Just for convenience sake, here is a screen shot of the almighty page 7.
Well, that's the best quote so far.
- thanks!
I disagree with the DMs reasoning (but, honestly, it is his game and what he says goes. I think it bad form for players to argue things past a certain point), but I feel there is a point there, which I made on the other thread. That is, when do actions reset?
Most of the people I've seen post, say that if you use a swift action during your turn, that immediately after your turn is over, you can take an immediate action. The quote the DM was making is the right one, but he was arguing the wrong point. It's here:
During a normal round, you can perform a standard action
and a move action, or you can perform a full-round action.
You can also perform an immediate action or a swift action,
and as many free actions as your DM allows.
That is a direct quote from the Rules Compendium. This is just the start of the issue. If you read in the PHB and other sources, there appears to be two different definitions for round.
The first is from the highest initiative to the lowest initiative. (Normal Round?)
The second is given more as an example, but is from the start of your initiative in a round to the start of your initiative in the next round.
The problem I am having with looking at these rules, is that taking a swift action during your turn and immediately following with an immediate action isn't allowed with either version. And honestly, I am mildly surprised with all the rules lawyers running around, this hasn't come up before.
For me, I am trying to simplify it more than that, and just worry more about when a players actions reset. Attacks of Opportunity are similar and worded that you can make one AoO per round.
For a player to take a swift action during his turn and then take an immediate action after his turn is up, would require a players actions to reset after his turn was done. None of the ways a round is described in any book that I can fine does that. Even in the start of combat. You are considered flat footed until your first initiative. That would seem to reinforce the idea that a players action pool (for lack of a better term) is reset at the start of each players turn and not at the start of a round. (NOTE: some characters are never flat footed, to me, that would just give them in essence a free immediate action before their 1st initiative, allow them to AoO, ect).
So, how do you define a 'Normal Round'. It's referenced, but isn't really defined. Because if you didn't take a swift action during your turn in a round, in the next round before your turn, if you were to take an immediate action, then when your turn comes up, you couldn't take a swift action because you already took an immediate action that round (refer back to text- During a normal round, you can perform ....an immediate action or a swift action...). It's clear from the Rules Compendium that you cannot take an immediate and swift action in the same round. Honestly, that point really can't be refuted.
So, the question comes down to, is a NORMAL ROUND from highest to lowest init or is it the start of a players turn to the next start of a players turn.
In either case, a player cannot take a swift action during their turn and take an immediate action after their turn (UNLESS they are the lowest initiative and you consider a normal round to be highest to lowest initiative).