I'm going to be joining a 6th level D&D 3.5 game soon, and I'm looking into the possibility of playing a sun elf archer gish. I'm currently thinking about going Fighter 2/Wizard 4/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion 5/Sacred Exorcist 8. I have 30 point-buy, and my allowed sources are Complete Arcane, Divine, Warrior (add Improved Hexblade), Adventurer, Mage, PHB, DMG, MM, Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror (Archivist and Dread Necromancer classes), Book of Vile Darkness, Lords of Madness, SRD Variant Classes (no Generic Classes).
I have a lot of experience with melee gishes, but not with archer gishes. My main question is if this is even going to work out. Is there any decent synergy between wizard spells and archery? Obviously Flame Arrow is OK, though I won't have that for another level. How can I pull this off? Is there any way I can get a strength-adjusting bow so polymorph can get a bit more damage later on? Thanks for any ideas or commentary!