Hey all. I have a few spells that I can't quite figure out if they can be persisted or not. I've gone ahead and organized them by book to make it easier to find. I'll update the list as needed if we can come to a consensus on it.
Book of Vile Darkness:
False Sending
Champions of Ruin:
Complete Arcane:
Cloud Chariot
Complete Scoundrel:
Scry Location
Divine Masters:
Dragon #308:
Cheat Death (pg 24)
Electrified Lair (pg 22)
Expel from Lair (pg 24)
Dragon #345:
Telepathic Strike (pg 78)
Exemplars of Evil:
Friendly Fire
Forgotten Realms- Wyrms of the North- Felgolos:
Frame Teleport
Fury in the Wastelands:
Create Black Orc
Libris Mortis:
Necrotic Scrying
Lords of Darkness:
Phantom Plow
Player's Guide to Faerûn:
Tree Healing
Player's Handbook:
Arcane Eye
Shadow Conjuration
Shadow Conjuration, Greater
Shadow Evocation
Shadow Evocation, Greater
Races of Eberron:
Touch of Jorasco
Races of the Dragon:
Hoard Life
Spell Compendium:
Eyes of the King
Replicate Casting
Tower of High Sorcery:
Arcane Eye, Greater