Question on the DC of spells that you have added metamagic to but also used reducers.
1. Cast a Fireball as a 5th level Wizard with a 16 Int.
Would the DC be 10 + Spell Level (3) + Casting Modifier (3) for a DC of 16?
2. Cast an Empowered Fireball as a 5th level Wizard with a 16 Int.
Would the DC be 10 + Spell Level (3+2 [Empowerd]) + Casting Modifier (3) for a DC of 18?
3. Cast an Empowered Fireball as a 5th level Wizard with a 16 Int and Arcane Thesis (Fireball).
Would the DC be 10 + Spell Level (3 + 2[Empowerd] - 1 [Arcane Thesis]) + Casting Modifier (3) for a DC of 17?
Basically curious if metamagic reducers reduce the DC of the spell or if it would still be at the same heightened level. Also I am assuming that metamagic does increase the spell level and therefore the DC, please let me know if I am accurate on that as well.
Thank you for all of your help.