Tuokool runs into some trouble at first navigating the slope downward at such speeds which slows him up a bit but Razus makes up the lost ground quickly.
As the group descends into the river valley the terrain wipes by but up ahead you can see the scout approaching the river. Across from it looks to be some walled outpost with a watchtower and large transmission antenna.
The Scout skims across the water's surface, the repulsor engines throwing up a wake and splitting the water. Once on the opposite shore zooms into an outpost that only just seems to be alerted to his arrival.
You race toward the river bank and can see a Stormtrooper in the watchtower with another climbing the ladder. The side facing the river is open and reveals two small barracks and large computer terminal at it's center. A small power generator and fuel cell are not far away from this. The Scout is shouting at a technician that just arrived at the terminal. Two other troopers are exiting the barracks, putting on helmets as they run out the door. The antenna's large dish begins to spin as the technician works to establish communications. If they succeed, then you can bet the Empire will know your there as well as the location of the Felucian Village.
One this side of the shore is the remenants of some large structure, long since forgotten to time. The jungle has reclaimed all but large fallen pillars and bases.
Jungle Watch Outpost Round 1 Begins!Map of the Imperial Jungle OutpostKybuck CL 1
Medium beast 2
Init +4; Senses Perception +2
Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 9, Will 11; +1 natural armor
hp 7; Threshold 9
Speed 12 squares
Melee bite +2 (1d6+2) or
kick +2 (1d4+2)
Base Atk +1; Grp +4
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 8, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 12
Special Qualities dash
Feats Skill Focus (Jump)
Skills Jump +12
Dash—Unlike many other beasts, kybucks can move at incredibly high
speeds overland. They have a maximum velocity of 90 km/h.
Aratech 74-Z Speeder Bike CL 2
Large ground vehicle (speeder)
Init Use Pilots; Senses Use Pilot
Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 8), Fort 12; +1 armor
hp 24(40); DR 5; Threshold 16
Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 500 km/h)
Ranged laser cannon +0 (Use Pilots)
Fighting Space 2x2; Cover none
Base Atk Use Pilots; Grp +8
Atk Options autofire (laser cannon)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con —, Int 14
Skills Use Pilots
Crew 1 ; Passengers none
Cargo 4 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none
Availability Military; Cost 8,000 (1,800 used)
Laser cannon (pilot)
Atk Use Pilots (Pilot–5 autofire), Dmg 4d10
Status--->Kel on Vergun @ K29 | Hit Points = 30/31 | Dmg Thresh = 15 | Condition Track = 0 | Second Wind = 1 | Med Pack Use = 0 | Full Rest = 0 | FP: 6 | DP: 1 | Misc:
+5 to FORT against extreme temp and rads (Racial); | Cond:
Cover (Pillar Base, +5 to REF)Tuokool on Razus @ E41 | Hit Points = 11/32 | Dmg Thresh = 13 | Condition Track = 0 | Second Wind = 1 | Med Pack Use = 0 | Full Rest = 0 | FP: 6 | DP: 1 | Misc:
| Cond:
Imperial Technician @ AA13 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Condition Track = 0 | Misc:
| Cond:
Cover (Computer Terminal, +5 to REF)Stormtrooper @ Y10 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Condition Track = 0 | Misc:
| Cond:
Stormtrooper @ AA9 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Condition Track = 0 | Misc:
| Cond:
Stormtrooper @ AE18 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Condition Track = 0 | Misc:
| Cond:
Cover (Watchtower, +5 to REF)Stormtrooper @ AF19 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Condition Track = 0 | Misc:
| Cond:
Climbing (Ladder, -2 to REF and no DEX to REF)Rald on Speeder Bike @ N32 | Hit Points = 14/18 | Dmg Thresh = 12 | Condition Track = 0 | Second Wind = 0 | Med Pack Use = 1 | Full Rest = 0 | FP: 5 | DP: 1 | Misc:
| Cond:
(Speeder Down 16 and -1 on Condition Track)Corran on Windel @ B36 | Hit Points = 32/32 | Dmg Thresh = 16 | Condition Track = 0 | Second Wind = 1 | Med Pack Use = 0 | Full Rest = 0 | FP: 6 | DP: 1 | Misc:
| Cond:
Cover (Pillar Base, +5 to REF)Imperial Scout on Speeder Bike @ AD9 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Condition Track = 0 | Misc:
| Cond:
Silten on Arryn @ Approaching the River | Hit Points = 6/19 | Dmg Thresh = 14 | Condition Track = 0 | Second Wind = 1 | Med Pack Use = 1 | Full Rest = 0 | FP: 6 | DP: 1 | Misc:
| Cond: