Crawling Tattoo ... of Reflex Save powers, is turned into a Touch Attack, so that's near auto-effect. Then dumpster dive.
Energy Stun 2 ... gets a maybe
Ego Whip 2 ... vs Charisma casters is synergistic
Death Urge 3 ... depends on the monster
Personality Parasite 4 ... isn't nearly as effective as Death Urge (tangentially I'm so well acquainted with this one)
Wall of Ectoplasm 4 ... almost homegame on how to deal with getting to the exact right spot, but it's No Save + No SR, just dispel
Catapsi 5 + Magic Mantle ... can effectively lop the top spells off a monster
Ectoplasmic Cocoon 3 ... flyers fall (!) , helpless condition is a decent set-up for XYZ
Truevenom/weapon pw 4 ... 1 shot, run away, wait, just like a 4e Mummy
Erudite Spell To Power
Erudite Discipline + Chameleon Crafting feat Dr#349