http://witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/15/piv-is-always-rape-ok/"All intercourse/PIV is rape"
What the hell is wrong with these modern radical feminists anyway? Really, it seems that in the view of some of those feminazis, women are simply unable to consent. They're also never responsible for their own actions. Today, there *is* such a thing as rape-in-hindsight. I can't believe how many times i've seen posts that go like this... "today i discovered that my boyfriend has been raping me for the past month" or something like that.
It makes me want to go... "Honey, if you were really being raped, i'd think you'd have figured that out a bit sooner than that."
Then there's false rape accusations. I might be going to the US soon - New York, and frankly, i'm somewhat scared of getting into the dating scene there. I just can't believe how easy it is for a women to absolutely ruin a man's life just by saying "he got me drunk, i couldn't consent".
It's mind-boggling. How long will it take before you actually have to sign a consent form and get two witnesses to also sign it before you go to bed with someone? The phrase "Just because i said yes doesn't mean i've consented" is just about all kinds of wrong. So, that means you can say yes, actually enjoy sex, get a good night kiss and be dropped on your front door, then the next day regret it, and label that rape in hindsight?
Heeeeeeeelll no.
And i believe that kind of backwards thinking is actually detrimental to the effort of *real* feminists, because it kind of means the women is not a full-fledged adult, able to freely give consent and actually be responsible for their own actions.
Hate me if you want, but i don't see it that way. I don't think gender-equality means that women are now able to oppress men.
These modern feminists love to bash on gender roles and love putting themselves as the victim... But they forget that men, too, are victims of gender roles. For instance... If a man cheats, he is automatically labelled a womanizer and an oppressor and it's always the men's fault that he cheated. The woman is always the victim. But somehow, if a woman cheats, it's never her fault. The man didn't gave her enough attention, he didn't care enough for her needs, etc.
At the same time radical feminists want gender roles to end, they also enforce that kind of gender roles, because "it empowers women". It just seems to me like it is an incredibly selfish world view. Basically, if it doesn't benefit my gender, i want it to go away, otherwise, i'm going to enforce it. For a radical feminist, a woman hitting a man is female empowerment, and a man hitting the same women back is assault. Not to mention the extent men are bullied if they get hit by a women, and how somehow the women's aggression is always the men's fault.
"Intercourse/PIV is always rape" is basically everything that's wrong with radical feminism in one sentence.
Another thing i don't get. Feminists always complain that male hypergamy is seen as a sign of a man being alpha, while female hypergamy is subject to slut-shaming... And yet, i've never seen a woman actually think something on the lines of... "That guy is virgin at 30?! Wow, this must mean that he's a real catch! He's saving himself for a proper girl, what an example..." - The actual thought process is something like "Whaaaat?! Heeell no! That guy must be creepy as hell! No wonder he can't get laid LOL."
Ummm... Excuse me? Feminists... Please... If you don't want male hypergamy to be seen in such a positive light, then stop enforcing it. Because it's not just men that enforce that stereotype. But... no... It's just so much easier to victimize oneself and cry "muh womyn's rights" than it is to actually try and stop being as judgemental as those you criticize.
I had several of these kinds of feminists on my timeline... I proceeded to block them all. I have absolutely zero need to see this kind of hypocrisy in action. It gets me riled up, it makes me absolutely mad.
And the WORST part of it is? If you actually voice your true opinion, you're automatically labelled a mysoginist and aren't taken seriously. These feminazis are not interested in intellectual discussion, they're interested in a women's rights dictatorship where they go and tell what is acceptable and what isn't. And there are actually MEN who CONDONE this kind of behavior, and even enforce it! Oh yes i'm mad. I could write a political treaty on how mad i am.