Tanuki boosts once for free and have 1 combo left.
Alternatively, you could make a Yami Shigure with 6 extra attacks. Either way, you spend all your combo and then you're stuck getting 1 combo per round for the rest of the encounter.
If it doesn't get more tanuki prc levels, then 3 combo is all it'll ever have. It won't scale. 2 additional attacks with a Yami Shigure once every 3 rounds (as opposed to the usual 1d4 rounds) isn't that OP.
I don't think that is too powerful. It is similar to getting an extra round of action once per encounter but you cannot use the actions in whichever way you want. I considered making some of those abilities scale into free actions (Change Shape, Kasumi Gake, Yoroitoshi) but I preferred to unite them in a combo system for this class that puts a limit to how free they can get.
Suggested fix:What I can certainly do though is further limit what those combo-free-actions can be. Like removing certain options like Kobi Ori, Raida and/or Sake Affinity from the list.
Else/and I could make it so that each free action option can only be done once per round but I don't really see the point when comparing the benefit vs the cost.
3x Kasumi Gake can be redundant vs 1 boosted Kubi Ori unless you're fleeing blindly or something.
3x Change shape for ...huh. Usually 1 is enough.
3x Kubi Ori is harder to spam without getting the required move action to start it somewhere else, like a mix of Kubi Ori and Kasumi Gake or spending another combo to boost it as well.
3x Raida can be nice if you're a good grappler. Sneak attack dice progression takes a hit if you get more tanuki prc levels to increase your combo maximum though.
3x Sake Affinity can be a good instant buffer if it was invested in. Can be pretty nice if you don't really rely on all the other stuff.
2x Yoroitoshi is nice if you need the actions for something else but it is still a big hit on the combo count for a 1 round buff.
Open to suggestions as always. I'll get to rewriting it tonight.