There's some instances where things can be interpreted in more than one way by "RAW" and in some instances they're not, additionally, in some instances where there are more than one interpretation of "RAW", some arguments are stronger than others. To me, the problem arises only once someone can't bear to withstand the fact that they might, in fact, be wrongly reading the "RAW", and then they try to attack other people in order to win the argument.
RAW is a tool. Sometimes the rules are not clear cut, and when there's no indication of which direction the game wants to take, RAI is not an option, and so RAW it is. It won't always point to the one and true be-all-end-all interpretation - people will argue GRAMMAR in order to get another RAW interpretation, for fuck's sake - but, when it's all we've got, then it's all we've got.
It's not a big problem for an experienced GM as he holds command in the table, and is the one that accepts, or doesn't, any given interpretation, but in a forum, and in the community, and even when arguing IRL with friends, one can't let the fact that they have more rules mastery than others go in over his head. Even when you're right, it doesn't warrant going and attacking someone, making them feel bad, or making them look like an idiot - except when they provoke you first, then it's fair game (just like if someone punches you in the face you have every right to throw one right back).
That's my 2cp. RAW gave us Pun Pun, and even though some disagree on the RAW reading of the Sarrhuk's ability, and dispute the fact that Pun Pun is even possible, Pun Pun is fun - and a staple of TO. The same is true for many of the other classics of CO/TO, and if you disagree with one interpretation, hey, fine, explain why you don't, and if everyone else disagrees with you and the conversation isn't going anywhere, fine, no one changed your mind, you didn't change anyone else's mind, but in the end, who lost anything? Definitely no one.
It's absolutely inconsequential to life as a whole, and it won't change a damn thing - no need to get worked up over it, or try to argue it into oblivion even when obviously it won't accomplish a damn thing.