Devildom Torch: At 11h level, if you use a Swift action before throwing a Magical Recycled Bomb, it splits upon impact! You can target another two creatures with the same potion effect, make new attack rolls but consider the point of origin the first target. If the spell demanded expensive components or exp, you must pay them for each target. In addition she can now brew her potions with spells of any level she can cast.
Does this mean that an Ordinary Magician can now put Personal spells or spells without a target into her potions, or are they still restricted to non-personal and targeted ones? For example, does this let an Ordinary Magician create a Potion of Fireball? Normally I'd assume that's a no, but considering it's Marisa, and we're already throwing these potions at people...
Edit: That is, it's clear that it just lets you make higher level potions. What I'm curious about is if it's intended to just do that, or if it's intended to basically let you actually craft the Magical Recycled Bombs yourself, because as it stands, you can ad-hoc a bomb potion, but you can't actually brew one.