Author Topic: Unseelie Dullahan  (Read 8848 times)

Offline Rakoa

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Unseelie Dullahan
« on: April 12, 2014, 06:35:25 PM »
Unseelie Dullahan

Level   Bab   Fort   Ref   Will   Feature

1   +0   +2   +0   +2           Unseelie Body, Stat Boosts, Spine Whip, Fiendish Mount, Death's Calling
2   +1   +3    +0   +3            Head Throw, Unseelie Defences
3   +2   +3    +1   +3            Hideous Grin, Blood Splash
4   +3   +4    +1   +4            Sightstealer, Enhanced Whip
5     +3    +4    +1   +4             Unstoppable Advance, Grave Return
6     +4    +5   +2    +5             Master of the Whip, Frightful Presence
7     +5    +5   +2    +5             Wagon of Death

Skills: 6+int modifier per level, quadruple at 1st level. Its class skills are Climb, Concentration, Craft, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Ride, Spellcraft, and Spot.

Proficiencies: Simple weapons, martial weapons, and all armour (but not shields).


Unseelie body: At first level loses all other racial bonus and gains fey traits (basically low light vision). The Unseelie Dullahan is a medium sized fey with base speed 30 feet. His decapitated head may make bite attacks as a primary natural attack (1d6+str mod). If the head ever leaves his grasp, it teleports back into his hand immediately. This teleportation cannot be stopped by any means. Any damage the head takes is healed at the end of the round as long as the Unseelie Dullahan's body lives (HP=Unseelie Dullahan's max HP, AC 12, size tiny). The Dullahan may never use this hand for anything except holding the head. Should the Unseelie Dullahan die, the head dies with it.

The Unseelie Dullahan lacks a head and neck slot for magic items.

Stat Boosts: At every level of this class, the Unseelie Dullahan gains +1 Str and +1 Cha, for a total of +7 Str and +7 Cha.

Spine Whip: The Unseelie Dullahan begins play with a whip made from the spine of a human (or other humanoid race). It is a masterwork whip that deals damage regardless of the armour or natural armour of the attack target, and damage done is always lethal. An Unseelie Dullahan wielding a Spine Whip threatens any square he can attack into, and can attack adjacent creatures without provoking an attack of opportunity.

If this Spine Whip is lost, the Unseelie Dullahan can create another from the corpse of a creature killed while affected by his Death's Calling ability (or killed by it). This takes one day, but is otherwise free. A Dullahan can only have one Spine Whip in his possession at a time.

Fiendish Mount: The Unseelie Dullahan gains the service of a Heavy horse from another plane. It can be called from it's home plane as a standard action, and dismissed as a swift action. It can be called as a Full-Round action as well, in which case it appears beneath the Unseelie Dullahan, already mounted. It gains benefits as if the Unseelie Dullahan was a Paladin of level equal to his HD+4, and it the special mount. In addition, the Mount gains special abilities as follows. These benefits only apply if the Unseelie Dullahan is riding the Mount.
At 1HD, the Mount grants the Unseelie Dullahan Mounted Combat as a bonus feat. The Unseelie Dullahan does not need to meet the pre-requisites for this feat, or any other feat with Mounted Combat as a pre-requisite.
At 3HD, the Mount becomes a Heavy Warhorse regardless of whether the Dullahan is riding it, and grants Ride-By Attack to the Unseelie Dullahan as a bonus feat.
At 5HD, the Mount gains the Fiendish Template regardless of whether the Dullahan is riding it, as well as a flight speed equal to it's base land speed.
At 7HD, the Mount and the Unseelie Dullahan share AC bonuses with each other. Bonuses of the same kind do not stack.
At 9HD, the Mount and the Unseelie Dullahan share their other defences (such as SR, Fast Healing, DR, Regeneration, etc), and any that the Dullahan posses increases by +2.
At 11HD, the DC of the Unseelie Dullahan's abilities increases by 1 per 4HD of the Mount.

If killed, the Mount's corpse returns to it's home plane after 1 minute, where it begins to regenerate. After 24 hours, the Mount may be called again. Any equipment it carried at the time of it's disappearance is taken with it, and regenerates as well.

Death's Calling: The Unseelie Dullahan has been known to speak the names of mortals and watch as they die. The Unseelie Dullahan automatically knows the name of any creature which it can detect. In the case of Undead, the Unseelie Dullahan knows their name as it was in life. If the creature is a construct, the Unseelie Dullahan knows the name of the elemental spirit occupying the body. As a standard action, the Unseelie Dullahan may speak the name of a creature within 60 ft, +10 ft/HD. The target must make a fortitude save (DC 10+1/2HD+Cha mod). If the target succeeds, it can not be affected by this ability for 24 hours. If it fails, it suffers penalties as outlined below They are cumulative.
At 1HD, the target automatically fails all checks to stabilize when below 0 HP, and all critical hits automatically confirm. This can be removed with a Remove Curse spell.
At 2HD, the target is Shaken for 24 hours.
At 4HD, any caster attempting to heal the target must succeed on a caster check equal to 15+the Dullahan's HD or the spell has no effect. This can be removed with a Remove Curse spell.
At 6HD, the target is Frightened for 1 round per HD, and then Shaken for 24 hours.
At 8HD, if all Unseelie Dullahan levels were taken, the target dies or is destroyed upon a failed save.
At 10 HD, even on a successful save, you can still pick two effects for the target to suffer from. Neither choice can be the 8HD ability.

Enemies immune to this ability must still save, though they receive a +5 bonus on their saving throw. The Dullahan may use effects as if he had a lower Hit Dice, should he so choose. Targets killed by this ability, or killed while under it's effect, cannot be ressurected by mortal means while the Dullahan still lives.

Head Throw: The Unseelie Dullahan is always carrying it's own decapitated, grinning head in it's offhand. At second level, the head can leave the Dullahan's grasp for long enough to be thrown as a ranged attack with a range increment of 60 ft. At 4 HD, the head can be thrown at any enemy within line of sight, delivering it's bite attack on a success. The head then burns into blue flame, reappearing in a burst of flame in the Unseelie Dullahan's hand. At 6HD, enemies struck must succeed on a Will save (DC 10+1/2HD+Cha mod) or be teleported with the head into a square adjacent to the Unseelie Dullahan. An enemy that succeeds on this saving throw cannot be affected again for 24 hours.

Unseelie Defences: At second level, the Dullahan gains SR equal to 11+HD, and Fast Healing equal to 1/2 his HD. This SR can be dropped or raised anytime as a free action, even when it isn't the Unseelie Dullahan's turn.

Hideous Grin: The Unseelie Dullahan's head is always grinning it's hideous grin. At third level, the Dullahan may hold his malformed head high for all to see as a standard action. Any enemies within 60 ft, +10 ft/HD, must succeed on a fortitude save (DC 10+1/2HD+Cha mod) or become sickened for 1 round per HD of the Dullahan. An enemy that succeeds on it's saving throw cannot be affected by this ability for 24 hours. At 8HD, enemies immune to this ability must still save, though they receive a +5 bonus on their saving throw.

Blood Splash: The Unseelie Dullahan hates being watched while it works. As punishment, it coats those who do so in the blood of it's past victims, marking them as it's next target. At third level, the Dullahan may conjure an immense amount of blood to fall on a target within 60 ft, +10 ft/HD as a standard action. The target takes a -2 to all saving throws for 24 hours, and if it had successfully saved against any of the Dullahan's class abilities today, it can be affected again as if it had not. A successful Reflex save (DC 10+1/2HD+Cha mod) allows the target to dodge the blood and suffer no ill effects. This ability may be used once per day per HD.

Sightstealer: The Dullahan really hates being watched while it works. As punishment, at fourth level, any target the Unseelie Dullahan successfully lands a critical hit on is permanently blinded. In addition, the Dullahan can intentionally target a creature's eyes as a standard action with it's Spine Whip. The target is allowed a Reflex save (DC 10+1/2HD+Cha mod) to avoid being permanently blinded. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again for 24 hours.

Enhanced Whip: The Unseelie Dullahan's Spine Whip becomes an even more formidable weapon in his hands. At fourth level, when he is wielding his Spine Whip, it gains an enhancement bonus of +1 per 3HD, to a maximum of +5. These may be used to grant special abilities such as Bane or Defending. These bonuses may be changed by realigning the vertebrae of the spine over 8 hours.

In addition, any weapon the Unseelie Dullahan wields is treated as having both the Keen and Frost enhancements.

Unstoppable Advance: Nothing can stop the advancement of the Unseelie Dullahan. At fifth level, all terrain is treated as smooth terrain. Rubble moves aside, bushes twist to allow passage, and even trees step away. The locks on all doors and chests that the Unseelie Dullahan touches spring open, bars behind them lift, and magical effects such as Hold Portal are dispelled. Any gate swings upon to welcome the Unseelie Dullahan's approach. Even magical effects such as Wall of Force and Wall of Stone are automatically dispelled as the Unseelie Dullahan rides through them. At first, it can be activated as a swift action once per day per HD, lasting for 1 round. At 12HD, this ability is always active.

Grave Return: While the Unseelie Dullahan holds his head, the head cannot be targeted for attacks, and is not subject to any saving throws. However, at fifth level, should the Dullahan's body die, the head  survives and is vulnerable. If the head is placed on a decapitated human corpse, it attaches to the corpse and moulds it into the Unseelie Dullahan's form over the course of one day. This has the same effect of a True Ressurection spell. Note that the Unseelie Dullahan's Mount can accomplish this by crushing the head of a corpse with it's hooves. The one whose corpse was used can not be ressurected by any means unless the body is destroyed again.

Additionally, the Unseelie Dullahan's Mount can swallow the head if it is adjacent as a standard action, and remove it as a full-round action. If the Mount is killed, the head can be removed forcefully and violently as a full-round action.

Master of the Whip: The Dullahan becomes a master of constructing Spine Whips. At sixth level, the Dullahan can create a Spine Whip from the spine of any creature that died while being affected by (or was killed by) his Death's Calling ability. The base damage of the Spine Whip becomes equal to that creature's natural attack. If the creature had multiple natural attacks, use the highest value. In addition, the reach of this whip becomes equal to the reach of the creature, if greater than 15.

Frightful Presence: The Dullahan is able to inspire terror in all those around him. At sixth level, whenever the Dullahan attacks with it's whip or charges on it's Mount, any enemy within 60 ft +10 ft/HD must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC 10+1/2HD+Cha mod) or become Frightened for 1 round per HD. An enemy that succeeds on this save cannot be affected for 24 hours. At 10 HD, enemies immune to this ability must still save, though they receive a +5 bonus on their saving throw.

Wagon of Death: A Wagon of Death materializes behind the Dullahan's Mount upon attaining seventh level. The details of the wagon are left to the player, but typically it is lit by candles inside human skulls, covered by dried human skin, and further morbid decoration. This wagon does not slow down the Mount in the slightest. While the Dulahan rides it's Mount, a trample attack can be made as a standard action by crushed enemies beneath hoof and wheel. The damage is 1d6/2HD+Mount's str mod, and the reflex saving throw DC is 10+1/2HD+Cha mod. If a target chooses to take an attack of opportunity, it can be made against the Mount or the Dullahan. A single target cannot be trampled more than once per round.

In addition, the inside of the wagon becomes an extradimensional space as if it was a permanent Mage's Magnificent Mansion spell, with CL equal to the Dullahan's HD. A number of Spine Whips equal to the Unseelie Dullahan's HD may be stored within, with varying enhancements on them. However, only one may be taken out at a time. If there are ever two of the Dullahan's Spine Whips in the same plane at the same time, both lose their magic for 24 hours.

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« Last Edit: April 20, 2014, 09:13:03 PM by Rakoa »
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Re: Unseelie Dullahan
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2014, 08:43:28 PM »
Okay, I think that does it! Have at me.

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« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 12:50:43 PM by Rakoa »
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Re: Unseelie Dullahan
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2014, 12:02:51 PM »
Well, first your Bab progression seems to be a bit messed up, with +4 bab at 7th level.

-Mechanics for head are somewhat unclear. Can it make bite attacks while you hold it? Can it make bite attacks if somebody else holds it? If someone tries to disarm/sunder it, what are the rules?
-First level is definetely too packed with abilities. Blindsight is something reserved for monsters that are actually blind, and an Heavy fiendish Warhorse alone has a good chance of being stronger than any two other party members put together at 1st level, not to mention super whip and three bonus feats.
-So I would suggest downgrading the starting super mount to a regular heavy horse, that later upgrades to an heavy warhorse and more later on to a fiendish heavy warhorse, and then the rest of the scaling bonus, that should be coming every 2 HD instead of at every level up, they're just too packed togheter now, in particular when they're already gaining personal mount bonus.
-And then move the blindsense to some later point. Probably 7th since the other levels are all kinda packed as they are.
-Wait, there's still more 1st level abilities? Death's calling doesn't start too bad, but  scales up to a save-or-die too quickly for something that can be used at range whitout allowing SR or needing an attack roll that still applies a lot of debuffs and eventually makes you frightned even if you save. You really should scale things slower!
-Hideous grin shouldn't have immunity-piercing right at 3rd level.
-Unstoppable Advance would make a pretty cool ability for something you gain at level 10 or later. But at 5th level, it's just too damn strong. Or it should at least have some time use limitation per day.
-Grave Return sounds like while you're holding the head, the Unseelie Dullahan is plain invincible, altough I believe you mean the head itself is invincible.
-Frightful Presence shouldn't get immunity piercing right away.
-What's the action needed to use the wagon trample? What's stopping you from just moving back and forth over the same enemy for terrible, terrible damage?

So overall I see plenty of nice abilities here but you're trying to pack in just too much stuff in just 7th levels.

Offline Rakoa

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Re: Unseelie Dullahan
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2014, 02:13:43 PM »
Well, first your Bab progression seems to be a bit messed up, with +4 bab at 7th level. Whoops, changed to +5

-Mechanics for head are somewhat unclear. Can it make bite attacks while you hold it? Can it make bite attacks if somebody else holds it? If someone tries to disarm/sunder it, what are the rules? Clarified all around. Unless using head throw, the head will teleport back to the Unseelie Dullahan's hand immediately upon leaving his grasp. The head heals any damage it takes at the end of the round, but only as long as the Unseelie Dullahan's body lives.
-First level is definetely too packed with abilities. Blindsight is something reserved for monsters that are actually blind, and an Heavy fiendish Warhorse alone has a good chance of being stronger than any two other party members put together at 1st level, not to mention super whip and three bonus feats. Removed Blindsight entirely
-So I would suggest downgrading the starting super mount to a regular heavy horse, that later upgrades to an heavy warhorse and more later on to a fiendish heavy warhorse, and then the rest of the scaling bonus, that should be coming every 2 HD instead of at every level up, they're just too packed togheter now, in particular when they're already gaining personal mount bonus. Set horse to heavy horse at first level, and only grants Mounted Combat to start. 3HD grants Heavy Warhorse and Ride-By Attack, and 5HD grants Fiendish and Flight. AC sharing was moved to 7HD. The clause for the Mount to be able to swallow the head was moved to Grave Return. All in all, Mount abilities are now spread out over 11HD
-And then move the blindsense to some later point. Probably 7th since the other levels are all kinda packed as they are. No more Blindsight. Didn't make sense to me in the first place.
-Wait, there's still more 1st level abilities? Death's calling doesn't start too bad, but  scales up to a save-or-die too quickly for something that can be used at range whitout allowing SR or needing an attack roll that still applies a lot of debuffs and eventually makes you frightned even if you save. You really should scale things slower! Altered the 1HD ability to confirm crits and auto-fail stabilization, removed panicked as an option, and spread the rest of the abilities out over 10HD. I set them to advance every even HD to contrast with the Mount improving every odd.
-Hideous grin shouldn't have immunity-piercing right at 3rd level. Set to 8HD piercing
-Unstoppable Advance would make a pretty cool ability for something you gain at level 10 or later. But at 5th level, it's just too damn strong. Or it should at least have some time use limitation per day. Set at 1/day/HD to start, unlimited at 12HD.
-Grave Return sounds like while you're holding the head, the Unseelie Dullahan is plain invincible, altough I believe you mean the head itself is invincible. Whoops, good catch.
-Frightful Presence shouldn't get immunity piercing right away. Set to 10HD for piercing
-What's the action needed to use the wagon trample? What's stopping you from just moving back and forth over the same enemy for terrible, terrible damage? Set to standard action, 1 target per round.

So overall I see plenty of nice abilities here but you're trying to pack in just too much stuff in just 7th levels.

I think that should cover it. Whaddaya think?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 08:03:12 PM by Rakoa »
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Re: Unseelie Dullahan
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2014, 01:57:47 PM »
Looking much better, but you seem to have misread my comment about trample. Being able to trample multiple creatures in the same turn is all fine and dandy. The problem is being able to trample the same creature more than once per round, since it's quite easy to just get a big speed and run in circles to pass over the same target over and over.

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Re: Unseelie Dullahan
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2014, 02:07:22 PM »
Looking much better, but you seem to have misread my comment about trample. Being able to trample multiple creatures in the same turn is all fine and dandy. The problem is being able to trample the same creature more than once per round, since it's quite easy to just get a big speed and run in circles to pass over the same target over and over.

Oh, haha, good point. Wording clarified.
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Re: Unseelie Dullahan
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2014, 05:42:40 AM »
No further critiques, added to the index!

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Re: Unseelie Dullahan
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2014, 07:41:13 PM »
Two questions, please. Is there a duration for the 1HD Death's Calling ability? What is the activation for Blood Splash? Thank you.

Offline Rakoa

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Re: Unseelie Dullahan
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2014, 09:13:35 PM »
Two questions, please. Is there a duration for the 1HD Death's Calling ability? What is the activation for Blood Splash? Thank you.

Added in that the 1 and 3HD Death's Calling abilities are removed by Remove Curse, and that Blood Splash is a standard action.
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