All of these are open to discussion, so please nudge me if you'd like.
Big one: If a player wants, he can, instead of playing using only classes, choose to start as any undead creature that fits within the restrictions above (moderate optimization, Tier 3, level 3). Undead Monster classes from Libris Mortis, are, of course, open. If it's an unintelligent undead, Awaken Undead might be lying around waiting to be used...
- No PHB Classes (I think they're terribly balanced)
- No Unearthed Arcana
- Homebrew allowed - talk to me first, even if it's one of mine.
- Player race must be undead - see the setting info for reasons why
- Point buy or array will be determined once we have enough PCs to start the campaign.
- Any WotC book is allowed, just ask me first about the specific material desired
Libris Mortis will be used liberally throughout this campaign, for obvious reasons.