Author Topic: Gloom  (Read 11571 times)

Offline oslecamo

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« on: November 20, 2011, 04:17:30 AM »

Level   Bab   Fort   Ref   Will   Feature

1    +1    +0   +2     +0    Gloom body, Sneak attack +1d6, Quietescence, +2 Dex
2    +2    +0   +3     +0    True Strike, Gloom dagger, +1 Int
3    +3    +1   +3     +1    Sneak attack +2d6, Trapfinding, +1 Dex
4    +4    +1   +4     +1    Poisoner, +1 Dex, +1 Int
5    +5    +1   +4     +1    Sneak attack +3d6, Armor Piercer, +1 Dex
6    +6    +2   +5     +2    Terror, +1 Int
7    +7    +2   +5     +2    Sneak attack +4d6, Sudden Backstab, +1 Dex
8    +8    +2   +6     +2    Oportunist, Blindsight, +1 Int
9    +9    +3   +6     +3    Sneak attack +5d6, Vile Poison, +1 Dex
10   +10   +3   +7     +3    Shadow Walk, Armor Breaker, +1 Int
11   +11   +3   +7     +3    Sneak attack +6d6, Shadow jump, +1 Dex
12   +12   +4   +8     +4    Gloom cloack, Hide in plain sight, +1 Int
13   +13   +4   +8     +4    Sneak attack +7d6, Shadow concealment, +1 Dex
14   +14   +4   +9     +4    Killing edge, +1 Dex, +1 Int
15   +15   +5   +9     +5    Sneak attack +8d6, Armor Ravager, +1 Dex
16   +16   +5   +10    +5    Killing blow, +1 Dex, +1 Int
17   +17   +5   +10    +5    Sneak attack +9d6, Superior Edge, +1 Dex
18   +18   +6   +11    +6    Gloom speed, +1 Dex, +1 Int
19   +19   +6   +11    +6    Sneak attack +10d6, Creeping Poison, +1 Dex, +1 Int
20   +20   +6   +12    +6    Killing strike, Marked for Death, +1 Dex, +1 Int
21   +21   +6   +12    +6    Sneak attack +11d6, Pure Lethality, +1 Dex, +1 Int
22   +21   +7   +13    +7    Gloom Specialist,  +1 Dex, +1 Int
23   +22   +7   +13    +7    Sneak attack +12d6, Undetectable Strike  +1 Dex, +1 Int
24   +22   +8   +14    +8    Gloom Master, +1 Dex, +1 Int
25   +23   +8   +14    +8    Sneak attack +13d6, Master Poisoner, +1 Dex, +1 int

Skills: 8+Int modifier per level, quadruple at 1st level,  class skills are Apraise(Int), Balance(Dex), Climb(Str), Concentration (con), Craft(any) (wis), Diplomacy(Cha), Disable Device(Int), Escape Artist(Dex), Heal (wis), Hide(dex), Intimidate(Cha), Jump(Str), Knowledge (any) (int), Listen (wis), Move silently (dex), Open Lock,Search (Int), Spot (wis), Survival (wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex), Use Magic Device(Cha)

Proficiencies: simple weapons

Gloom body: the Gloom loses all other racial bonus and gains monstrous humanoid traits (basically darkvision 60 feet). It is a medium sized monstrous humanoid with base speed 30 feet.

The Gloom also gains an insight bonus to AC equal to its Int modifier,

Quietescence:The Gloom can produce an effect very similar to the Silence spell (CL=HD, save=10+1/2HD+Int modifier). Starting this effect takes a standard action and the Gloom can maintain it for a number of rounds equal to HDxInt mod per hour. The Gloom can split these rounds during several utilizations, ending them as a free action and restarting as another standard action.

Unlike a silence spell, the Gloom may choose to affect only the target of the effect to be silenced. It may change between the area and singular target versions as a swift action.

If it uses this ability on an unwilling flat footed creature, the save DC is 10+HD+Int mod.

Sneak attack: As the rogue ability, increases as shown in the table

Ability Score Increase: The Gloom gains +2 Dex at first level and

+1 Dex at levels 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 21, 22, 23, 24 25
 +1 Int at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

For a total of +15 Dex and +11 Int at level 20, and +20 Dex and +16 Int at level 25.

True Strike: the Gloom can use true strike as a SLA 1/day for each HD it has.
At 5HD it can use it as a move action. At 10 HD as a swift action. At 15 HD as a free action.

Gloom dagger: The Gloom crafts a dagger out of his own dark soul. Even if dropped, thrown or stolen the Gloom dagger can be made to mysteriously reappear on the Gloom's hands as a free action. The Gloom can thus use the Gloom dagger to perform multiple iterative thrown attacks and can never be truly disarmed. It can melt the dagger in his body and bring it forth in his hand as a free action. This dagger always projects a shadow that is enough to activate Gloom abilities that demand a shadow.

It's stats are like a regular dagger, but it gains an enchantment bonus of +1 for every 2HD of the Gloom. It can only have a +5 enchantment bonus to attacks and damage, but enchantment points can be spent to get special abilities like keen. The Gloom can change his dagger's properties with 8 hours of meditation.

If the Gloom has more than 20HD, it can choose to get epic properties and/or an enchantment bonus to damage and attacks up to +10.

Trapfinding: As the rogue ability, but applying to the Gloom.

Poisoner: A sharp blade isn't always enough to finish the job. The Gloom learns how to create one dose of any poison  from raw substances worth 1/10th of that poison's market price and one hour of work by adding a pinch of his dark soul, but they can only be applied to his Gloom Dagger, being thus useless for merchants. The Gloom is always immune to his own crafted poisons.

At 8 HD the Gloom can apply poison as a move action.

At 12 HD the Gloom's poisons can affect creatures normally immune to them, but they receive a +5 bonus on their saves.

At 16 HD the Gloom can apply poison as a swift action.

At 20 HD the Gloom can apply poison as a free action, basically making all his attacks poisoned as long as he has enough doses.

Armor Piercer: Each blow of the Gloom has 25% chance of ignoring all immunities to crit and sneak attack, uncanny Dodge, Concealment and Cover less than total of the target.

Terror: The Gloom knows how to use his body language to strike pure fear on the hearts of his victims. Starting this effect takes a standard action and the Gloom can maintain it for a number of round equal to HDxInt mod per day. The Gloom can split these rounds during several utilizations, ending them as a free action and restarting as another standard action.

Enemies that look at the Gloom while he's using his terror ability must make Will save at the start of their turn with DC 10+1/2HD+Int modifier or be affected as by a Fear spell with CL=HD. They must make the save even if the Gloom exited their field of view, as long as they looked at him at any point during the last or current round.

If the enemy is flatfooted, the DC increases to 10+HD+Int modifier.

At 11 HD this affects even opponents immune to fear, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves.

Sudden Backstab: Trying to run away from the Gloom only makes his job easier. Now every sucessful attack of opportunity from the Gloom is considered a Sneak Attack.

Opportunist: as the rogue ability

Blindsight: as the srd ability, 60 feet.

Vile Poison:
The Gloom adds its Int modifier to the DC of its poisons.

Shadow Walk: SLA as the spell 1/day for each HD, Save DC=10+1/2HD+Int mod.

Armor Breaker: Each blow of the Gloom has 50% chance of ignoring all immunities to crit and sneak attack, Uncanny Dodge, Concealment and Cover less than total of the target.

Shadow jump: the Gloom may, once per turn as a swift action, teleport to any shadow it can see within 60 feet. Empty squares adjacent to creatures always count as having enough shadows to teleport with this ability.

Gloom cloak: The Gloom gains SR=11+HD and DR/magic equal to half it's HD. It may rise or lower it's SR as a free action at any time, even if it isn't its turn.

Hide in plain sight: as the shadow dancer ability.

Shadow concealment: While standing in a shadow, a Gloom gains 10% concealment for each 4HD it has, up to 50% at 20HD. Neither darkvision or True sight  deny this effect, but any effect that removes the shadow will. Adjacent creatures always count as providing a shadow.

Killing edge: Whenever the Gloom delivers a successful critical, it adds +1d6 damage to the damage. If the weapon has an higher crit mod than normal, it deals an extra +1d6 for each point that it is higher than x2 (+2d6 for x3, +3d6 for x4, etc)

In addition, for any simple weapon it wields, the Gloom can either replace the threat range by half its int modifer, or the crit multiplier by half its int modifier.

So, a Gloom with an int of 22 could either make a normal dagger threaten a crit on a range of 18-20  or change the dagger's crit multipler to x3.

Killing blow: Creatures that suffer a successful crit from the Gloom must make a save (Fort, Reflex or Will, Gloom's choice) 10+1/2HD+Dex modifier+Int modifier or instantly die. Creatures immune to crits are immune to this effect, but Armor breaker/ravager/piercer/killing strike bypasses that.

Armor Ravager: Each blow of the Gloom has 75% chance of ignoring all immunities to crit and sneak attack, uncanny Dodge, Concealment and Cover less than total of the target.

Superior Edge:
The Gloom now adds its Int bonus as an insight bonus to attack and damage rolls with any light weapon that deals slashing or piercing damage.

Gloom speed: The Gloom can take one extra standard or move action per turn. The Gloom now also ignores immunity to being caught Flat-footed from its opponents.

Creeping Poison: When the Gloom inflicts poison with Sneak Attack, increase the poison's DC by an amount equal to the number of sneak attack damage dice inflicted.

Killing strike: Each blow of the Gloom completely ignores immunities to crit/sneak attack, miss chances, mirror images, Uncanny Dodge, Cover less than total and Concealment of the target.

Marked for Death:
As a swift or move action the Gloom may pick a creature it can see. It can now use Shadow Jump to teleport into that creature's own shadow(every creature projects a shadow somewhere, even the purest god) and appear in any square adjacent to them regardless of the distance or even if they're in different planes. The Gloom may also attempt a Hide check as a free action against the victim by remaining in their blind point. If the victim is in the air, the Gloom only falls when its turn ends. The Gloom may only have one Marked for Death victim at a time, picking a new one ends the previous.

Pure Lethality: As a swift action, the Gloom can make its Gloom Dagger mimic the material properties of any Pure Metal material, counting as phantasmwork quality. This lasts until the Gloom changes it again as another swift action. The Gloom can still use its own abilities.

Gloom Specialist: The Gloom can use his Quietescence, terror,  true strike and shadow walk abilities any number of times per day it wishes, all as free actions, but no more than 1/round each. His DR improves to DR/epic. His terror ability can now affect creatures immune to fear.

Undetectable Strike: If you notice a Gloom, it's already too late. The Gloom is automatically aware when another creature manages to spot/smell/blindsight/blindsense it, and can choose to inflict an automatic hit on the victim with its Gloom dagger, the target counting as flat-footed and ignoring all defensive abilities that may prevent/hinder landing the blow. Roll an attack roll against AC anyway to see if you crit. When enemies roll Initiative against the Gloom, they also suffer an equal automatic strike. Distance is not a factor. The Gloom had already stabbed them before, they're just realizing they've been wounded now.

Gloom Master: As a free action, the Gloom can teleport to any shadow it can see within 60 feet (or the Shadow of its Marked for Death victim). While standing in a shadow, all attacks against it suffer a 75% miss chance. This miss chance now applies even to area attacks-the Gloom is literally a flickering shadow! It may use this teleport ability a number of times per round equal to his Dex modifier, even if it isn't it's turn. It can also change his Gloom dagger's properties as a swift action.

Master Poisoner: the Gloom can now instantly craft any poison he has ever crafted for free as a free action and apply it to his dagger, but no more than 1/round, and if not used until the start of the next turn, the poison is wasted.

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« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 10:14:17 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2012, 06:52:12 AM »
Updated the 7th level that was kinda empty with what tecnically is an epic feat, but should definetely be available at much lower levels. How hard can it be to stab someone where it hurts when they're purposedly exposing themselves?

Offline DavidWL

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2015, 01:42:56 PM »
This one could use some buffing.

For comparison:
Wizard 18/Lich 2/Demi Lich 5
Angel 23/Cleric 2

The angel could probably beat up the gloom without using any magic.


Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2015, 04:07:49 PM »
This one could use some buffing.

For comparison:
Wizard 18/Lich 2/Demi Lich 5
Angel 23/Cleric 2

The angel could probably beat up the gloom without using any magic.


Except the 25th level Gloom can teleport away from the Angel's attacks, and even if it runs out of teleports, the Angel's attacks would miss 75% of the time, right? As long as there are shadows around, of course. The angel could probably use a high level light effect to dispelled or suppress even magical darkness. (Though, they don't have any light SLA's either, so would have to have Spellcaster levels, which the Gloom could take as well for the opposite purpose, too)


Maybe the Gloom needs a reliable way to create shadows, then? Ones that, after epic level, become incredibly difficult or impossible to suppress?

The only issue is that it isn't really a part of the original creature, right?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 04:09:46 PM by VennDygrem »

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2015, 04:45:25 AM »
As a free action, unless specified otherwise, I don't believe the Gloom can teleport and interrupt the Angel's actions.  It can use it to move away right after it attacks ...

Angel Gets:
* Magic Circle Against Evil probably means +CHA to AC & Saves ... and Angel will be getting Cha to HP
* Regeneration vs. evil aligned (the gloom isn't) &  DR 11 --> much tougher to keep down
* "any creature wanting to attack the Angel or any of it's allies whitin 20 feet whitout provocation must suceed on a Will save with DC 10+HD+Cha mod or lose their action" --> Gloom probably loses it's first attacks until Angel decides to attack back

Gloom tries to attack from darkness (fails because of "Solar") and free action teleports away.  The Angel knows the gloom is somewhere nearby hiding, trying to attack.  Angel flies straight up ... Gloom can probably fly, but won't be within 60' of shadow ...

Angel can also ready an action, and have a slaying arrow prepared ... next time the gloom attacks ... DC is probably better than the gloom's save, and angel won't be in shadow ...

If the Gloom get's a hit to land, it probably has 50% chance to get a critical, and another 50% (?) to kill with Killing blow, but I'd put my money on the Angel.

This is without using either it's many SLAs or it's spells ...


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Re: Gloom
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2015, 05:12:18 AM »
Ah, the Gloom, my 2nd epic monster, and one of my personal favorite classes actually. It's received a bunch of stealth buffs over the years, so I'm kinda surprised to see people complain it's too weak.

It's a full Bab class with full sneak attack progression and then at epic levels you can cherry pick immunity-piercing poisons plus free pure phantasmwork weapon. Not to mention the fear aura.

I guess that it an well-illuminated open arena the angel would have an advantage just kiting, but I guess then the Gloom would show her the finger and Shadow Walk out.

Hmmm, I guess long-range mobility is the issue.

Added Marked for Death 20th level ability that allows you to teleport into another creatures's shadow (and made it clear that every creature projects a shadow of sorts).

Added new Undetectable Strike ability at 23rd level. If you see the Gloom, you're already dead stabbed.

Buffed Gloom speed by allowing it to ignore immunity to flat-footed.

Reduced the free action at-will SLAs to 1/round each.

The Gloom can bypass the Angel's regeneration by making its dagger an Unholy weapon. And between pure metal and sneak attack, it will deliver a lot of damage each hit with chance for insta-kill. The Angel's circle doesn't protect against a neutral Gloom, so the main obstacle is the initial will save. But the angel also can't attack back, so meh. Undetactable Strike now allows to stab through the protection and Marked for Death to get close and personal.

I don't really want to turn the Gloom into a shadow creator. It's supposed to be good at taking advantage of shadows, but not produce them on its own.

And yes a non-fullcaster monster is gonna lose to the fullcaster monster if cheesy spells start to be thrown around. I can reduce the gap but not fully erase it when it comes to full list casters.

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2015, 11:04:46 AM »
I'm actually quite satisfied with the Gloom, though I've never had a proper chance to play it. Either the level of the game is too low to get the really fun bits, or it's a high level campaign but doesn't allow evil or evil-like characters. Some day, maybe!

Offline DavidWL

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2015, 12:44:09 PM »
Ah, the Gloom, my 2nd epic monster, and one of my personal favorite classes actually. It's received a bunch of stealth buffs over the years, so I'm kinda surprised to see people complain it's too weak.

It just wasn't epic enough ... it wasn't exactly "weak". 

Added Marked for Death 20th level ability that allows you to teleport into another creatures's shadow (and made it clear that every creature projects a shadow of sorts).

Cool - suitable epic - a powerful scry and die on a non-caster.

Added new Undetectable Strike ability at 23rd level. If you see the Gloom, you're already dead stabbed.

This has great flavor.  "Gloom appears and only says ... it's too late ... then everyone falls down ... "

And yes a non-fullcaster monster is gonna lose to the fullcaster monster if cheesy spells start to be thrown around. I can reduce the gap but not fully erase it when it comes to full list casters.

Great changes for an epic monster that can't cast.  Thanks!

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2015, 12:37:49 AM »
I have a number of questions about this class and could use some clarification. Ready? Go!

Which abilities are (Su)? I assume the following:
  • Quietesence
  • Terror
  • Shadow Jump
  • Gloom Cloak

Any others?

"Unlike a silence spell, the Gloom may choose to affect only the target of the effect to be silenced." -- This is a bit confusing. Does this mean that a Gloom can silence a spellcaster's mouth while not silencing the spellcaster's movements? Clarification appreciated!

Does the Terror ability bypass immunity to fear at 11 HD or at 22 HD? Or is it that at 11 HD the subject gets the +5 bonus to the save, but loses the bonus at 22 HD?

Does the Gloom Master ability apply to existing magical effects that occupy an area (ex: Energy Transformation Field) or just AoE attacks like fireball? How does this ability interact with AMF?

How does Gloom Speed work in relation to something like Foresight? Is the foresight-wizard flat-footed during the surprise round?

Does the Killing Edge ability to improve a weapon's threat range stack with other abilities that improve threat range?

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2015, 03:48:49 AM »
I have a number of questions about this class and could use some clarification. Ready? Go!

Which abilities are (Su)? I assume the following:
  • Quietesence
  • Terror
  • Shadow Jump
  • Gloom Cloak

Any others?
I guess Marked for Death and Gloom Master.

D&D is really weird about what's Su and what's not. Singing well is Su, but then Tome of Battle gives us Ex teleports and whatnot.

"Unlike a silence spell, the Gloom may choose to affect only the target of the effect to be silenced." -- This is a bit confusing. Does this mean that a Gloom can silence a spellcaster's mouth while not silencing the spellcaster's movements? Clarification appreciated!
"Spellcaster's mouth" is not a valid target by default in D&D, the game doesn't offer that level of granularity. You can't specifically stab a spellcaster's mouth. You can't cut out the spellcaster's tongue. You can only target the spellcaster as a whole, and thus all of the spellcaster will be silenced.

Does the Terror ability bypass immunity to fear at 11 HD or at 22 HD? Or is it that at 11 HD the subject gets the +5 bonus to the save, but loses the bonus at 22 HD?
Bypass immunity at 11 HD, victim loses the +5 at 22 HD.

Does the Gloom Master ability apply to existing magical effects that occupy an area (ex: Energy Transformation Field) or just AoE attacks like fireball? How does this ability interact with AMF?
Passive effects that wouldn't break invisibility will ignore Gloom Master.

How does Gloom Speed work in relation to something like Foresight? Is the foresight-wizard flat-footed during the surprise round?

Does the Killing Edge ability to improve a weapon's threat range stack with other abilities that improve threat range?

Offline Geigan

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2016, 01:06:58 PM »
Couple curiosities while I was pondering this for a build.

-Is it possible to leave the Gloom dagger somewhere for any length of time before it reappears back in your hand aside from the brief instant it impacts (since clearly it's meant to deal damage still)? I can imagine situations where not just being able to leave it someplace for a second or longer before bringing it back to your hand would be a little annoying.

-Does the Gloom dagger cast a shadow? If so that could be funny for Gloom Master, throwing the dagger to re-position yourself and teleporting as a free action to wherever the shadows are cast in the flight path before it impacts and returns to hand to get a different angle from which you can continue your iteratives.

-Also, since you can melt the dagger into your body and have it reappear in hand, can you make it reappear in either hand? If so can you use it for Two Weapon fighting, constantly switching back and forth between primary and off-hand as a free action for each attack? That could be a really interesting fighting style to imagine, even if it's just identical to normal TWF.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 03:04:22 PM by Geigan »
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Re: Gloom
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2016, 10:18:24 AM »
Couple curiosities while I was pondering this for a build.

-Is it possible to leave the Gloom dagger somewhere for any length of time before it reappears back in your hand aside from the brief instant it impacts (since clearly it's meant to deal damage still)? I can imagine situations where not just being able to leave it someplace for a second or longer before bringing it back to your hand would be a little annoying.

-Does the Gloom dagger cast a shadow? If so that could be funny for Gloom Master, throwing the dagger to re-position yourself and teleporting as a free action to wherever the shadows are cast in the flight path before it impacts and returns to hand to get a different angle from which you can continue your iteratives.

-Also, since you can melt the dagger into your body and have it reappear in hand, can you make it reappear in either hand? If so can you use it for Two Weapon fighting, constantly switching back and forth between primary and off-hand as a free action for each attack? That could be a really interesting fighting style to imagine, even if it's just identical to normal TWF.
Added option to leave dagger, also made it project enough shadow to activate abilities.

However I will hold back in adding TWF synergy since I intended to fight with one dagger in one hand like the cool pic.

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2016, 11:24:18 AM »
Couple curiosities while I was pondering this for a build.

-Is it possible to leave the Gloom dagger somewhere for any length of time before it reappears back in your hand aside from the brief instant it impacts (since clearly it's meant to deal damage still)? I can imagine situations where not just being able to leave it someplace for a second or longer before bringing it back to your hand would be a little annoying.

-Does the Gloom dagger cast a shadow? If so that could be funny for Gloom Master, throwing the dagger to re-position yourself and teleporting as a free action to wherever the shadows are cast in the flight path before it impacts and returns to hand to get a different angle from which you can continue your iteratives.

-Also, since you can melt the dagger into your body and have it reappear in hand, can you make it reappear in either hand? If so can you use it for Two Weapon fighting, constantly switching back and forth between primary and off-hand as a free action for each attack? That could be a really interesting fighting style to imagine, even if it's just identical to normal TWF.
Added option to leave dagger, also made it project enough shadow to activate abilities.

However I will hold back in adding TWF synergy since I intended to fight with one dagger in one hand like the cool pic.
Sweet.  :cool

Anyway that's kind of why I liked the idea of switching hands, since it's just one weapon that you switch constantly from hand to hand to throw them off. But I guess that's not really that interesting mechanically, since my suggestion was just to TWF with it. It's fair not to consider that anyway since it clearly wasn't intended to begin with, though maybe a feat? I might write something kind of weapon style feat off of that idea, what do you think?
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Re: Gloom
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2016, 01:08:19 PM »
Couple curiosities while I was pondering this for a build.

-Is it possible to leave the Gloom dagger somewhere for any length of time before it reappears back in your hand aside from the brief instant it impacts (since clearly it's meant to deal damage still)? I can imagine situations where not just being able to leave it someplace for a second or longer before bringing it back to your hand would be a little annoying.

-Does the Gloom dagger cast a shadow? If so that could be funny for Gloom Master, throwing the dagger to re-position yourself and teleporting as a free action to wherever the shadows are cast in the flight path before it impacts and returns to hand to get a different angle from which you can continue your iteratives.

-Also, since you can melt the dagger into your body and have it reappear in hand, can you make it reappear in either hand? If so can you use it for Two Weapon fighting, constantly switching back and forth between primary and off-hand as a free action for each attack? That could be a really interesting fighting style to imagine, even if it's just identical to normal TWF.
Added option to leave dagger, also made it project enough shadow to activate abilities.

However I will hold back in adding TWF synergy since I intended to fight with one dagger in one hand like the cool pic.
Sweet.  :cool

Anyway that's kind of why I liked the idea of switching hands, since it's just one weapon that you switch constantly from hand to hand to throw them off. But I guess that's not really that interesting mechanically, since my suggestion was just to TWF with it. It's fair not to consider that anyway since it clearly wasn't intended to begin with, though maybe a feat? I might write something kind of weapon style feat off of that idea, what do you think?

Just fluff the True Strike SLA when using it so that the reason you're getting such a high modifier is the enemy can't tell which hand the dagger's coming from. :D

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Re: Gloom
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2016, 02:54:30 AM »
If people are willing to write racial feats, I'm fine with that.