Hey everyone, a campaign I've been playing in is going through a reset soon and I'm toying with different possibilities for my new character and I'd like some help sorting them out. One of the things that caught my attention recently is the Pyrokineticist and it's variants. I know it's generally not considered one of the best PrCs, but it was pointed out that their lash counts as both a ranged weapon (since it's a ranged touch attack) and a melee weapon (since its benefits from any feats a normal whip benefits from). It also targets touch AC, which is nice. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure how I can take advantage of that or how useful any of it actually is.
One idea I had was stacking improved rapid shot + Lasher + either TWF or Power Attack for an obscene number of attacks. I think, in principle, that works, but it feels a bit one-trick (multi attack for lots of hp damage and hope they don't have the appropriate energy resistance [maybe go with sonic]). That said, I'm not sure what I'd base it on and my previous character also did the multi-attack dance (via natural weapons) and she was very good at it, so I'm not sure if I want to do the same thing again.
The other idea I had was to combine it with Tome of Battle and get 20/25ft reach, touch attack, maneuvers. I just don't know how useful THAT actually is, especially when you aren't getting str or dex to damage.
Overall, I would like some help figuring out how a pyrokineticist can be used. At this point, I don't need a full build so much as a sketch that I can fill in. I'm not a very big fan of Vancian magic or traditional 3.5 combat (i.e. I stand there and full attack it every round). I am, however, a big fan of subsystems like Incarnum, Tome of Battle, Binding and Warlocks, so I might try using one of those as a base. I'd be fine with using a partial or fixed list caster or a psionic class as an aid for doing other things, but I'd rather not have them as a main focus (although I can probably be convinced otherwise for anything short of a t1 or t2). One of the things that's really worrying me is I'd like to have some uses outside of 'melee' combat and I'm not sure if this route allows for that.
The DM allows any official book with the exception of Unearthed Arcana. This includes Dragon Magazine. He will not allow any homebrew. We're starting at level 9 with a 46 point buy and significantly above WBL, but I don't know the exact value. (We're pooling the wealth from our previous game and then dividing it evenly.)
Any help or ideas for this would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just to talk me down from using a Pyrokineticist.
Thank you for your time.
Epsilon Rose