^ Well more of a statement if you believe the punctuation.
I've recently started a campaign with a new DM, new meaning that this is my first campaign with him, and that this is the first campaign he's been running, which is why he usually had me handle the encounters whilst he worked on the story an arrangement I;m completely okay with, however this particular session I asked him to run the encounters because I'd spent the day before organizing encounters for a session I'm running and just wanted to relax and kill some constructs.
So he sent the party on an assassination mission against a captain of an enemy force, and he started out doing pretty well, our party (level 2 Druid, Dread Necromancer, Sorcerer and Soulknife/Hexblade) had managed to deal with the encounters as expected, a dire rat, some sort of oversized spider and a few kobolds so no biggies.
Then we encountered the constructs, and this is where it went to hell, see, he hadn't used an existing creature, he'd gone and homebrew'd one himself.
These constructs were using a torch in their off hand, and a bastard sword in the other. Take note of that.
Within 2 rounds of combat with just one of these constructs the druid had been wiped from existence and we didn't have a cleric handy, once the second joined combat the hexblade/soulknife went down and stabilized at -7hp. Myself and the sorcerer had been a fair bit ahead of the other 2 as we'd been chasing down the kobolds to make sure they didn't escape and bring friends when we encountered the second construct. In melee range. It tore the sorcerer apart due to him having an AC of 12 and using a quarter staff.
I then managed to kill the construct due a combination of me getting lucky on me Dex roll and ending up with 19 AC (10 base, 3 from armour 1 from being a halfling another one from halflings +2 dex and the rest from rolling 18 on dex), my ability to to use the environment to my advantage and my adaptability, I was then beset upon by FOUR of these constructs who were constantly trying to grapple me despite my constant escape artist checks succeeding as soon as it was possible for me to escape. Then then encircled me, to make it impossible for me to escape. So I chose the only available option; Fight to the death, I almost had them when I was slain.
I accepted the death as fair, and as the guy usually in charge of encounters I asked to see the sheets for these constructs and he showed them to me, and then I saw something. Well, more like I didn't see some things. First of all, they hadn't had a creature type listed, secondly, they didn't have a class (Which I know is acceptable in a lot of cases but for this it isn't) and finally, these creature had no proficiencies. At all. Remember the bastard swords from earlier? Yeah, they should have been taking a -4 penalty to attack rolls, which they weren't being given. Meaning that death shouldn't have happened.
So we've come to a brick wall.
Do we undo like half an hour of gameplay and return the party to the state they were in before the constructs attacked like I suggested or, do we "get over it an reroll" as the guy responsible for this mess suggests?
tl;dr: the DM messed up and we're paying for it, what do?