I'm tossing around a few different ideas for a shadowpouncing build. So far I have a few ideas, and I'm looking for suggestions as to what is the best route. All WotC sources allowed, fractional BAB and saves in effect, 6 extra base skill points per level. I'm going for between tier 3/4, I don't think I'd be able to get higher with the current plans. That will suffice for the goal, anyway, mostly being strong in melee an being able to contribute in some other strange ways.
I plan to go Necropolitan Human, maybe Dark Necropolitan Human if I have enough XP. I will definitely perform the Ritual of Shadow Walking.
There's, of course, a standard Swordsage 5/Totemist 2/Teflammar Shadowlord X/Something(s) else X. Haven't finished the plan here, obviously, so any help closing the build would be appreciated. The something(s) else would probably be more swordsage and other crap, but I'm not sure yet.
Then I had a (maybe?) unusual idea, Rogue 3/Totemist 2/Trapsmith 1/Swiftblade 1/Teflammar Shadowlord 4/Swiftblade 8/Swordsage 1. I threw in Trapsmith for entry to Swiftblade, then used Swiftblade 1 to snag Spring Attack for TS entry. This one will lack a little in the maneuver options, obviously, but Swiftblade is so awesome that I am not sure I'd miss them. I'd like to be able to spread out the spellcasting levels gained between Trapsmith and TS...I don't know if I can based on the RAW, though. It reads that:
If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a swiftblade, they must decide which class gains each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
emphasis mine. I'd probably use most of the levels on Trapsmith for more haste...
What are the opinions of these two builds? Trapsmith and TS Spellcasting aren't awesome things to progress that far, but Swiftblade is still very good regardless. Maneuvers are...well...maneuvers, and are useful.