Author Topic: Modron homebrew  (Read 15644 times)

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #40 on: October 02, 2015, 06:23:43 PM »
Modron Hierarchs are the leaders of the mordron race, supervising the millions of ordinary modrons on behalf of their supreme leader.

Hierarch traits: Modron Hierarchs are outsiders and possess standard outsider traits, plus the following:
* modron hierarchs don’t breathe
* they are immune to subdual damage, stunning, poison, sickness, nausea, disease, ability damage, ability drain, level drain, petrification and polymorph.
* They heal naturally at the rate of 1HP per hour, which cannot be hasted by heal checks. Magical healing only has 50% effect on them, but they can be healed with “repair” spells.
* They count as constructs and metal for the purpose of magical effects. They take 2d6 damage from rust attacks.
* They have a racial bonus +4 against mind effects. They are always entitled to a save when encountering an illusion.
* They are immune to emotion-manipulating effects, including all fear and confusion effects, but also cannot benefit from morale bonuses or bard music. They can’t benefit from the spell Mechanus Mind
* they cannot be ressurected even by effects specifically affecting outsiders - once they die, their life energy is recovered and repurposed by the collective; the body rusts and decomposes within a round.
* +3 racial bonus to search, spot and listen, +2 to all skill checks involving intelligence (besides search)
* Modron forms: Modron communication system requires an unbroken chain of command: whenever a hierarch is killed, one each of the lower ranks will transform on their next turn, going up a rank and gaining HD as needed. The promotion affects the closest eligible modron and is a full-round action; during that time a modron counts as stunned. Any standard issue equipment transforms into whatever is appropriate to the new form, but additional equipment drops to the ground.
* Modron collective: modron hierarchs communicate with other modron at a range of 1 mile per HD. (this counts as a psionic telepathy effect. It works both ways as long as the higher modron is in range). Due to their programming to perceive their immediate superior as the highest authority, they cannot comprehend the existence of ranks higher than that: thus communication requires an unbroken chain of command.
* Hierarch toolset: a hierarch's body counts as masterwork tools for any task where it would make a difference. They can also store items inside their body as if with a large bag of holding - in case of a portable hole glitch the pocket is emptied, but the hierarch suffers no harm.
* Modron database: modron can make knowledge checks as loremaster at level equal to their HD.
* Modron hierarch attacks (including any modron-made weapons they wield) count as lawful.
* All hierarchs have access to a specialised form of spellcasting (see: modron spellcasting)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 06:58:07 PM by Braininthejar »

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #41 on: October 02, 2015, 07:01:16 PM »
I'll continue this as it is, but then probably make a rewrite, trying to streamline and simplify things.

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #42 on: October 02, 2015, 09:11:15 PM »
DECATON (large outsider, lawful, modron hierarch)
Hit dice: 8d8+32 (68 HP)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 40’ or climb 40', or flight 20’ (perfect)
Armour class: 22 / 12/ 19 (+6 natural, +4 mage armor, -1 size)
Base attack / grapple: +8 / +16 (+22 with racial bonus)
Attack: tendril +11 (d6+4 piercing) or by weapon
Full attack: Up to 10 of the above in any combination
Space/reach: 10’ / 10’
Special attacks: improved grab, dismantle
Special qualities: modron hierarch traits, fire, cold and sonic resistance 10, DR 10/magic and chaotic, SR 19, stability, hierarch coordination, all-round vision, spelllike abilities, cling, blindsense 40’, weightlessness, hierarch spellcasting,
Saves: 10 / 9 / 9
Abilities: 18, 16, 18, 16, 16, 12
Skills: balance 12*, climb 17*, jump 9, knowledge (the planes, engineering, law) 16*, spellcraft 16*,  listen 11*, search 11*, spot 11*, survival 8, craft (any 4 ) 12*, diplomacy 4   (skill levels marked * include racial bonuses)
Feats: improved initiative, combat expertise, 1 item creation feat (typically wand or wonderous item)
Environment: any lawful-aligned plane
Organisation: 1+ entourage ( 2-4 pentadrones, 4-16 quadrons)
Challenge rating: ?
Treasure: usually no gold, but double items - whatever is helpful in their job
Alignment: Always LN
Advancement: -
LA: -

the 100 Decatons of the modron are the supervisors of modron cities, each responsible for millions of its lesser kin, as well as assistants to Nonatons, relaying their orders down the chain of command. A Decaton looks like a bizarre, mechanical beholder, a sphere six feet in diameter, with a mouth and five eye-stalks on both sides and a ring of ten long tendrils growing around its circumference. It moves by levitating slowly, but can propel itself rapidly with its tendrils if needed, skittering along any available surfaces.

While Decatons prefer using their superb multitasking skills for management, they can be incredibly deadly combatants if provoked, disabling their opponents with magic before using their tendrils to methodically take them apart.

Decatons speak the languages of any races the Modron collective has met.

Hierarch multitasking: a Decaton can attack with all its limbs at no penalty, even dividing them into ranged and melee (as long as it has one melee oriented limb per opponent, it can shoot in melee without provoking attacks of opportunity), as well as use one spell or spellike ability and maintain concentration on ongoing effects. (Typically, decaton does not have any weapons, keeping at range and using spells while leaving direct combat to its entourage. If forced into melee it tries to grab the opponent it deems the most dangerous and kill it as quickly as possible.)
Stability: a decaton has a +4 stability
All-round vision: a decaton can see and attack effectively in all directions and cannot be flanked. Its multiple sensors also grant it blindsense 40’
Spellike abilities: At will: light, detect magic, detect chaos/good/evil/law/poison, mage hand, mend, magic missile, floating disc, mage armor, dispel magic (CL 8) Once every hour: repair moderate damage, make whole, fabricate (CL10),
Hierarch casting: a decaton is an 8th level caster
Improved grab: decaton can start a free grapple after a successful tendril hit. As long as it devotes a number of tendrils equal to the target's limbs to maintaining the grapple, it can act normally with its other limbs and is not considered grappled. Unless its cling ability is negated, a decaton receives a +6 racial bonus on grapple checks.
Cling: (su) Decaton's tendrils project a tactile telekinesis effect, allowing fine manipulation of objects and emulating a spider climb effect. (if the effect is negated, a decaton maintains its climb speed, but has to use at least five limbs and actually stab them into the surface climbed.)
Dismantle:(ex) if a decaton grapples a target with at least one tendril per limb, it can power attack against it with remaining tendrils at no penalty.
Weightlesness: (su) A decaton continuously levitates, negating all fall damage.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2015, 12:32:27 PM by Braininthejar »

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2015, 01:55:47 PM »
Should hierarchs have SR?

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #44 on: October 06, 2015, 12:30:25 PM »
Since the I had issues with some of the modron designs (and the descriptions weren't always consistent anyway), I decided to take some artistic liberties.

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Offline bhu

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #45 on: October 06, 2015, 06:18:10 PM »

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2015, 12:33:12 PM »
How would you estimate the CR?

Offline bhu

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2015, 12:16:36 AM »
You pretty much have to wing that by comparing it to existing stuff, put forth a cr and playtest to see if you got it right.  Plus there's always the chance if you're really off someone will be kind enough to say so.