Hoo. Where do I begin.
We get new people every so often and they make articles and all is well. Sometimes, it's bad, it's really bad. And one time it was Archetyper.
We began to get curious articles, deity entries mostly, detailing real life religious stuff. While I don't think it's wise to bother with it, that's not bad or wrong or anything. Though what he put in there became quickly and increasingly more bizarre and deranged. One of his gifts was Yahweh, you know, the old Judeo-Christian god. He was.... lawful evil. Well, he loves his controversy I see. Then there were his custom gods which all interlinked and interacted and we began to realize in as the sticky stream of misogyny and perversion came pouring forth that this was someone special.
Honestly I'm not sure what was worst, but the thing that stuck out in my mind was his goddess of love, light, hope, etc whose entire gimmick was that she was raped by the devil, so she did the logical thing snapped off satan's dick and now uses it at an eternal dildo.
Mix the sheer offensiveness of his articles with an Charisma of 1 and an insanity reserved for Derro. Just when I thought that no one could play games like FATAL seriously, we found one. I mean full on -4 Str females, historically/mythologically accurate rape, "I will sue you for libel because people on the internet don't like me" insanity. We found one of the FATAL players. It was so bad it spawned the creation of the
In-Denial FATALite.
He got banned later on for some actual offense I cannot remember, but for two weeks or so it was an absolute feast of the most lol-worthy and yet horrifying material I've laid eyes on.
Yes, people who like those games exist, somewhere, somewhere dreadful under your bed and in your closet, waiting. And they want to introduce you to their goddess rape fantasy game.