I play TWFers a lot. It just tends to happen lol.
For a non-optimized build that works great as both a tank and a dps I've got a kickass dwarf named Axejack Jackfist. He's all about axes and bears.
Arctic Dwarf (UA alternate version has huger Con boost, a Str boost, but a massive Dex penalty at -6
Ranger 6 (TWF/Improved for free because I do not have dex on this build and the race has a kickass penalty to Dex)
Deepwarden 2 (For Con to AC)
Fighter 2 (For feats)
Barbarian 1 (For rage. I'm a STR focused TWFer and I get Con to AC. Hell yeah I'ma dip barbarian. Totem for bonus points)
Beastmaster 1 (Optional. I wanted more pet after I awakened my wolf, gave it Totemist levels (Incarnum) and wanted another bear when said wolf became my Leadership cohort)
Great Rift Skyguard for the rest (because jumping off the back of an airborne hippogriff and Pouncing from hundreds of feet in the air and then not taking any damage from the fall and screaming "AXES FROM ABOVE!!!!")
Most important feat in this was Oversized Two Weapon Fighting to run with TWFing Dwarven Waraxes cause 1d10s
But really, I imagine most TWFing builds get a lot better damage output if you pick up Oversized TWF. And Pounce is just bonus points on top. Any means to get TWF for free (I'd say at least Ranger 2 then toss Gloves of Balanced Hand for Improved for free without losing out on better class options from whatever else you're gonna throw into the build).