Here i am, optimizing a suboptimal concept!
A few days ago, while looking around in the web for an image for an online character sheet, i stumbled upon this one
by Sarah Stone for Paizo's Pathfinder Chronicles
(as by my search, hope i'm not wrong)
As per the image and my estimation, stats would be (something like): Cha>Dex>Int>Con>Str>Wis
Or something like that anyway (also, since it's for optimisation, they are not locked in place).
Now the image screams Swashbuckler and Duelist, BUT
this is not about making it happen, nor just making it work, but making it good, the people i play with, as well as me, are optimizers.
So i've found this little diamond:
Arcane DuelistThe idea is great,
Not perfect, since he has to be a caster, but great nonetheless
He is a guy who does NOT know how to fight, but he is great at pretending he can actually fight, utilising his other talents.
Because those who know how to fight don't brag about it (in general)
Thus we have Cha to AC, a better weapon, better to-hit chances/loophole with Powe Attack,
Finally to the important part!
Available resources are: Player handbooks, Dungeonmaster's guides, wotc site plus one wotc book of our choice. (I'm thinking of Complete Warrior)
I do not know yet the ability scores system we'll use and i'm building from lvl 1 to lvl 20 (as i always do no matter the campaign)
What i've come up with is this guy:
3 lvls in Swashbuckler (Finesse and Int to damage)
2 lvls in Hexblade (Cha to saves, could be paladin, but hexblade fits better)
1 lvl in Duskblade (1st lvl arcane spells and full bab, YES PLEASE)
X lvls in Arcande Duelist (that's why we are here)
20-(6+X) lvls in Duelist ( i already got the prereqs, so it's not that bad a prc anymore)
Feats to be taken are: Dodge, Mobility (omg it actually HURTS to write this) Power Attack (if possible for the loophole) Ex.Wp.Prof.(Elven Thinblade) (again if allowed for it is from another book, but since it's equipment i might convince the gm)
If i can't work a thinblade, i'm also thinking for rapier+smth two-weapon-fighting.
I'm looking for, ideas, corrections or even a completely different build.
PS. I'd like to avoid going caster, although i've been thinking of Bard -> Swiftblade -> Arcane duelist, do you guys think it'll work better?
One more thing, i want the concept to be legit (no half-ogre half-succubus spiked-chain weilding monk with charmendine)
1. Swashbuckler 3/Paladin of Freedom 2/Duskblade 1/Arcane Duelist 10/Duelist 4 (Some Duelist levels might be taken earlier. Also, a level of battle dancer might be a good idea, unsure about fluff though)
2.Bard 2/Battle Dancer 5/Arcane Duellist X/Paladin of Freedom 2 (Paladin levels taken early at some point, stacking with bard via devoted performer -feat noted as a bad idea)
3.Cleric of Olidammara, multiclass Rogue, take Extra Turning, Imbue Weapon, and Sacred Outlaw.
4.Bard 4/Swiftblade 3/Arcane Duelist X (paladin of freedom 2 mixed in perhaps?)
Finally, since this exact same thread exists in another forum, i'll be posting ideas from both of them.