Author Topic: Modron homebrew  (Read 15647 times)

Offline Braininthejar

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Modron homebrew
« on: August 04, 2014, 11:19:21 AM »
I read the official 3.5 description and decided I want some things a bit differently  :cool

Could someone suggest CRs?


Modron are collective of quasi-construct outsiders native to Mechanus.

Modron traits: Modron are outsiders and possess standard outsider traits, plus the following:
* modron don’t breathe
* they are immune to subdual damage, stunning, poison, sickness, nausea, disease, ability damage, ability drain, level drain, petrification and polymorph.
* They heal naturally at the rate of 1HP per hour, which cannot be hasted by heal checks. Magical healing only has 50% effect on them, but they can be healed with “repair” spells.
* They count as constructs and metal for the purpose of magical effects. They take 2d6 damage from rust attacks.
* They have a racial bonus +4 against mind effects. They are always entitled to a save when encountering an illusion.
* They are immune to emotion-manipulating effects, including all fear and confusion effects, but also cannot benefit from morale bonuses or bard music. They can’t benefit from the spell Mechanus Mind
* they cannot be ressurected even by effects specifically affecting outsiders - once they die, their life energy is recovered and repurposed by the collective; the body rusts and decomposes within a round.
* +3 racial bonus to search, spot and listen, +2 to all skill checks involving intelligence (besides search)
* Modron forms: Modron communication system requires an unbroken chain of command: whenever a modron higher than monodrone is killed, one each of the lower ranks will transform on their next turn, going up a rank and gaining HD as needed. The promotion affects the closest eligible modron and is a full-round action; during that time a modron counts as stunned. Any standard issue equipment transforms into whatever is appropriate to the new form, but additional equipment drops to the ground.
* Modron collective: modron communicate with other modron at a range of 50 feet per rank. (this counts as a psionic telepathy effect. It works both ways as long as the higher modron is in range). Due to their programming to perceive their immediate superior as the highest authority, they cannot comprehend the existence of ranks higher than that: thus communication requires an unbroken chain of command.
* Modron coordination: modron can work more effectively by following direct orders - it can use it’s superior’s ranks in skills, to the maximum of his HD+3, as long as there is an unbroken chain of command to relevant modron.
* Modron database: modron can make knowledge checks as loremaster at level equal to their HD.
* Modron attacks (including any modron-made weapons they wield) count as lawful.

(note: standard issue modron weapons are usually parts of their users - they are destroyed if the user dies and replaced when he is promoted - any exceptions to this rule are much sought for )

Mechanus crossbows: These masterwork crossbows (usually light or pistol crossbows) are inhabited by minor Mechanus spirits. When wielded by modron they count as having quick-loading enhancement.

Telescopic spear: a masterwork shortspear with a metal shaft that can be extended as a move action to make it a two-handed spear with reach (damage remains as for shortspear). These are often issued to flying modron

Combat wrench: a heavy, metal wrench with a variety of moving parts that allow it to be reshaped for the task at hand. It is a masterwork heavy mace, which also provides a +4 circumstance bonus to any tasks involving applying leverage

Gear blade: This masterwork weapon, either an axe or a halberd, has a blade composed of two sharp gears. In the hands of a modron, these can be commanded to spin, pulling in and crushing a hit target ( effectively the weapon has improved grab with grapple 16 and constrict D8+3. (grapple 22 and 2d6+6 for large user version)  If it is pulled from the user’s grasp it stops doing constrict damage - however it takes another grapple check to unjam it from the target’s flesh.

Drill spear: (exotic weapon) a spear with a serrated, wide tip. (two-handed, d4 piercing, crit x4, may be a telescopic spear. As all modron-produced weapons, it is of masterwork quality) When wielded by a modron it does d8 damage and ignores 5 points of the target’s hardness/non-epic damage reduction.

Ocassionally a modron unit will grow erratic and develop a personality of its own, breaking away from the collective. Such rebel modrons are hunted mercilessly by their former brothers, who seek to return their life force to Regulus. A rebel modron undergoes the following changes:
* loses all modron spell-like abilities except for fabricate
* loses modron coordination (though it can give simple orders to lower rank modron if it can hide its nature)
* loses the racial bonus against mind effects. (but keeps the ability to recognise illusions)
* loses the immunity to emotional effects and can gain morale bonuses as normal
* keeps its current level of modron database, but does not increase it if its HD changes later
* gains advancement “by character class”
* LA in modron stat blocks is meant for rogue modrons (monodrones and high hierarchs never go rogue)
* Rogue modrons stay Lawful Neutral: they are still highly logical, even if their logic is twisted

MONODRONE (medium outsider, lawful, modron)
Hit dice: 2d8+2 (11 HP)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30’ or flight 20’ (perfect)
Armour class: 13 / 10 / 13 (+3 natural)
Base attack / grapple: +2/+2
Attack: slam +2 (d4 damage) or masterwork telescopic spear +3 (d6 damage)
Full attack: slam +2 (d4 damage) or masterwork telescopic spear +3 (d6 damage)
Space/reach: 5’ / 5’ (10’ with telescopic spear)
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: modron traits, drone, fire, cold and sonic resistance 5, DR 5/magic or chaotic, toolset.
Saves: 4 / 3 / 1
Abilities: 10, 10, 12, -, 6, 2
Skills: -
Feats: -
Environment: any lawful-aligned plane
Organisation: 2-12, always accompanied by a duodrone.
Challenge rating: 2
Treasure: none
Alignment: Always LN
Advancement: none
LA: -

A monodrone is the simplest of modrons. It looks like a metal ball with two legs and a pair of small fluttering wings, a head shorter than an average dwarf. The front has a single eye in the centre and a patch of softer, grey ‘skin’ underneath, where a flat, wide mouth is located. various clasps and hooks are spread around its circumference, securing equipment and weapons.

Monodrones usually move on foot. When working or fighting, they take to the air, switching to using their legs as arms. Those armed with telescopic spears will usually be ordered to flutter out of reach, making full use of increased range.

Drone: monodrones are built solely to obey orders. They do not speak. They will focus entirely on one task and not stop until ordered otherwise. They can use no skills except through modron coordination - in that case treat their intelligence as 8. (despite the evidence to the contrary, they don’t count as mindless)

Toolset: the mouth of a monodrone contains a mass of mechanical tendrils - they count as masterwork tools for craft (except alchemy), open lock, disable device, heal and forgery.

Messanger modron: one modron in 12 is modified to act as a messanger. Its flight speed changes to 40’ (average), he loses the benefits of modron coordination and toolset. Instead he has survival of 15 (for the purpose of finding the way and avoiding hazards only) and can detect other modron within a mile radius.

DUODRONE (medium outsider, lawful, modron)
Hit dice: 3d8+3 (16 HP)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30’ or flight 20’ (perfect)
Armour class: 14 / 10 / 14 (+4 natural)
Base attack / grapple: +3 / +3
Attack: slam +3 (1d4) or telescopic spear +4 (1d6) or modron crossbow +4 (1d8, 19+x2) or combat wrench +4 (1d8)
Full attack: slam +3 (1d4) or telescopic spear +4 (1d6) or modron crossbow +4 (1d8, 19+x2) or combat wrench +4 (1d8)
Space/reach: 5’ / 5’ (10’ with spear)
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: modron traits, fire, cold and sonic resistance 5, DR 5/magic or chaotic, toolset.
Saves: +4 / +3 / +2
Abilities: 10,10,12, 8,8,4
Skills: balance 3, climb 3, jump 3, knowledge (the planes, engineering) 5, listen 4, search 4, spot 4, survival 3, craft (any 4 ) 4 ranks each (typically adding to the total modifier of 7)
Feats: point blank shot, far shot
Environment: any lawful-aligned plane
Organisation: solitary, squad (1+ 2-12 monodrones) or team (2-10 + 1 tridrone)
Challenge rating: ?
Treasure: usually none
Alignment: Always LN
Advancement: -
LA: ?

A duodrone is a a base modron worker, tasked with physical work or overseeing monodrones. It has a flat, rectangular body divided in half by a “waist” that allows it to turn. The upper half has a face on the front, a pair of wings and a pair of arms, while the lower has a pair of legs and may have an apron or a harness for extra equipment.

Duodrones understand common, celestial and infernal, but rarely communicate to non-modrons

Toolset: a duodrone possesses a built-in toolset, just like monodrones do
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 11:58:55 AM by Braininthejar »

Offline Inuyasha

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 01:38:59 PM »
I'd go with a CR of 2.

I think it's too weak to be CR 3, which houses monsters as deadly as the allip and the cockatrice

and CR 1 is too low for it because of the damage reduction and the modron traits.

And just a reminder, even though it's fairly obvious, I'd recommend specifying what type of abilities the modron has, are they supernatural, are they extraordinary, are they spell like?

I think that "Modron coordination" is a little too powerful, that could create little monodrones with super high skills if the chain of command gets to them...

Also, one little thing to note that I've always thought was cool about monodrones is the fact that they absorb air through their skin, because they can only do one thing at a time and if they were to work they'd forget to breathe.

I can't wait to see more modrons!  :D
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Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 02:06:20 PM »
Notice the limit on modron coordination is 3+HD ranks. so monodrones won't get more than 5 (giving them the final skill of 5 on most craft skills: -2 for int, +2 for built-in masterwork tools)

They are not great, just competent at whatever they are sent to do

Things I intend to add: modron weapons (they are in my other thread atm), rogue modrons

duodrones will be added once I figure how stats should scale through ranks (also, I intend to tweak some more absurd modron shapes.)

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2014, 03:51:00 PM »
OH! I don't know why my brain was interpereting that as the commanders HD+3... :banghead

Sorry 'bout that!
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Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2014, 06:19:24 PM »
No, my fault: the syntax of that sentence is confusing.

Added modron weapons and rogue modron information.

Offline bhu

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2014, 08:14:12 PM »
Possible weapon prices:

Mechanus Crossbow: 1801 gp for a light crossbow, 1900 for Hand Crossbow, 2050 for Repeating Light Crossbow
Telescopic Spear: 801 gp
Combat Wrench: 812 gp
Gearblade: 8310 for a Battleaxe or Halberd, 8320 for a Greataxe,
Drill Spear: 8304 (8354 if telescopic)

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2014, 08:45:17 PM »
Good weapons are more expensive than they seem (also, gear axe, drill spear and modron crossbow will only work properly if you have a modron limb graft to wield it)

Offline bhu

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2014, 08:49:05 PM »
I took the 'modron only' bit into account when trying to figure out prices.

Offline Inuyasha

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2014, 01:26:13 PM »
So I've just gotta ask, once you're finished with all of the modron types, will you include stats for primus? I know the official 3.X WotC didn't and that bugged me...
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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2014, 01:53:45 PM »
If your GM needs stats for Primus, you have done something wrong  :P  I intend to finish on Secundi at 24 HD

Offline Inuyasha

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2014, 03:45:50 PM »
Idk man, if your DM needs stats for Primus, you've probably gone pretty far. And if you've gone THAT far you're probably a walking statue of the element badassium
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Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2014, 05:51:55 PM »
back in the day ... I had some Rogue Monodrones wandering around the lower levels of Archeron, and coming across Ion Stones.  And then going a smidge crazy, thinking themselves as an alt-Beholder with all those "eyes" floating around.  Not that a beholder wouldn't eat a rogue monodrone.

Also, if I ever achieved some nasty level of programming-fu, I'd hack a nintendo Baseball game, and have a scalable team of modrons.  Slaadi 'porting in to mess with them.  Weird modron versions of high school cheerleaders, etc ...

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2014, 06:25:39 PM »
Modron cheerleaders would be hilarious because they'd have perfectly horeographed, complex routine while completely missing the point of the exercise.

Kind of like that dungeon simulator they built in Planescape: Torment

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2014, 11:58:08 AM »
TRIDRONE (medium outsider, lawful, modron)
Hit dice: 4d8+8 (26 HP)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30’ or flight 20’ (perfect)
Armour class: 15/11/15 (+4 natural)
Base attack / grapple: +4/+4
Attack: +5 slam (d4+1) or  +6 combat wrench (d8+1) or +6 modron crossbow (d8, 19x2) or modron hand crossbow +6 (d4, 19x2)
Full attack: 3 of the above in any configuration (a crossbow takes 2 limbs to operate)
Space/reach: 5’ / 5’
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: modron traits, fire, cold and sonic resistance 5, DR 5/magic or chaotic, stability, multiple coordination, all-round vision, toolset, storage space
Saves: 6 / 5 / 5
Abilities: 12,12,14,10,10,6
Skills: balance 5, climb 5, jump 4, knowledge (the planes, engineering) 7, listen 5, search 5, spot 5, survival 4, craft (any 4 ) 5 ranks each (typically adding to the total modifier of 9)
Feats: point blank shot, far shot
Environment: any lawful-aligned plane
Organisation: solitary, team (1 + 2-10 duodrones) work group (1 + 2-5 duodrones + 2-12 monodrones per duodrone) or specialist team (2-10 tridrones +1 quadron)
Challenge rating: ?
Treasure: ?
Alignment: Always LN
Advancement: none
LA: -

Tridrones are foremen and sergeants of the modron race. A tridrone has a 4-sided, triangular body with a one-eyed face on each side and an arm on each of the three upper corners. The bottom tip has a rotating “waist” with three double-jointed legs below it while the flat top contains a collapsible, double-rotor propeller.

Tridrones speak common, celestial and infernal

Combat: since the propeller is rather easy to damage, tridrones prefere to fight on the ground, unless flying would keep them out of harm's way entirely.

Multiple coordination: a tridrone can make one attack with each arm or held weapon at no penalty, even dividing them into ranged and melee attacks (as long as it has one melee oriented arm per opponent, it can shoot in melee without provoking attacks of opportunity).
Stability: a tridrone has a +4 stability due to its 3 legs
All-round vision: a tridrone can see and attack effectively in all directions and cannot be flanked.
Toolset: a tridrone possesses a built-in toolset, just like monodrones do
Storage space: a tridrone can store items in its mouths like a small bag of holding. If it should suffer a portable hole glitch, it is forced to regurgitate all the stored objects and can't use the space as long as the glitch persists, but suffers no further harm.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 09:56:12 AM by Braininthejar »

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2014, 11:59:47 AM »
any suggestions for treasure, CR, LA ?

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2014, 07:50:55 PM »
I don't recall (I may be wrong) Modrons ever giving two bits about treasure.  However the more intelligent ones could know and give commands to keep trinkets or money or things, for whatever job the lower models should do.  And they'd follow those orders to a T.

Maybe the idea would be that a random modron would have "something" on them for some unknown or unknowable modron-ish task.  Divinations of course could reveal parts of details, but you'd have to be a modron to read the magic results correctly.  In any case, the motivations would be unfathomable.

(wait was my kitty avatar just being autobiographical ?)
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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2014, 08:06:37 PM »
yes, the only treasure they'd have is unusual items required for their current task. How to reflect it in rules? "none"?

Also, what do you think CR / LA would be?

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2014, 03:30:43 AM »
You could always put 'see text' for treasure.

CR 2 or 3.  I need to look at it when im not exhausted.

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2014, 07:36:45 AM »
Ok, since my modron are starting to look a bit different from canon (and 'canon' is pretty inconsistent at times) the next entry will have to wait until I can draw some pictures.

(in particular, quadron. I'm torn between the iconic quadron look and the "4 1-eyed faces" look proposed by modron web enhancement, which is the more logical continuation of the shapes theme.)
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 07:43:04 AM by Braininthejar »

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2014, 08:38:12 PM »
Ok, I have decided: I will go with 4 one-eyed faces for quadron and use the "classic" quadron as the shape rebel modrons change into when they fully break off - they will be a new creature entirely. (much like in Planescape)