Author Topic: The Chameleon Handbook  (Read 69943 times)

Offline Fadier

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The Chameleon Handbook
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:40:35 PM »
The Chameleon Handbook

My gift back to the CO community, The Chameleon Handbook. Humans only.

Offline Fadier

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The Chameleon in a Nutshell
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2011, 08:40:53 PM »
So you want to be a Chameleon? Don't think it will be easy it requires focus, discipline, and a lot of hard work. You are trying to do everything while others are just trying to master the sword or bend reality to their whim. How did you start boy? You at least should be able to look and act the part.

Class Basics
  • Hitdice: d8 - Not a large hitdice but not small either. You're not squishy but don't wade into melee alone either.
  • Saves: all bad - WHAT? Your going to fail every save you come across, how is this good? Hopefully there is something to make up for it...
  • Skills: 4 - Not a bad amount of skills but you would expect it to be higher.

Class Abilities
  • Weapon and Armour Proficiency: All simple weapons and all forms of armour and shields (not tower shields)
  • Aptitude Focus(Ex): This is what you came for, the reason the class exists. You can adopt a focus to gain class features of other classes. Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Fighting, Sneaking and Tree Hugging.
  • Bonus Feat(Ex): A bonus feat, that's handy right? Wait, you can change it each day? All of a sudden a feat became feats.
  • Mimic Class Feature: And then there was the rest of the class features, pity its only a few times a day between all of them.
  • Ability Boon(Ex): So you have most of the class features and a changeable feat, you must be quite MAD right? Nope you can boost your attributes aswell! Does it get any better than this? Plus this is a competence bonus, how many ways are there to get a competence to an attribute?
  • Double Aptitude(Ex): Tired of being just a wizard or fighter? Now you can mix and match for fun. Be a Mystic Theurge, Gish or what ever tickles your fancy!
  • Rapid Refocus(Ex): I know what your wondering theres nothing left, nothing could make this better right? How about less time spent changing you aptitude focus? Yeh there's the icing.

Notice how many Ex abilities there are there? Pretty much all the Chameleon's class features are Ex meaning they don't go away in a antimagic field. Yes you keep that competence bonus to your strength, beat away!
But lets take a closer look at the meat and potatoes shal we?

Aptitude Foci
  • Arcane Focus: So we get to cast Sorcerer and Wizard spells, nice. Wait... does that say ANY arcane spellcasting class? So we can take spells from the ever tasty Trapsmith PrC? Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my face...
    Oh and you get a boost to your arcane skills and Will saves, that's nice.
  • Combat Focus: Hey that arcane focus was awsome, I'll bet the combat focus is too! Oh... nope it sucks, a boost to your attack and damage plus a better Fortitude save. Maybe if it increased your base attack bonus rather than giving you a competence bonus.
  • Divine Focus: We need to boost our confidence after that poor combat focus lets hope the divine focus is something good. And what do you know this is slightly better than the Arcane Focus! The same any divine spellcasting class clause and 2 saves boosted, Fortitude and Will.
  • Stealth Focus: You get trapfinding and uncanny dodge, that's alright not good but not bad either. Also there is the boost to your rogue skills and reflex saves. I guess that covers it...
  • Wild Focus: Another situational focus, you gain wild empathy and woodland stride plus a bonus to a few minor skills and fortitude saves.

So it looks like you will be doing a lot of spellcasting, bet you did not see that one coming...

  • Strength: As sometimes you will want to hit things with other things this is necessary, but this can be covered with spells, items or your ability boon. Still a little strength never hurt... uh... you.
  • Dexterity: Reactions are probably more important than strength but this has the same importance as strength.
  • Constitution: Health is important for everyone, even the undead.
  • Intelligence: You really need to be smart to be a Chameleon, there is no room for stupidity. Not to mention it helps your arcane spellcasting
  • Wisdom: There is nothing worse than a smart moron, plus gods favor the wise.
  • Charisma: With a maximum of 3 smites/turn undead a day you don't need charisma.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 08:45:45 PM by Fadier »
My gift back to the CO community, The Chameleon Handbook. Humans only.

Offline Fadier

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Before and After Chameleon
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2011, 08:41:15 PM »
What were you before you came here? Your skills here will be varied but will not contribute towards your extramural activities, so it is important to examine what came before you came here. There are many advantages that came before, many of you who have practice some form of magic might have a bit of an edge here as there is some things that you just cannot fake. But lets start from the beginning.

Human right? Unless your a Doppelganger? If only it was that easy, there are far more choices.
  • Human: As always it is good to be human
  • IllumianRoD: What might be better than human? How about one with glowy things around their head? Those glyphs are quite useful plus you might just be able to get 9th level casting with their help.
  • MongrelfolkRoD: If you can stomach the stupidity you have quite a few good racial abilities that will help you be a Chameleon. Plus you might be ugly enough for people to want to forget you.
  • ChangelingECS: Changing your identity is easier if you can change your looks, you make that easy. Plus your Rogues and Wizards have an interesting spin on things.
  • NeanderthalFrost: Another stupid race, but nothing that really makes up for it.
  • Sea KinRoD: If you can Chameleon from the water then you might work. But I would not count on it.
  • SharakimRoD: Not a good choice, but who can choose what they are born as? Your LA is undeserved
  • SkulkRoD: LA and racial hitdice? Surely there is better ways to sneak around.
  • UnderfolkRoD: You seem to lack something without any real benefit in return
  • Silverbrow HumanDM: Feather Fall helps with caster level requirements, a bonus feat at level one and that knack for disguise might come in handy for you as a Chameleon. If you can exploit that dragon blood in you this might be the best possible race to be a chameleon.
  • AzurinMoI: Essentia? Well it sounds helpful, you do plan to use it right?

Pesudo-Humans (with either the human heritage rule variantRoD or a flaw gaining Human HeritageRoD)
  • Half-Elf: A few minor abilities that do not add up to the benefit of being a human.
  • Half-Orc: Your not smart enough try being a Barbarian.
Planetouched Races
  • Lesser PlanetouchedPGtF: Not a race but a way to offset the LA
  • Aasimar: Ok stats, nice resistances, plus that light thing helps with caster feats. You also have a unique class
  • Tiefling: Better stats than the Aasimar plus all the same things, including the progression. Nice.
  • ChaondMMII: Highly dexterous, tough but kinda ugly. A few resistances, plus Shatter.
  • ZenythriMMII: Strong, quick, and wise? Plus that truestrike thing helps with caster feats.
  • MaeluthFF: Very tough, but LA is the killer.
  • MechanatrixFF: Intelligence, toughness, but a hit to flexability. A couple of resistances, electricity healing and once a day you can shocking grasp.

Base Classes
  • Barbarian: For those of you who are deciding to go more combat focus gaining actual rage to qualify for feats and the like, not to mention uncanny dodge. You wont need more than 2 levels though.
  • Bard: Bluff and Disguise as class skills, spellcasting upto 2nd level spells. Plus atmospheric music for your friends.
  • Cleric: Divine spellcasting, turn undead for that divine metamagic cheese, plus with the Trickery domain all the skills you need.
  • Druid: No skills, and all the decent class skills increase with druid level.
  • Fighter: Do what everyone else does, 2 levels then forget about it.
  • Monk: Another 2 level dip, a few feats and evasion.
  • Paladin: Divine grace, turn undead and spellcasting. You might need some help with the skills though.
  • Ranger: Track, Endurance and another feat. Yawn, try something useful.
  • Rogue: The skills, evasion, uncanny dodge and sneak attack. Not bad a pity you have no spellcasting.
  • Sorcerer: For those of you with Silver Dragon Heritage you can easily become a Chameleon, but that charisma based spellcasting is both a boon and a burden.
  • Wizard: Most of those who study the arcane arts stick to it, but there are some alternate class features that are quite good.
  • FactotumDgn: Nice Abilities, Intelligence based plus a lot of practice for being a Chameleon
  • NinjaCAd: All the skills you need, a Monks AC bonus plus some minor invisibility powers. Neat.
  • WarlockCAr: Skills, Deceive Item and a ranged touch attack a will. Not bad.
  • HexbladeCW: Mettle and arcane resistance. A nice start but it needs something else.
  • SwashbucklerCW: Weapon Finesse and Insightful strike, another nice start.
  • BeguilerPHBII: A good set of skills, including the ones you want, spell casting for that nice caster level. A very nice start for a Chameleon.
  • DuskbladePHBII: A few cantrips a day is nice but whats really good is Arcane Channeling. Perfect for those gish types. Also provides a caster level.
  • Dragon ShamanPHBII: With a Silver Dragon totem you have the class skills you require plus some nifty auras, most notably the Vigor aura. Plus a potential caster level.
  • CrusaderToB: Delayed damage, Indomitable Soul, and 1/day re-roll a save? Not to mention martial maneuvers.
  • SwordsageToB: A Monks armour bonus while armoured is nice, plus maneuvers makes this a nice class.
  • WarbladeToB: Battle Clarity, Uncanny dodge and martial maneuvers? Sign me up.
  • BinderToM: Bluff as a class skill, but you will need Disguise from elsewhere. Vestiges offer many various choices.

Prestige Classes
  • Horizon Walker: Taking the Desert terrain mastery makes you immune to fatigue making that short-ish rage not so bad
  • ExemplarCAd: Taking 10 on skills is good.
  • Ur-PriestCD: Gives a caster level and divine casting as the cost of 2 feats and your Divine Focus.
  • Master of MasksCSc: Easy to enter for a Chameleon and nice for a dip, gaining proficiency with all exotic weapons or gaining a couple natural attacks is ok.
  • Uncanny TricksterCSc: If you plan to use skill tricks this might be a nice choice if your ok with delaying your Chameleon progression.
  • Human ParagonUA: Fixes your skills, gives you a bonus feat and a +2 increase to an ability score. Whats not to love?
  • Cabinet TricksterRoE: For a Changeling this is a nice way to finish things off, gaining mind altering dru... powers and change form. Not that hard to get into either.

Skill TricksCSc
  • Acrobatic Backstab: A nice way to render an opponent flat-footed, easier to hit or use Iaijitsu Focus on.
  • Back on Your Feet: For when you need to be on your feet this is a nice way to do it.
  • Clarity of Vision: Useful for those times you don't have the right spell to detect those invisible enemies.
  • Collector of Stories: Goes well with Knowledge Devotion.
  • Conceal Spellcasting: Most spellcasters do not have Sleight of Hand as a class skill so this is hard to get, but this is very good for a Chameleon
  • Easy Escape: Not as good as a Freedom of Movement but not a bad thing to have when your being grappled.
  • Escape Attack: On your way out from a grapple make your opponent regret it? Don't mind if I do.
  • False Theurgy: You meet most of the requirements for this already and is a nice skill trick for a caster.
  • Group Fake-out: Bluff 8 sounds familiar doesn't it? If you are are feinting this is nice.
  • Listen to This: Good if you hear someone speak in a language you do not know or hear something strange you don't know.
  • Magical Appraisal: A free identify is always nice.
  • Never Outnumbered: Goes nicely with Imperious Command if your going that way.
  • Nimble Charge: For those emulating an ubercharger this helps alot.
  • Nimble Stand: A cheaper, lesser version of Back on Your Feet.
  • Second Impression: You easily meet the requirements for this and fits nicely with your role as a Chameleon.
  • Spot the Weak Point: Another nice way to penetrate an opponents defenses.
  • Swift Concentration: Another good caster trick, concentrate and cast another spell or run away.
  • Timely Misdirection: You meet the requirements and allows you to move past someone without reprisal a nice trick indeed.
  • Twisted Charge: For those of you who like charging gaining maneuverability is never bad.

  • Item Creation Feats: While best saved for your floating feat if you do choose to take one in a permanent slot you can gain access to more complex Item Creation feats and the ArtisanECS feats to reduce the Cost/Time for crafting.
  • Practiced SpellcasterCAr: If you need a boost to your caster level to qualify for another feat or prestige class this is a good option.
  • Knowledge DevotionCC: A good feat but unless you previously had the Knowledges as class skills it looses its luster.
  • Imperious CommandDotU: If your stocking up on Intimidate this is the best feat you can take but the Charisma requirement might be out of your reach
  • EducationECS: As a first level feat you need a bonus one to get this and Able Learner but if you need the Knowledges as skills but don't want to dip this is your choice.

Feats for your Floating Feat
  • Item Creation Feats: Why waste a feat on item creation when you can just swap to one during downtime? Note that you will need a caster level aside from the Chameleon's caster level.
  • Open MindedCAd: Need an exotic skill? Want to speack the local dialect? Is your roleplaying in need of a boost? Then just grab 5 ranks in Craft (Basket weaving) and have fun. This can also help if you failed a spellcraft check to understand a spell, just gain an extra rank in spellcraft and you can try again. No need to wait for the next level.
  • Extra SpellCAr: Switch to Extra Spell, copy the spell into your spellbook and then the next day change Extra Spell to another spell. Its a great way to fill up that spellbook with exotic spells that are hard to get your hands on.
  • Uncanny ForethoughtEoE: If you have levels in Wizard (or other prepared caster with a flexable GM) you can take Spell Mastery as a regular feat. Then when you are in your Arcane Focus you can leave out some slots to cast any spells you know spontaneously. The win is obvious.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 03:30:55 AM by Fadier »
My gift back to the CO community, The Chameleon Handbook. Humans only.

Offline Fadier

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Tip and Tricks for power
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2011, 08:41:34 PM »
Reaching higher level casting

Method 1a - Illumian + Planar Touchstone + Extra Slot
  • Planar TouchstonePlH: Your first stop to higher level casting is The Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment on the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus. Link yourself there and you gain the granted power of any domain. But what you are after is the higher power, 3 times 1/day you can cast a spell from that domain as if you were a cleric of you level. This qualifies you to take...
  • Extra SlotCAr: Now that you can cast spells higher than 6th level you can gain an extra slot equal to one level lower than your maximum. You will need to take this a couple times if you want 7th and 8th level casting. Note that this effects both your arcane and divine casting and also you get bonus spells based off your Intelligence/Wisdom.
  • Improved Sigil (Krau)RoD: While this feat is not necessary it does let you get the spell levels at the same time as a normal caster would. A couple of things to note the spells need to have a verbal component and you can only get to 8th level casting using this as the feat specifies as heighten spell and heighten is limited to 9th level spells. Note that Sanctum SpellCAr cannot achieve this because due to the wording of Planar TouchstonePlH metamagic cannot be applied (there is no actual preparation involved) and Versatile SpellcasterRotD requires actual spell slots.

Method 1b - Earth Spell/Sanctum Spell/Versatile Spellcaster + Extra Slot
  • Two of the following feats:
    • Earth SpellRoS: This requires both Earth SenseRoS and Heighten Spell feats to take but when applied will let your lower level spells be cast at one level higher than your normal maximum. It is probably better to use the other two as it saves you 2 feats
    • Sanctum SpellCAr: When cast in your designated sanctum this metamagic feats boosts your spell level by one.
    • Versatile SpellcasterRotD: Much like the previous two feats this boosts your spells level by one. As long as you have the right spells written in your book you can also effectively use this aswell.
  • Extra SlotCAr: Now that your maximum spell level is 2 higher than what could normally cast you can take this to gain a new level of spells. As previously stated you will need to take this three times if you want 7th/8th/9th level casting and this effects both your arcane and divine casting (getting bonus spells based off your Intelligence/Wisdom aswell).

Method 2 - The Bonus Route
  • Access to higher level Spells: First you will need to be able to generate spells of a level higher than you can cast, this is done via Sanctum SpellCAr, Versatile SpellcasterRotD, Heighten Spell + Earth SpellRoS or Improved Sigil (Krau) (be wary of that heighten cap). Then...
  • Bonus Spells: Several Prestige Classes give you non-specific bonus spells that can be used to gain spell slots of a higher level when used with the previous feats. This is a bit of a gray area as most of the prestige classes that have this use "as if from high ability scores" and could be argued not to work. Ask your GM. These prestige classes offer non-specific bonus spells:
    • WonderworkerBoED: You will need to be Good (extra good) and have a +5 base will save, able to cast 3rd level arcane/divine/psionic spells/powers, one exalted feat plus Favored of the CompanionsBoED, Knight of StarsBoED, or Servant of the HeavensBoED. But at each level you can add a bonus spell of any level you can cast to either Arcane or Divine spellcasting. Using two higher level spells will get you 8th/9th level casting in either Arcane or Divine.
    • MysticDragon Magazine 274: You will need to have 10 ranks in Spellcraft and Knowledge (Arcana), 5 ranks in Knowledge (History), plus Spell penetration, Spell Focus, One metamagic Feat, and One Item creation feat. Much the same as the Wonderworker this class will give you bonus spells but is a total of 10 levels long and not limited to only granting the bonus spells to Arcane or Divine. By at least level 4 you should have 9th level casting for both Arcane and Divine. Note this is 3.0 and 3rd party.
    • Dragon Disciple: With only 8 ranks in Knowledge (arcana), ability to speak Draconic and any spontaneous arcane spell casting this core Prestige Class is quite easy to get into and gives 4 bonus spells (of any kind) over 5 levels plus some other nice features. Enough for 9th level casting on one side and 7th on the other.
    • Eunuch WarlockOA: This class requires you to be evil, have Spell Focus, cast 5th level arcane spells and be less of a man, but also at 4th level it gives you a bonus spell slot of a level higher than you can normally cast. As you can tell this can be quite difficult (the spells specifically) without gestalt. If you stack Versatile Spellcaster and Sanctum spell on a 3rd level spell you can meet this requirement by 5th level. This is probably to much effort as it only applies to arcane spells and is 3.0. Also note that Dragon Magazine updated this class to a 9/10 caster class.

Looking over the methods they all require different resources. 1a requires you to be a specific race plus 4 feats but only nets 8th level casting, while 1b requires 5 - 7 feats and nets you the full 9s. Lastly method 2 requires feats and class levels.

As you can see abusing Extra Slot is the best way to get higher level casting but what way will depend on how many feats you have open and what race you are.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 04:34:05 AM by Fadier »
My gift back to the CO community, The Chameleon Handbook. Humans only.

Offline Fadier

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Arcane Spells
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2011, 08:41:50 PM »
The Chameleon's Spellbook

Young recruits I am Master Fadier, but you can call me sir. I house the School of Broad Horizons collective knowledge.  You will find everything and anything of note here in my archives, from history to geography.

I can see by the look in some of your eyes that you expect to find powerful spells and techniques here, let me quash those hopes for you.  Most of you will never wield the power of the aspiring gods or their servants, but there is a large list of places and people where you can acquire this knowledge.  We would not want to make it too easy for you would we?

Entrance to my archives comes with one cost, when ever you find any knowledge of note this gets added to my archives.  A word of warning, I have an impeccable memory and abuse of my kindness will result in… harsh consequences.

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Spells here are either a lower level than the wizard/sorcerer spell list or are not on it but are on a clerics or druids list. The spells have a suffix attached to each one with one or more of the following:
# - Level of the spell on the core full casters spell list
d - Denotes a divine spell
D - Denotes a domain spell
Unless noted in the spell the spells come from either the core rule books or the Spell Compendium
I would be very surprised if there are no errors in these lists, so if you find one please tell me.

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Exalted Arcanist (BoED)
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Ebonmar Infiltrator (Ci)
(click to show/hide)

Vigilante (CAd) - See Bard spell list

Warmage (CAr)
(click to show/hide)

Wu Jen (CAr)
(click to show/hide)

Divine Oracle (CD)
(click to show/hide)

Rainbow Servant (CD)
(click to show/hide)

Seeker of the Misty Isle (CD)
(click to show/hide)

Hexblade (CW)
(click to show/hide)

Arachnomancer (DotU)
(click to show/hide)

Trapsmith (Dgn)
(click to show/hide)

Impure Prince (MoE)
(click to show/hide)

Frost Mage (Frst)
(click to show/hide)

Corrupt Avenger (HoH)
(click to show/hide)

Dread Necromancer (HoH)
(click to show/hide)

Fatemaker (PlH)
(click to show/hide)

Beguiler (PH2)
(click to show/hide)

Duskblade (PH2)
(click to show/hide)

Dracolexi (RotD)
(click to show/hide)

Sand Shaper (SSt)
(click to show/hide)

Bardic Sage (UA)
(click to show/hide)

Savage Bard (UA)
(click to show/hide)

Domain Wizard
(click to show/hide)

The Sorcerer/Wizards point of View
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« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 01:32:35 PM by Fadier »
My gift back to the CO community, The Chameleon Handbook. Humans only.

Offline Fadier

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Divine Spells
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2011, 08:42:10 PM »
Spells here are either a lower level than the a clerics or druids spell list or are not on it but are on a wizard/sorcerers list. The spells have a suffix attached to each one with one or more of the following:
# - Level of the spell on the core full casters spell list
a - Denotes an arcane spell
Unless noted in the spell the spells come from either the core rule books or the Spell Compendium
I would be very surprised if there are no errors in these lists, so if you find one please tell me.

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Paladin (Includes Freedom/Slaughter/Tyranny Variants from UA)
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(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Apostle of Peace (BoED)
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Beloved of Valarian (BoED)
(click to show/hide)

Champion of Gwynharwyf (BoED)
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Emissary of Barachiel (BoED)
(click to show/hide)

Slayer of Domiel (BoED)
(click to show/hide)

Vassal of Bahamut (BoED)
(click to show/hide)

Blighter (CD)
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Consecrated Harrier (CD) - Only additions listed, see Ranger spell list for rest
(click to show/hide)

Holy Liberator (CD) - Only additions listed, see Paladin spell list for rest
(click to show/hide)

Pious Templar (CD) - See either the Paladin or Blackguard spell list

Temple Raider (CD)
(click to show/hide)

Shugenja (CD)
(click to show/hide)

Shugenja Order Spells (CD)
(click to show/hide)

Malconvoker (CS)
(click to show/hide)

Hunter of the Dead (CW)
(click to show/hide)

Knight of the Chalice (CW)
(click to show/hide)

Disciple of Thrym (Frst)
(click to show/hide)

Death Delver (HoH)
(click to show/hide)

Healer (Mini)
(click to show/hide)

Cloistered Cleric (UA)
(click to show/hide)

Divine Bard (UA)
(click to show/hide)

Urban Ranger (UA)
(click to show/hide)

Vadalis Beastkeeper (Dra)
(click to show/hide)

Dead Grim (MoE)
(click to show/hide)

Impure Prince (MoE)
(click to show/hide)

Moon Speaker (RoE)
(click to show/hide)

The Cleric/Druids point of View
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« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 01:30:01 PM by Fadier »
My gift back to the CO community, The Chameleon Handbook. Humans only.

Offline Fadier

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Unique Spells
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2011, 08:42:33 PM »
Spells here are not on any of the Sorcerer/Wizard, Cleric or Druid spell lists.

Arcane Spells

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(click to show/hide)

Warmage (CAr)
(click to show/hide)

Wu Jen (CAr)
(click to show/hide)

Hexblade (CW)
(click to show/hide)

Dread Necromancer (HoH)
(click to show/hide)

Beguiler (PH2)
(click to show/hide)

Divine Spells

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Apostle of Peace (BoED)
(click to show/hide)

Champion of Gwynharwyf (BoED)
(click to show/hide)

Emissary of Barachiel (BoED)
(click to show/hide)

Knight of the Chalice (CW)
(click to show/hide)

Slayer of Domiel (BoED)
(click to show/hide)

Vassal of Bahamut (BoED)
(click to show/hide)

Divine Bard (UA) - Only additions listed, see normal Bard list for rest
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Top spells for Chameleons

1st level:
Haste (Trapsmith)
Dispel Magic (Trapsmith)

2nd Level:

3rd Level:
Greater Dispel Magic (Trapsmith)

4th Level:

5th Level:
Arcane Fusion (Sorcerer)

6th Level:

« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 02:00:03 PM by Fadier »
My gift back to the CO community, The Chameleon Handbook. Humans only.

Offline Fadier

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Re: The Chameleon Handbook
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2011, 02:47:50 AM »
If you have any suggestions on feats, top spells, builds, errors or anything I have possibly missed please message me and I will update.

Thanks to everyone who has made suggestions and contributions.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 02:50:00 AM by Fadier »
My gift back to the CO community, The Chameleon Handbook. Humans only.

Offline Mooncrow

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Re: The Chameleon Handbook
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2011, 03:21:47 AM »
Eunuch Warlock was updated in Dragon 318 to be "+1 level of existing class" caster advancement.

Really nice work so far though!

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Re: The Chameleon Handbook
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2011, 12:17:08 AM »
Attention Handbook Writers! If you wish to openly discuss your handbook in an easily-accessible location, please start a thread in this section (Do not do so in the Handbooks section), and then reply to this thread. Doing so is not required, but handbooks exist for the purpose of compiling useful information regarding the 3.X system. Such handbooks would do well to have a discussion thread.
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