More on Dilate Aura ... the word "encounter" has no official definition (iirc).
JaronK and I went around on it a little.
T.O. and totally borkt is to notice that a single skill check can be an "encounter".
So go Dilate Dilate Dilate Aura, and Dilate some more, with in-combat skill checks.
I might say obviously that this was proto-4e wording, and they weren't specific enough.
Widen Supernatural Ability feat might not be worded exactly right
to prevent using it on an Aura that's also (su). I think it works.
There's a Shield Mod (hazy) that doubles an Aura range.
Might be in Heroes of Battle or Forge of War --- idk.
And bringing up the rear as usual, the Divine Mind has a +5' to Aura feat.
Go go Divine Minds !!
Oops, did I just write all that's necessary for a Divine Mind Handbook?