To what exactly do you refer, Libertad?
RPGPundit is basically the Rush Limbaugh or John Birch Society of the Dungeons & Dragons fandom. A large portion of his online presence, and his fanbase, is dedicated to setting himself up as a staunch defender of tabletop gaming from some sinister outside threat. In 2004-2005 it was Green Ronin and their gay-friendly "socialist, feminist propaganda" of the Blue Rose setting. After that it was White Wolf and "Story Games" which promoted narrativist, plot-driven RPGs, who aren't "real RPGs" and whose designers apparently want to destroy the industry from the inside out by shoving D&D to the sidelines. Today, his choice of target are "liberals and feminists and Social Justice Warriors in the industry," which tends to translate to "people who get too concerned about players and game designers acting creepy and regressive in the fandom.", in wake of moderator decisions to stamp out negative aspects of bigotry, Edition Warring, and other bad stuff from their site, is a favored target., while still bad at times, has seen remarkable improvement in the treatment of its women and LGBT members. A lot of people who end up permabanned over the years migrated to the RPG Site which set itself up as a "free speech haven." Not in the proper sense of not being jailed by the government for saying stuff, but in the sense of "you can stay stupid and bigoted shit here. Instead of being banned, we'll shout at you for being stupid."
This has had mixed success, as people who nevertheless have terrible worldviews or trolls come there anyway, and groups which aren't well-liked or understood (trans* people, for example) can be vilified with little repercussion from the community itself or get supported by about half the people there. It's one of the reasons why I stopped posting over there, when I found that it was too hard to avoid all the odious views.
A few things RPG Pundit has done over the years includes:
Leading a personal vendetta against the creator of Dungeon World for adopting old school D&D tropes but basing the mechanics off of Apocalypse World, a story-game.
Continually freak out at Green Ronin for 2 years for their "socialist" Blue Rose setting and taking credit when they made the True20 system.
Claiming that 4th Edition was an attempt by the "Story-Gaming Swine" trying, once again, to destroy D&D.
Oh, and comparing Monte Cook to a Nazi and saying that his vocal chords should be severed while he was a "paid consultant" for D&D Next, like in the link in my last post. Which unfortunately, looks true regarding the whole consultant thing.
So basically, he's a toxic odious troll. But one with legitimacy in the industry, even before the Next shout-out. Publishers advertise on his website, he has a significant following in OSR circles, and he's published several RPGs of his own. It would be easy enough to ignore him, if I didn't keep seeing him thanked in retro-clones or mentioned positively in old school communities, or keep hearing about how his fanbase keeps giving no small amount of grief to several of my online acquaintances and friends who I like and respect (several of whom are transgender), again and again and again. Some of whom did nothing more but tell others "you know, referring to trans* people as depraved freaks is fucked up," or "I'm uncomfortable with all these posters defending the insertion of rape into gaming sessions."