Author Topic: Modron homebrew  (Read 15651 times)

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2014, 08:28:51 AM »
Ok then, I've finally finished the first picture  :D

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2014, 12:36:42 PM »
QUADRONE (medium outsider, lawful, modron)
Hit dice: 5d8 +10 (32 HP)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30’ or flight 20’ (perfect)
Armour class: 15 (+3 natural) / 12 / 13
Base attack / grapple: +5/+6
Attack: slam +6 (1d4+1) or gearblade halberd +7 (1d10+1 20x3) or combat wrench +7 (1d8+1) or modron crossbow +9 (1d10 19x2) or drill spear +7 (1d8+1 20x3) or modron hand crossbow +9 (1d4 19x2)
Full attack: any 4 of the above (drill spear, crossbow and halberd take 2 hands each. crossbow and hand crossbow can make 2 attacks at +7/+7) 
Space/reach: 5’ / 5’ (10 with telescopic drill spear)
Special attacks: none
Special qualities: modron traits, fire, cold and sonic resistance 5, DR 5/magic or chaotic, stability, multiple coordination, all-round vision, toolset, storage space, spelllike ability, warrior protocol
Saves: 6 / 6 / 5
Abilities: 12,14,14,12,12,8
Skills: balance 7, climb 7, jump 4, knowledge (the planes, engineering) 9, listen 5, search 5, spot 5, survival 4,
craft (any 4 ) 6 ranks each (typically adding to the total modifier of 9)
Feats: point blank shot, far shot
Environment: any lawful-aligned plane
Organisation: A team of 2-12 or leading a group of lower ranks.
Challenge rating: ?
Treasure: see text
Alignment: Always LN
Advancement: -
LA: -

Quadrones are specialists and elite soldiers of the modron. A quadron has a cubical body with a one-eyed face on each side and an arm on each of the four upper corners. The bottom has four-legged pelvis, which can rotate relative to the body, while the flat top contains a collapsible, double-rotor propeller.

Quadrone speak common, celestial, infernal +1 other language

Multiple coordination: a quadrone can make one attack with each arm or held weapon at no penalty, even dividing them into ranged and melee attacks (as long as it has one melee oriented arm per opponent, it can shoot in melee without provoking attacks of opportunity). A quadron with rapid shot feat can make 1 extra attack with each projectile weapon it uses.
Stability: a quadron has a +4 stability due to its 4 legs
All-round vision: a quadrone can see and attack effectively in all directions and cannot be flanked.
Toolset: a quadrone possesses a built-in toolset, just like monodrones do
Storage space: a quadrone can store items in its mouths like a small bag of holding. If he should suffer a portable hole glitch, he is forced to regurgitate all the stored objects, but suffers no further harm. While quadrons don’t gather treasures, they often carry samples of various metals, which they use for their fabricate ability
Spellike abilities: fabricate (CL10) once every 6 hours: A quadron swallows the materials and regurgitates finished products. Quadrons at work use it to create needed parts while those sent to fight manufacture ammo for themselves (they can produce masterwork bolts and may be issued various materials depending on the foe they are facing.) The ability can also be used to emulate mend or make whole, as long as the quadrone can fit the object into its mouth.
Warrior protocol: a quadrone has 1 extra fighter feat (typically rapid shot, though melee-armed quadrons can instead be programmed with weapon focus or power attack)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 05:46:16 PM by Braininthejar »

Offline bhu

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2014, 03:24:53 AM »
CR 4 maybe?

Offline Gazzien

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2014, 04:01:36 AM »
I'd put it at around CR 4 or 5 as well, with the concern that perfect flight and the opportunity for four ranged attacks per round (two crossbows, with rapid shot as advised in the description) might be a bit much for a standard party.

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2014, 04:40:26 PM »
PENTADRONE (medium outsider, lawful, modron)
Hit dice: 6d8+18 (45 HP)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30’ or flight 20’ (perfect)
Armour class: 16 / 12/ 14 (4 natural)
Base attack / grapple: +6 / +9 (+15 with racial bonus)
Attack: slam +9 (1d4+3 ) or tentacle +9 (1d6+3 + grapple) or by weapon
Full attack: Up to 5 of the above in any combination
Space/reach: 5’ / 5’
Special attacks: improved grab, breath weapon, constrict (1d6+3)
Special qualities: modron traits, fire, cold and sonic resistance 5, DR 5/magic or chaotic, stability, multiple coordination, all-round vision, toolset, storage space, spelllike abilities, modron multitasking, manufacturer protocol, cling, blindsense 30’, weightlessness
Saves: 8 / 7 / 7
Abilities: 16, 14, 16, 14, 14, 10
Skills: balance 7, climb 9, jump 6, knowledge (the planes, engineering) 10, knowledge (1 other) 9,  listen 6, search 6, spot 6, survival 5, craft (any 4 ) 7 ranks each (typically adding to the total modifier of 11)
Feats: point blank shot, far shot, rapid shot ( may differ depending on the role of a particular pentadrone)
Environment: any lawful-aligned plane
Organisation: 1+ entourage ( 2-4 quadrons and 4-16 tridrones)
Challenge rating: ?
Treasure: see text
Alignment: Always LN
Advancement: -
LA: -

Pentadrones are field commanders of the modron, responsible for supervising their lesser kin. A Pentadrone has a round, conical body with 5 one-eyed faces and 5 arms around it, resting on a rotating base with 5 tentacle-like legs. The top of the shell unfolds into a small propeller.

Pentadrones speak common, celestial, infernal +2 other languages

Multiple coordination: a pentadrone can make up to 5 attacks at no penalty, each with a different limb, even dividing them into ranged and melee attacks (as long as it has one melee oriented limb per opponent, it can shoot in melee without provoking attacks of opportunity). A pentadrone with rapid shot feat can make 1 extra attack with each projectile weapon it uses. (Typically, a pentadrone will fight with ranged weapons; if forced into melee, it flies up to make all 5 of its attacks as tentacla strikes - it can only make up to three while standing on the ground.
Stability: a pentadrone has a +4 stability
All-round vision: a pentadrone can see and attack effectively in all directions and cannot be flanked. Its multiple sensors also grant it blindsense 30’
Toolset: a pentadrone possesses a built-in toolset, just like monodrones do
Storage space: a pentadrone can store items in its mouths like a small bag of holding. If it should suffer a portable hole glitch, it is forced to regurgitate all the stored objects, but suffers no further harm. While pentadrones don’t gather treasures, they often carry samples of various materials, which they use for their fabricate ability
Spellike abilities: At will: light, mend, detect magic, detect chaos/good/evil/law (CL 5) Once every hour: repair minor damage (CL5), fabricate (CL10): A pentadrone swallows the materials and regurgitates finished products. Pentadrones use it to create needed parts or masterwork ammo for their weapons. A pentadrone can also use it to emulate make whole, as long as it can fit the object into its mouth.
Modron multitasking: a pentadrone can concentrate on one spellilke ability, use it’s fabricate ability (in any of its uses) or use its manufacturer protocol while performing other actions. (this allows it to use breath weapon and full attack)
Improved grab: pentadrone can start a free grapple after a successful tentacle hit. If successful, it can then constrict. Unless its cling ability is negated, a pentadrone receives a +6 racial bonus on grapple checks.
Manufacturer protocol: apart from normal benefits of a toolset, a pentadrone is considered to be an alchemist lab (which also receives the masterwork tools bonus) It also gains a breath weapon usable instead of its hourly use of manufacture ability - using the chemicals stored within to concoct a mix that is sprayed in a 30’ cone. It can even use it while grappling, though it can’t be directed at the grappled target. The mix can be any of the following (DC is constitution-based)
* flammable liquid (6d6 fire, reflex half DC 16. Targets that fail their saves are also set on fire for 3 rounds)
* poison gas (fortitude  DC 16. Primary damage 1d6+1 dex, secondary damage: unconscious for 1 hour)
* caustic liquid (6d6 acid, reflex half DC 16. Targets that fail their saves are blinded until they wash their eyes)
* coolant liquid (6d6 cold, reflex half DC 16. Targets that fail their saves are also slowed for 3 rounds)
Cling: (su) pentadrones’ feet can stick to any surface similarly to spider climb spell. It can use it to move or even run up walls and ceilings at its land speed.
Weightlesness: (su) pentadrone can render itself effectively weightless, negating all fall damage. Note that this ability is required for it to fly - its smaller propeller is to weak to move it otherwise.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 05:45:19 PM by Braininthejar »

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2014, 04:42:53 PM »
I've noticed that since they tend to gain new abilities with promotion, each consecutive modron has a longer description. It might be a weakness of this project - higher level modrons might turn out unwieldy to use.

Offline Amechra

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2014, 11:38:00 PM »
May I suggest an alternative?

What if you wrote each promotion as a template that could only be applied to the Modron on the tier below?

So the Monodrone has whatever stats you decide to have for it; Duodrone is a template slapped on Monodrone, and so on and so forth.
"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

Offline bhu

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2014, 01:16:18 AM »
I've noticed that since they tend to gain new abilities with promotion, each consecutive modron has a longer description. It might be a weakness of this project - higher level modrons might turn out unwieldy to use.

Arent most high level outsiders unwieldly to use?

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2014, 04:25:17 AM »
May I suggest an alternative?

What if you wrote each promotion as a template that could only be applied to the Modron on the tier below?

So the Monodrone has whatever stats you decide to have for it; Duodrone is a template slapped on Monodrone, and so on and so forth.

a template? could you post an example duodrone to illustrate how this is supposed to work?

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2014, 06:24:21 AM »
oh, another thing. I'm about to start hierarchs. In the old rules most of them were casters. I initially intended to do everything through spellike abilities, like Inevitables do. But now I'm thinking of making a custom caster "class" for hierarchs:

cast "as SLA" like phaerimm do
whole list access spontaneous caster
no bonus spells per day, int-based saves

Do you think it would work?

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2014, 09:14:44 AM »
First draft of the rules (will add spell list later today). I'm aware this is a very powerful ability, but I believe hierarchs need it: the data I was able to find estimates the numbers of Modron to about 350 million. That means an average decaton hierarch would be in charge of roughly 3.5 million subordinates (out of that, 3 million monodrones)


All the modron hierarchs have access to a specialised form of spellcasting. They cast spontaneously, with full access to spell list. The spells are cast as spelllike abilities, with no need for components except XP components where applicable.

* Unless otherwise noted, a hierarch’s multitasking abilities make it possible to maintain concentration and use spelllike abilities while performing other actions - however, it doesn’t allow using two spells or spellike abilities in the same turn, unless one of them is quickened.

A hierarch can cast a following number of spells per day (spells available increase only on those levels - typically at promotion). A hierarch receives no bonus spells, but otherwise casting is intelligence-based. Caster level is equal to the hierarch’s HD.

  8 level: -,6,6,4,2
10 level: -,6,6,6,4,2,
12 level: -,8,6,6,6,4,2,
14 level: -,8,8,6,6,6,4,2,
16 level: -,8,8,8,6,6,6,4,2,
18 level: -,8,8,8,8,6,6,6,4,2,
20 level: -,8,8,8,8,8,6,6,6,4,

(all relevant 1st level spells are available as SLA anyway)

A hierarch doesn’t need to rest to regain spells, instead recovering half the spells allowance every 12 hours.

(note that modron bodies and natural weapons count as armor and weapons for the purpose of buff spells.)

0: detect poison, read magic, mage hand,

1: alarm, benign transposition, floating disc, identify, mage armor, magic missile, protection from chaos/evil/good, repair light damage, sanctuary,

2: align weapon, augury, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, calm emotions, detect thoughts, fox’ cunning, gust of wind,  repair moderate damage, owl’s wisdom, scorching ray, silence, zone of truth,

3: arcane sight, daylight, deeper darkness,fireball, haste, hold person, invisibility purge, lightning bolt, locate object, mage armor: greater, mage armor mass, magic circle against chaos/evil/good, protection from energy, repair serious damage, stinking cloud, stone shape,

4: cone of cold, death ward, dimensional anchor, dimension door, discern lies, dismissal, divination, divine power, freedom of movement, magic weapon: greater, minor creation, orb of force, ray deflection, repair critical damage, resistance: greater, resist energy: mass, sending, shout, spell immunity,

5: break enchantment, cloudkill, hold monster, major creation, plane shift, repair light damage: mass, righteous might, scrying, telekinesis, teleport, wall of force,

6: analyze dweomer, banishment, bear endurance: mass, bull’s strength: mass, cat’s grace: mass, chain lightning, disintegrate, energy immunity, find the path, legend lore, resistance :superior, total repair,

7: arcane sight: greater, dictum, ethereal jaunt, force cage, reverse gravity, scrying: greater, teleport: greater, teleport object. vision

8: chain dispel, dimensional lock, discern location, invisibility: superior, mind blank, plane shift: greater

9: disjunction, effulgent epuration, hold monster: mass, implosion, miracle, sphere of ultimate destruction, teleportation circle, time stop,

* True sight and dispel / greater dispel will be available as SLA)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 10:36:57 AM by Braininthejar »

Offline Amechra

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #31 on: August 28, 2014, 02:10:37 PM »
Duodrone is a template that may be applied to Monodrone Modrons. They gain 1 HD, +1 NA, lose the Drone special quality, and adjust their ability scores as follows: Int 8, Wis +2, Cha +2. Additionally, they grow a pair of arms, which may be used to manipulate and wield weapons as normal.

Tridrone is a template that may be applied to Duodrone Modrons. They gain 1 HD, increase all of their ability scores by 2, and gain the Multiple Coordination, Stability, All-Round Vision, and Storage Space special qualities. Finally, they grow an additional arm, which may be used to manipulate and wield weapons as normal.

Multiple Coordination [Ex]: Modrons with this special quality may make a single attack with each weapon they are wielding as a full-round action, each at their full BAB. If the Modron has the Rapid Shot feat, they may choose to replace any attack made with a ranged weapon with two attacks made at a -2 penalty.

Stability [Ex]: Due to their multiple legs, Modrons with this special quality gain a +4 bonus on any check to resist being tripped or bull-rushed while standing on the ground.

All-Round Vision [Ex]: Modrons with this special quality have eyes spaced equidistantly around their bodies; they therefore cannot be flanked.

Storage Space [Su]: A Modron with this special quality may treat their mouths as a Type I Bag of Holding. If they suffer a portal glitch or otherwise have this ability suppressed, they regurgitate anything stored in this space; they are otherwise unharmed.

Quadrone is a template that may be applied to a Tridrone Modron. They gain 1 HD, as well as the Warrior Programming special quality. They increase their Dexterity and mental ability scores by 2. Additionally, they gain the ability to use Fabricate as a spell-like ability once every 6 hours; this SLA is used at CL 10. Finally, they grow an additional fully functional arm.

Warrior Programming [Ex]: A Modron with this special quality gains a [Fighter] feat that they qualify for as a bonus feat.

And so on and so forth.

Pentadrones and up get a bit more complicated, but are still manageable.

Admittedly, this method is less useable if you just want to toss a Hierodule at your party or something, but it does make things more manageable if you are building stuff up from the base.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 02:14:28 PM by Amechra »
"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #32 on: August 28, 2014, 03:27:14 PM »
But that way, someone who needs a pentadrone has to take a monodrone and level him up through all the templates.

It's elegant in a way, but a bestiary isn't supposed to work like this - people look into it to get a ready to use monster.

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2014, 04:14:54 PM »
I'm aware of that sad, sad fact - heck, you don't even need to post the templates.

I think, ultimately, it might be more helpful for you when you're building monsters to put in the bestiary; you slap together a Monodrone, and you can then just build up from there in a consistent manner.

Like, you started with a pattern of +1 HD, +1 NA, but then stopped handing out NA; also, your Quadrone's AC... where did that come from?
"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2014, 05:24:24 PM »
On the Quadrone: "knowledge (the planes, engineering) 10, knowledge (1 other) 9"

There's no way a Modron of any sort is gonna do Knowledge (Local) except for Mechanus.
They can't ask the right questions.  Maybe put a small * tag that if so, it's Mechanus only.
Ooooo, other exception being places where the Modron March has gone, and they didn't wipe out the locals.
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2014, 05:40:41 PM »
What? A modron march never wipes out the locals, unless they somehow manage to all stand in the way  :D

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #36 on: August 28, 2014, 05:44:25 PM »
I'm aware of that sad, sad fact - heck, you don't even need to post the templates.

I think, ultimately, it might be more helpful for you when you're building monsters to put in the bestiary; you slap together a Monodrone, and you can then just build up from there in a consistent manner.

Like, you started with a pattern of +1 HD, +1 NA, but then stopped handing out NA; also, your Quadrone's AC... where did that come from?

I seriously have no idea. I don't even drink... it should be 15/12/13

as for NA, I tried to make all additions progress symetrically, but it didn't always work perfect.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 05:52:31 PM by Braininthejar »

Offline bhu

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #37 on: August 28, 2014, 07:58:45 PM »
Pentadrone CR should be CR 5-6, prollly 5

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2015, 08:36:29 PM »
poking it so I don't lose it.

Offline Braininthejar

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Re: Modron homebrew
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2015, 08:41:58 PM »
also dropping my modron grafts from another thread here:

Requirement: non-good alignment, heal 10 ranks, knowledge engineering 5 ranks, knowledge arcane 5 ranks, craft wondrous item.
Benefit: you have the very rare knowledge required for making modron grafts. Since dying modrons decompose rapidly as their essence returns to Regulus, preparing a modron graft requires capturing an appropriate modron and dismantling it alive.

Modron grafts side effects:
* A non-lawful character with a modron graft must make a DC 15 will save each day or take a point of wisdom and charisma damage - this is increased to d3 for chaotic characters
* A character with 4 or more modron grafts shifts one step towards lawful neutral and becomes a living construct as the magical procedures required to keep the grafts stable subvert his metabolism
* While dispels and antimagic fields are not dangerous to the user, being subjected to a disjunction requires a will save - on a failure the binding ritual is broken and all the grafts return to the modron collective immediately, with likely fatal results as the user is left with gaping holes in his body.
* Many modifications require custom armour
* Finally, the sight of grafts makes encountered modron hostile.


Modron Limb
This graft replaces an arm or a leg (in that case, they are often paired to keep the walking symmetrical). In either case the limb is prehensile (though incompatible with gloves) and grants the user a slam attack (d6 bludgeoning, lawful). The limb can wield modron-made weapons and gain modron-only benefits from it.

Modron Tendril
A thin mechanical tentacle extends from the user’s torso. It grants a natural attack (d4 piercing, lawful) with reach and can be used to wield weapons. The tendril generates a field (su) that allows it to firmly hold touched items - it can be used for fine manipulation just like a hand would and also provides a +4 racial bonus on climb checks; two or more tendrils are enough to emulate spider climb effect, allowing the character to safely move on any hard surfaces.

Modron Wings
A pair of comically small, fan-like wings. They are not much use for travel, but surprisingly good at keeping the user stable in the air. (flight 20 feet, perfect)

Modron Eye
An oversized eye with a set of lenses extending from the brow. It provides darkvision 60, and a +3 racial bonus to search, spot and appraise.

Modron Eye - greater
In addition to normal benefits of modron eye, this version grants the user a +2 racial bonus against illusion school magic; the user is always entitled to a save when encountering illusions.

Modron Chassis
Usually taken from a duodrone, it makes the user’s torso hard and box-like. It grants damage reduction 5/chaotic as well as natural armour of 4

Modron Mouth
Usually installed in the user’s torso, a flat, grey mouth opens to reveal an array of tendrils with various instruments. These count as masterwork tools for craft, open lock, disable device and heal.

Modron Mouth - greater
As well as providing the benefits of modron mouth, this version can also hold objects like a small bag of holding (in the event of portable hole glitch, the graft disgorges all its contents, but nothing worse happens.)

Modron Mouth - superior
In addition to the effects of lesser modron mouth grafts, it can be used once a day to emulate the effect of fabricate (casting time one minute, effective level equal to user’s HD)

(note: standard issue modron weapons are usually parts of their users - they are destroyed if the user dies and replaced when he is promoted - any exceptions to this rule are much sought for )

Mechanus crossbows: These masterwork crossbows (usually light or pistol crossbows) are inhabited by minor Mechanus spirits. When wielded by modron they count as having quick-loading enhancement.

Telescopic spear: a masterwork shortspear with a metal shaft that can be extended as a move action to make it a two-handed spear with reach (damage remains as for shortspear). These are often issued to flying modron

Combat wrench: a heavy, metal wrench with a variety of moving parts that allow it to be reshaped for the task at hand. It is a masterwork heavy mace, which also provides a +4 circumstance bonus to any tasks involving applying leverage

Gear blade: This masterwork weapon, either an axe or a halberd, has a blade composed of two sharp gears. In the hands of a modron, these can be commanded to spin, pulling in and crushing a hit target ( effectively the weapon has improved grab with grapple 16 and constrict D8+3. (grapple 22 and 2d6+6 for large user version)  If it is pulled from the user’s grasp it stops doing constrict damage - however it takes another grapple check to unjam it from the target’s flesh.

Drill spear: (exotic weapon) a spear with a serrated, wide tip. (two-handed, d4 piercing, crit x4, may be a telescopic spear. As all modron-produced weapons, it is of masterwork quality) When wielded by a modron it does d8 damage and ignores 5 points of the target’s hardness/non-epic damage reduction.