Author Topic: Roll20 Game: Arcana High (Full)  (Read 24282 times)

Offline Lordxeno06

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2014, 11:50:00 PM »
Ah, not really, I'm just a longtime friend IRL and Syrasi told me about this campaign when while were finishing another one she DM'd.
I remember her talking about that forum though, introduced me to some folks on it but I never participated directly in it.

Offline Libertad

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2014, 12:55:26 AM »
My character's bio and ability scores are set!

I would like my character to be the Gnomish Illusionist Syrasi Tumblebarrow. She is from a long line of master illusion mages, long the most highly-regarded members of their community. She showed immense promise during the early stages of tutelage, and the invitation to attend Arcana High was received as a great honor for her family. But she has a dark secret. Her curiosity about the workings of magic knows no bounds, and she has delved into the secrets of necromancy, a taboo subject in gnomish culture. She has gone to great lengths to keep this secret from her family, but intends to build greatly upon her knowledge at the magic school. She is very friendly and outgoing, and always seeks to make friends with everyone she meets. Despite her phenomenal intellect, she is extremely scatterbrained, and can quickly lose focus if too much is happening at once.

Her themes are:
1- Morbid Curiosity: Syrasi's thirst for knowledge has led her to explore dark corners of knowledge most would consider better left alone. She will jump without hesitation at the chance to learn more about negative energy and its uses.
2- Friendship is Magic: Syrasi absolutely loves making new friends and will always try to befriend everyone she meets, unless they are obviously hostile.

That's cool and workable.  Now Roll20 should have its own fillable character sheet.  If for some reason that doesn't work, you can make one over at
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 12:59:22 AM by Libertad »

Offline Libertad

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #22 on: August 07, 2014, 12:58:05 AM »
Since we have more than a few 3.5ers with little to no Pathfinder experience, I'm going to post this Handbook of Changes so you won't have to spend time relearning the game system you already know for little details and changes.

Offline ketaro

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2014, 01:27:06 AM »
On a complete revamp, I've decided on an Extempresario (Magus Arch-type); if that is okay?

Concept was initially Tuxedo Mask but all of a sudden I started thinking about Utena while browsing base classes  :lmao

I'll likely have a character sheet up tomorrow, and a kind of bio between then and the weekend :p

Very much stuck on clashing thoughts on whether to be an arrogant bastard bishie or a gracious knight who doesn't know how to say no.....

Offline Libertad

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2014, 02:09:03 AM »
A charismatic arcane duelist?  I heartily approve.

Anyway, Arcana High races.  If there's one Pathfinder you can't reskin, or you want to play an LA 0 equivalent of a certain monster, just post a suggestion and I'll do my best to make one!

Arcana High: New Races


Harpies are winged humanoid women renowned for their mesmerizing melodies.  Although many of them lived isolated and apart from other civilizations, in recent decades their numbers grew after excessive contact with humans, elves, and the other major races.  Today harpies serve in roles where aerial mobility would be a plus, or in the arts.

Physical Description: Harpies appear much like human women, except with a layer of feathers covering their arms and lower half of their bodies.  In place of feet they have talons which can be used to scratch at enemies or perch on branches and outcroppings.  Most of them possess lean, athletic frames due to all the flying they do.

Society: Harpies are for the most part fully integrated into human and elven societies.  They retain much of their own cultural traditions and pantheon, adopting foreign elements into their own lives and festivals in a syncretic blend.

Relations: Harpies have much respect for civilizations which respect the arts and entertainment.  They find highly regimented and anti-intellectual communities stifling.  As a result, they get along best with humans, elves, and gnomes.

Alignment and Religion: Harpies tend towards chaotic alignments, with no bias towards good, evil, or neutrality on the moral axis.  Traditional harpy deities are a pantheon of eight entities, one representing each directional wind.

Adventurers: Harpies find the adventuring life easy due to their ability of limited flight.  Many harpy-run companies make an earnest living transporting goods over inhospitable mountain ranges and impenetrable jungles which can take ground bound travelers weeks to pass.  Some of history’s most famous explorers and navigators were harpies.

Harpy Racial Traits:

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution: Harpies are graceful and inspiring, but their hollow bones are not good at resisting injury.

Medium: Harpies are medium and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Speed: Harpies have a base land speed of 30 feet.

Darkvision: Harpies can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Talons: Harpies have two talons which are natural weapons dealing 1d6 points of slashing damage.  Harpies can also wield objects in their talons as proficiently as a human’s hands can.

Limited Flight: A harpy has a Fly speed of 30 feet and treats Fly as a class skill.  They can only sustain this flight for a number of minutes equal to their hit dice (minimum 1 minute), after which they glide down to the ground as though subject to a Feather Fall spell.  They must wait an equivalent number of minutes before they can fly again.  Harpies of 9th level or higher ignore this restriction and can fly indefinitely.

Masterful Singers: Harpies can a +4 racial bonus on Perform (Sing) Checks.

Languages: Common.  Bonus Languages: Any except secret languages.


Centaurs are quadrupeds with the lower half of a horse and the upper half of a human.  Eschewing the bustling cities in favor of semi-nomadic clans, they are a wide-ranging people.  From the forests of the southern archipelagoes to the wind-swept plains of the east, almost every significant empire has come into contact with them at some point in time.

Physical Description: Centaurs stand around seven feet tall at the shoulder, with their upper half possessing the wide variety of human and even elven traits.  The horse half’s hair comes in many colors, from chestnut brown to golden blonde to black.

Society: Most centaur live in close-knit clans of extended families.  They migrate around a limited region, packing up when resources become scarce in favor of new terrain.  Most centaur follow a philosophy known as the Cha’al.  In short, it holds that society is an exchange of goods and services not done for personal gain, but for mutual assistance.  From individual friendships to extended families, people are reliant on physical needs as well as comfort and friendship.  To inflict harm upon another risks breaking this web, and as such centaurs do their best to treat those in their social networks fairly and honestly for the benefit of both the individual and the group.

They understand that each culture has its own "Cha’al” of sorts, and take pains to learn the code of new civilizations they stay in.  Even if they don’t respect the customs, they at least desire to know where their potential actions stand in relation to the community.

Relations: Centaurs are not hostile to outsiders, but they don’t go out of their way to welcome them either.  Each clan’s territory is predicated upon their routes, and thus their interactions with the locales varies to the point that generalizing for the race as a whole won’t produce any universal results.

Alignment and Religion: Centaurs tend towards neutral good alignment, in that the code of the Cha’al is fair to both individual rights and the welfare of the community.  Centaurs do not have any racial deities, instead worshiping whatever local gods or spirits hold sway in a given region.  It’s not unusual for wandering centaur to give blessings to the gods of the elves when traveling through their forests, and then pay respects to the god of the sea when visiting a port town.

Adventurers: Centaurs are regarded as natural adventurers due to their propensity for travel, but in reality they do not adopt the typical adventuring life any more than humans do.  Most centaurs view the prospect of traveling to dangerous locations seeking treasure to be foolhardy because the risk is so visible while the reward is so fleeting.

Centaur Racial Traits:

+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence: Centaurs are very strong and perceptive, although they do not excel in the areas of memorization.

Medium: Centaurs are medium with no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Monstrous Humanoid: Centaurs have the monstrous humanoid type.

Fast Speed: Centaurs have a base land speed of 40 feet.

Darkvision: Centaurs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Hooves: Centaurs can attack with up to 2 of their hooves as natural weapons which deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage.

Quadruped: Centaurs have double the normal carrying capacity of a bipedal creature of their size and Strength.  They gain a +4 racial bonus on Combat Maneuver Defense to avoid being bull rushed or tripped.

Healthy as a Horse: Centaurs gain a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saves to resist poison and disease.

Languages: Common and Sylvan.  Bonus Languages: Any except for secret languages.


Pixies are tiny winged fey full of energy and magic.  Living deep in forests they do not have much contact with outside civilizations due to geography, although their curiosity and wanderlust more than makes up for it.

Physical Description: Pixies stand anywhere from 1 to 2 feet tall, appearing much like miniature winged elves.  Their wings are like those of butterflies; bright, colorful, and sporting mirrored patterns.

Society: Pixies spontaneously spring from the land itself, forming from the essence of earth and sky into a single soul.  When they die their corpses do not linger long and discorporate into the world after several hours.  Pixies have a carefree attitude towards life and as such do not form complex societal units.  They live simple lives of survival and pleasure, often traveling far from their homes just to see what’s out there in the world.

Relations: Pixies do not have any long-standing bonds or animosity with any of the major races, in part due to their lack of historical records and short lifespans.  The exception comes from entities created for the purpose of destroying nature and good.  Pixies seem to have an almost physical aversion to constructs and evil outsiders.

Alignment and Religion: Most pixies are of good alignment, as helping others comes naturally to them.  Only a few are neutral, and the number of evil pixies can be counted on one hand.  It’s said that pixies who become evil turn into redcaps, vicious fey who gain power by bathing in the blood of others.

Adventurers: Pixies are rarely content to stay in their homelands for long, and a few find that the added benefits of glory and treasure a fair pay-off for their ventures into far-off lands.

Pixie Racial Traits:

-2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence: Pixies are weak yet are quick in body and mind.

Tiny: Pixies are Tiny.  However, they tend to have trouble admitting to the shortcomings of their size.  Pixies are treated as Small when it would be disadvantageous to do so.  For example, pixies only gains a +4 size bonus to Stealth (the same as a Small creature), but a -2 penalty on their Combat Maneuver Bonus (the same as a Tiny creature).

Fey: Pixies have the fey type.

Slow Speed: Pixies have a base land speed of 20 feet.

Low-light Vision

Limited light: Pixies have a Fly speed of 20 feet and treat the Fly skill as a class skill.  Sustained flight is difficult, and they can only remain in the air a number of minutes equal to their hit dice (minimum 1 minute) after which they glide to the ground as though affected by a Feather Fall spell.  They must wait an equivalent number of minutes before they can fly again.  At 9th level a pixie ignores this limitation and can fly indefinitely.

Pixie Dust: Once per day a pixie can sprinkle some skin flakes from their wings onto a weapon or piece of ammunition.  Upon sprinkling a pixie can choose whether it mimics the effects of charm person or sleep spell, and a target successfully hit by the weapon must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha mod) or be affected by the spell.  This is a spell-like ability.

Languages: Common and Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Any except for secret languages.

Vampire Neonates are humanoids whose blood has been drained by a true vampire.  Most vampires do not start out with the most powerful abilities possessed by their kind, and must gain them through either training or age.

Vampire Neonate [General]
You are now a vampire, albeit the weakest of your kind.
Prerequisites: Must have been a living non-elemental, non-outsider creature before you took this feat.  Must have been drained to 0 Constitution by a vampire.
Benefit: You have the Undead type.  You use your Charisma modifier to determine your Fortitude save and hit points from then on out.  Once per day you can change into a bat or wolf form as per the Beast Shape III spell.  You grow a set of fangs as a natural weapon which deal lethal slashing damage equal to your unarmed strike.  If you maintain a pin on a target which has blood, you can drain them for 1 point of Constitution damage per round, healing an equal number of hit points equal to the blood drained.
Drawbacks: Your reflection does not show up in mirrors or other reflective surfaces.  You can be turned or rebuked.  You must subsist on blood for nourishment (1 point of Constitution equaling one meal; blood bottles can be purchased 4 silver pieces each at the local butcher’s and can grant 4 “meal servings”).  Unlike other undead you must sleep 8 hours a day; sleeping in a coffin allows a vampire to regain hit points through rest as though they were a living creature.

And yes, neonate vampires do not burn in sunlight.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 01:42:27 PM by Libertad »

Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2014, 07:48:59 AM »
Aww, you went with giving pixies an Int bonus, not Cha.

Offline Syrasi

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2014, 08:53:05 AM »
I've been using this site to fill out my character sheet; should I also make one for roll20 or can I just send you this once I finish?

Offline Libertad

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2014, 11:35:06 AM »
Aww, you went with giving pixies an Int bonus, not Cha.

I was worried about making them too samey to the harpies, although a Charisma bonus can be doable.  If you want a Pixie PC then you can swap out the Int for Cha if you want.

Also, changed the flight to be 1 minute per hit dice, after which they must wait an equivalent number of minutes before they can fly again.

I've been using this site to fill out my character sheet; should I also make one for roll20 or can I just send you this once I finish?

You should also make one for Roll20, as I believe that it would work best with the interface.  Also, looking at the char sheet requires me to sign in to a G+ or BitHub account and can apparently be edited by anyone logging in.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 11:43:18 AM by Libertad »

Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2014, 11:38:14 AM »
Pixie Summoner coming up, then. :D

Offline Libertad

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2014, 02:48:24 PM »
Regarding allowed and 3rd Party material:  I own a lot of 3rd Party Pathfinder books, especially the big-time companies.

Generally speaking, if you want something for your character concept which is part of a book I own and feel that it's not too gimped/game-breaking, I'll allow it.  If I don't own the book, then I'll allow it under the previous criteria provided that the entry is OGL and can be accessed on the D20 Pathfinder SRD for me to verify.  Feel free to repost any OGL stuff on here or the Roll20 page as well.

Regarding Paizo stuff, I own most of the "core" line but few of the setting books.  Same applies above.

Offline Libertad

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2014, 02:54:15 PM »
Ah, not really, I'm just a longtime friend IRL and Syrasi told me about this campaign when while were finishing another one she DM'd.
I remember her talking about that forum though, introduced me to some folks on it but I never participated directly in it.

So what days are good for you and Syrasi?  What is your experience with Pathfinder and Roll20/online live gaming?

Very much stuck on clashing thoughts on whether to be an arrogant bastard bishie or a gracious knight who doesn't know how to say no.....

Always go with bishies.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 03:42:57 PM by Libertad »

Offline Soft Insanity

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2014, 03:48:21 PM »
Edit: Okay, I can't allow public access to the campaign page unless I become a paid subscriber.

Step one: Go into your campaign.
Step two: In the chat will be a green box with the link to the campaign that anyone can use. (says: The player link for this campaign is: and is hidden until you mouse over it)
Step three: Post that link, not the url for the campaign.
Step four: Be annoyed when random people show up in your campaign ala openrpg/traipse.

You don't need a subscription except for advanced things like api script and possibly character sheets (not sure since all my gms are mentors)

Offline Syrasi

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #32 on: August 07, 2014, 05:18:05 PM »
I am good on Saturdays and Sundays, but I know Lord Xeno usually works Saturdays.

I was thinking of taking the Arcane School Spirit feat (exceptionally fitting thematically, I think), but the concept doesn't seem consistent with illusion magic: I make a bluff check opposed by the opponent's sense motive to brag about how great my specialized school is, and if I win they get -2 on their next save against a spell from that school. But since my specialization is illusion, wouldn't it be counterintuitive to brag about illusions and thereby reveal that what I'm about to do IS an illusion? Could I instead make the bluff check pertain to how powerful magic is in my family bloodline or something?

Offline Lordxeno06

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #33 on: August 07, 2014, 06:14:26 PM »
So what days are good for you and Syrasi?  What is your experience with Pathfinder and Roll20/online live gaming?

Well I live in Wsconsin so I'm on central time, but my job doesn't have set hours. I work furniture delivery Tuesday through Saturday, and I can get done anywhere from 2pm to 8:30pm. More often than not it's done by 6ish though. So if we do one of those days my presence would be possible but questionable.
I'm off on Sundays and Mondays, but I won't be on Monday the 11th. Sunday is usually preferred. Any time really.

I was thinking of taking the Arcane School Spirit feat (exceptionally fitting thematically, I think), but the concept doesn't seem consistent with illusion magic: I make a bluff check opposed by the opponent's sense motive to brag about how great my specialized school is, and if I win they get -2 on their next save against a spell from that school. But since my specialization is illusion, wouldn't it be counterintuitive to brag about illusions and thereby reveal that what I'm about to do IS an illusion? Could I instead make the bluff check pertain to how powerful magic is in my family bloodline or something?

Well the way I would justify that, is that you're pulling an Aizen on them. "Well played, but what you fail to realize is that you're already ensnared in my illusions. Your mind has been in the palm of my hand since before you even saw me. Since when were you under the impression that this is the real me? SINCE WHEN WERE YOU UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU WERE UNDER THE IMPRESSION?"

FULL KUBO. Full troll. Your feat is now justified.  :cool

Offline Libertad

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2014, 06:22:28 PM »
Things are pointing more and more towards Sundays.

Weekly Schedules

Libertad: East Coast US, unavailable on weekdays before 7 pm.  Saturday Sunday anytime after 4 pm.
Ketaro: West Coast US, unavailable 5am-5pm Monday-Friday.  Sunday anytime, Saturday available if not DMing.
Raineh Daze: United Kingdom, available every day until September
Syrasi: Available Saturdays and Sundays.
Lordxeno06: Wisconsin Central US, Any time but Sunday is preferred.
Scottbert: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday.
Unbeliever: Unknown.

Step one: Go into your campaign.
Step two: In the chat will be a green box with the link to the campaign that anyone can use. (says: The player link for this campaign is: and is hidden until you mouse over it)
Step three: Post that link, not the url for the campaign.
Step four: Be annoyed when random people show up in your campaign ala openrpg/traipse.

You don't need a subscription except for advanced things like api script and possibly character sheets (not sure since all my gms are mentors)

So should I not do it, then?
« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 01:13:58 AM by Libertad »

Offline Syrasi

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #35 on: August 07, 2014, 07:27:08 PM »

I was thinking of taking the Arcane School Spirit feat (exceptionally fitting thematically, I think), but the concept doesn't seem consistent with illusion magic: I make a bluff check opposed by the opponent's sense motive to brag about how great my specialized school is, and if I win they get -2 on their next save against a spell from that school. But since my specialization is illusion, wouldn't it be counterintuitive to brag about illusions and thereby reveal that what I'm about to do IS an illusion? Could I instead make the bluff check pertain to how powerful magic is in my family bloodline or something?

Well the way I would justify that, is that you're pulling an Aizen on them. "Well played, but what you fail to realize is that you're already ensnared in my illusions. Your mind has been in the palm of my hand since before you even saw me. Since when were you under the impression that this is the real me? SINCE WHEN WERE YOU UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU WERE UNDER THE IMPRESSION?"

FULL KUBO. Full troll. Your feat is now justified.  :cool

Oh yeah that's a great idea!  :plotting

Offline ketaro

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2014, 08:24:36 PM »
Wooo leaning towards Sundays is it? Yay it looks like I'll be staying then! :D

Offline Soft Insanity

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #37 on: August 07, 2014, 09:56:56 PM »
So should I not do it, then?

The last time I was in a game with a shared campaign link we had 3 random people come into the game while it was being played.  Anyway, if you plan on recording this up on twitchtv you might not want to share it.

Offline Libertad

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #38 on: August 07, 2014, 10:08:18 PM »
The last time I was in a game with a shared campaign link we had 3 random people come into the game while it was being played.  Anyway, if you plan on recording this up on twitchtv you might not want to share it.

Well then it's a good thing I shared the link through private channels, then!

Also, I signed up Syrasi, Raineh Daze, and Ketaro.  I'd say that 5 PCs is my limit.  7 other players at once would be too much.  Although if someone drops out I'll keep the other folks in mind.

Offline Lordxeno06

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Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« Reply #39 on: August 07, 2014, 10:24:07 PM »
Ah, did you already fill up on players while I wasn't looking? Shoot. I was hoping you could send me the link also.  :bigeyes