Author Topic: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)  (Read 200858 times)

Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #320 on: April 02, 2015, 08:41:56 AM »
The burning magic falters against the strong necromantic bonds of the skeleton.

Shandien moves across the room hurling the javelin in his hand at the rotting spellcaster which flies wide and sinks into one of the thrones. Moving behind the glowing sphere surrounding the child he stands between one skeleton and Tanthlus calling upon his magic, runes encircle the skeletons head as similar runes crackle across the swordmage's blade.

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Lords of Rivenroard Audience Chamber Fight Round 2 Begins!

Map of the Rivenroar Audience Chamber

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--->Galadren @ H15 | Hit Points = 14/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond :
--->Dunor @ F7 | Hit Points = 14/31 | Heal Surge = 2/8 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Duelist Stance (each time an enemy hits or misses you, use Duelist's Prowess Attack) | Cond : Marking (Bleached Skeleton and Rotting Spellcaster); Divine Glow (+2 power bonus to Attack rolls); On-Going Necrotic Damage (5, save ends); Bloodied
Bleached Skeleton @ C11 | Hit Points = Down 23 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment; Marked (Dunor)
Rotting Spellcaster @ B10 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment; Marked (Dunor)
Shambling Skeleton @ E7 | Hit Points = Down 18 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Crumbling Skeleton @ F6 | Hit Points = Down 11 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Decrepit Skeleton @ G8 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment; Marked (Shandien)
Decaying Skeleton @ C16 | Hit Points = Down 4 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Moldering Skeleton @ E19 | Hit Points = Down 14 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Tanthalus @ G11 | Hit Points = 25/32 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond :
Tulugaq @ E13 | Hit Points = 30/30 | Heal Surge = 8/10 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : | Cond :
Thespias @ H16 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 3 | DMI = 3 | Misc : Bold (+5 to save vs. Fear effects); Nimble Reaction (+2 to AC vs. AoO's); Storm Soul Resist -5 (Lightning, Thunder) | Cond :
Shandien @ G10 | Hit Points = 28/28 | Heal Surge = 4/9 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Resist - 5 (Lightning), 2 (Cold, Fire, and Thunder); | Cond : Marking (Decrepit Skeleton)
Thurnan @ ritual circle center | Hit Points = Down 3 | Misc : | Cond : Paralysis (Ritual)
Jalissa @ in hall | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 08:12:16 PM by Melblen_Cairn »
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #321 on: April 02, 2015, 09:26:33 AM »
Dunor notices the runes appear above the skeleton's head, and nods at Shandien in acknowledgment that he's got it handled. His wound begins bleeding out, but he summons up his reserves of strength and keeps moving. He launches himself right back at the Wight, even despite the sweat on his brow and the fact that the color is only just now returning to his face after the horrific visage he just witnessed.

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« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 07:51:57 AM by VennDygrem »

Offline Inspectre

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #322 on: April 03, 2015, 06:33:33 AM »
(I believe since he posted first, Dunor's actions will happen before Galadren's turn this round?  If that's not the case, Galadren will delay until after Dunor.)

Galadren only just barely manages to suppress a decidedly unheroic scream when the lich up on the platform uses magic to make its visage distort and twist into an even more horrid form, the sight of it stabbing fear into his mind.  As his pulse begins to slow again, Tuluqag's cuts through the fear clouding his mind.  It was a . . . wight?  Not a lich?  Galadren wasn't sure what a wight was, but it definitely wasn't a lich.  Galadren could handle a wight.

Sliding a fresh bolt into place, Galadren circled around the poor boy's arcane prison.  As he neared the last remaining skeleton, it raised it weapon to greet him.  Galadren responded by hopping up into the air and kicking off the skeleton's ribcage, not as an attack but simply to use the skeleton as a launching point, propelling the elf forward into a series of summersaults that ended with him coming back up to his feet directly behind this "wight".  As Galadren shoves his crossbow into the thing's back to fire at point-blank range, he idly hopes this thing didn't have any sort of horrid death touch like some of the other undead he can vaguely remember fighting.

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #323 on: April 04, 2015, 12:40:26 AM »
As Dunor wades back in toward the Wight the skeleton behind him swings his pitted blade at the man's back.

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The bleached skeleton gets in close to Dunor and slashes it's wickedly curved blade down on the warrior, drawing a wicked line of blood that immediately festers with dark power.

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The Wight draws even more on the ritual he has enacted. The boy's skin turns ashen and he looks more gaunt as the life is siphoned off and the ritual transfers it to the undead thing to be consumed. The Undead thing shrieks again and a wave of terror roils outward from it again.

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The recently felled skeletons suddenly jumble and piece back together rapidly to take their forms again, reassembled by the darkness of this place. Sensing someone on the brink, one begins to descend on Dunor.

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The next recently reformed skeleton charges on Galadren it's blade not even coming close to hitting the agile elf.

The skeleton nearest Tanthalus, rushes in on the cleric but strong chainmail turns aside the weak blade.

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The remaining two skeletons close on Tulugaq seeking to bring down the spellcaster. The first narrowly misses caving the human's head, while the other

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Lords of Rivenroar Audience Chamber Fight Round 2!

Map of the Rivenroar Audience Chamber

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Dunor @ C10 | Hit Points = -2/31 | Heal Surge = 1/8 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Duelist Stance (each time an enemy hits or misses you, use Duelist's Prowess Attack) | Cond : Divine Glow (+2 power bonus to Attack rolls); Second Wind (+2 to defenses EoNT); Bloodied; Prone; Unconscious; Helpless
Galadren @ C8 | Hit Points = 14/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Bleached Skeleton @ C12 | Hit Points = Down 30 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Rotting Spellcaster @ B10 | Hit Points = Down 16 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Shambling Skeleton @ D9 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Crumbling Skeleton @ C7 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Decrepit Skeleton @ G10 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment); Marked (Shandien)
Decaying Skeleton @ D16 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Moldering Skeleton @ E17 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
--->Tanthalus @ G11 | Hit Points = 25/32 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
--->Tulugaq @ E13 | Hit Points = 26/30 | Heal Surge = 8/10 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : | Cond : Shadow Walk (Concealment)
--->Thespias @ H16 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 3 | DMI = 3 | Misc : Bold (+5 to save vs. Fear effects); Nimble Reaction (+2 to AC vs. AoO's); Storm Soul Resist -5 (Lightning, Thunder) | Cond :
Shandien @ H13 | Hit Points = 22/28 | Heal Surge = 4/9 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Resist - 5 (Lightning), 2 (Cold, Fire, and Thunder); | Cond : Marking (Decrepit Skeleton)
Thurnan @ ritual circle center | Hit Points = Down 9 | Misc : | Cond : Paralysis (Ritual); Bloodied
Jalissa @ in hall | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 09:49:18 AM by Melblen_Cairn »
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #324 on: April 04, 2015, 11:49:44 AM »
Dunor withstands hit after hit, cursing out the foul undead. Finally, he unleashes a parry, slashing back at one of the terrible creatures.
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Offline Nanshork

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #325 on: April 04, 2015, 12:50:53 PM »
Seeing his ally in trouble, Tanthalus calls upon his god to heal Dunor.

He then steps back from the fray and focuses his attention on the child they are to save, attempting to understand what power holds him and drains the life out of him.

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #326 on: April 04, 2015, 11:49:40 PM »
The skeleton falls apart again under the weight of Dunors strikes. Suddenly bathed in healing light, his wounds burn slightly, cleansing as they close.

After observing some of the ritual that has the boy trapped and is draining him of his life force. Tanthalus believes he may have some answers surrounding the magic.

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Lords of Rivenroar Audience Chamber Fight Round 2!

Map of the Rivenroar Audience Chamber

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Dunor @ C10 | Hit Points = 17/31 | Heal Surge = 0/8 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Duelist Stance (each time an enemy hits or misses you, use Duelist's Prowess Attack) | Cond : Second Wind (+2 to defenses EoNT); Temp Hit Points (3)
Galadren @ C8 | Hit Points = 14/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment);  Temp Hit Points (3)
Bleached Skeleton @ C12 | Hit Points = Down 30 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)Marked (Dunor)
Rotting Spellcaster @ B10 | Hit Points = Down 16 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)Marked (Dunor)
Shambling Skeleton @ D9 | Hit Points = Down 11 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Crumbling Skeleton @ C7 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Decrepit Skeleton @ G10 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment); Marked (Shandien)
Decaying Skeleton @ D16 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Moldering Skeleton @ E17 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Tanthalus @ F12 | Hit Points = 25/32 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment);  Temp Hit Points (3)
--->Tulugaq @ E13 | Hit Points = 26/30 | Heal Surge = 8/10 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : | Cond : Shadow Walk (Concealment); Temp Hit Points (3)
--->Thespias @ H16 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 3 | DMI = 3 | Misc : Bold (+5 to save vs. Fear effects); Nimble Reaction (+2 to AC vs. AoO's); Storm Soul Resist -5 (Lightning, Thunder) | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3)
Shandien @ H13 | Hit Points = 22/28 | Heal Surge = 4/9 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Resist - 5 (Lightning), 2 (Cold, Fire, and Thunder); | Cond : Marking (Decrepit Skeleton);  Temp Hit Points (3)
Thurnan @ ritual circle center | Hit Points = Down 9 | Misc : | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3); Paralysis (Ritual); Bloodied
Jalissa @ in hall | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 08:27:07 AM by Melblen_Cairn »
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #327 on: April 05, 2015, 01:57:45 AM »
"The bleached skeleton explodes when it dies, focus on the rotting one!"

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #328 on: April 05, 2015, 09:58:29 AM »
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The cursed skeleton manages to avoid most of Tulugaqs spell but the other bony undead next to the caster does not fair as well and falls to pieces at the human's feet.

Lords of Rivenroar Audience Chamber Fight Round 2!

Map of the Rivenroar Audience Chamber

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Dunor @ C10 | Hit Points = 17/31 | Heal Surge = 0/8 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Duelist Stance (each time an enemy hits or misses you, use Duelist's Prowess Attack) | Cond : Second Wind (+2 to defenses EoNT); Temp Hit Points (3)
Galadren @ C8 | Hit Points = 14/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment);  Temp Hit Points (3)
Bleached Skeleton @ C12 | Hit Points = Down 30 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)Marked (Dunor)
Rotting Spellcaster @ B10 | Hit Points = Down 16 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)Marked (Dunor)
Shambling Skeleton @ D9 | Hit Points = Down 11 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Crumbling Skeleton @ C7 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Decrepit Skeleton @ G10 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment); Marked (Shandien)
Decaying Skeleton @ D16 | Hit Points = Down 10 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Moldering Skeleton @ E17 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Warlock's Curse (Tulugaq)
Tanthalus @ F12 | Hit Points = 25/32 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment);  Temp Hit Points (3)
Tulugaq @ E13 | Hit Points = 26/30 | Heal Surge = 8/10 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Warlock's Curse (on Moldering Skeleton) | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3)
--->Thespias @ H16 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 3 | DMI = 3 | Misc : Bold (+5 to save vs. Fear effects); Nimble Reaction (+2 to AC vs. AoO's); Storm Soul Resist -5 (Lightning, Thunder) | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3)
Shandien @ H13 | Hit Points = 22/28 | Heal Surge = 4/9 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Resist - 5 (Lightning), 2 (Cold, Fire, and Thunder); | Cond : Marking (Decrepit Skeleton);  Temp Hit Points (3)
Thurnan @ ritual circle center | Hit Points = Down 9 | Misc : | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3); Paralysis (Ritual); Bloodied
Jalissa @ in hall | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #329 on: April 05, 2015, 11:07:19 AM »
Seeing his companions getting flanked, Theo decides to try and even the odds a bit, summoning up a whirlwind around Dunor.

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #330 on: April 06, 2015, 08:41:30 AM »
As the whirlwind whips about, Shandien moves in behind it, ducking the sweeping scimitar of the skeleton to engage the Wight. Sparks crackle up and down Shandiens body and a rolling thunder builds to a frighteningly loud clap at the swing of his blade at the undead thing. Then quickly reversing the blades direction another clap of thunder sounds. Both massive roars wash over the spellcaster shaking it to its core threatening to tear the undead thing apart.

Lords of Rivenroar Audience Chamber Fight Round 3 Begins!

Map of the Rivenroar Audience Chamber

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--->Dunor @ C10 | Hit Points = 17/31 | Heal Surge = 0/8 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Duelist Stance (each time an enemy hits or misses you, use Duelist's Prowess Attack) | Cond : Second Wind (+2 to defenses EoNT); Temp Hit Points (3)
--->Galadren @ C8 | Hit Points = 14/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment);  Temp Hit Points (3)
Bleached Skeleton @ C12 | Hit Points = Down 30 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)Marked (Dunor)
Rotting Spellcaster @ B10 | Hit Points = Down 45 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)Marked (Dunor); Bloodied
Shambling Skeleton @ D9 | Hit Points = Down 11 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Crumbling Skeleton @ C7 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Decrepit Skeleton @ G10 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment); Marked (Shandien)
Decaying Skeleton @ A15 | Hit Points = Down 10 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Moldering Skeleton @ E17 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Warlock's Curse (Tulugaq)
Tanthalus @ F12 | Hit Points = 25/32 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment);  Temp Hit Points (3)
Tulugaq @ E13 | Hit Points = 26/30 | Heal Surge = 8/10 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Warlock's Curse (on Moldering Skeleton) | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3)
Thespias @ H16 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 3 | DMI = 3 | Misc : Bold (+5 to save vs. Fear effects); Nimble Reaction (+2 to AC vs. AoO's); Storm Soul Resist -5 (Lightning, Thunder) | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3)
Shandien @ D10 | Hit Points = 22/28 | Heal Surge = 4/9 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Resist - 5 (Lightning), 2 (Cold, Fire, and Thunder); | Cond : Marking (Decrepit Skeleton); Temp Hit Points (3); Promise of the Storm (add 1d8 damage to any Lighting or Thunder power UEoNT)
Thurnan @ ritual circle center | Hit Points = Down 9 | Misc : | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3); Paralysis (Ritual); Bloodied
Jalissa @ in hall | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #331 on: April 06, 2015, 11:10:37 PM »
Dunor swipes at the Wight, but his exhaustion is evident in the weak execution.

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Offline Inspectre

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #332 on: April 07, 2015, 06:15:32 AM »
Reloading, Galadren slips back away from the wight, bringing the crossbow to level with its head.  He prays his aim is true as he fires, reloads, and then fires again.

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #333 on: April 09, 2015, 01:22:39 AM »
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Two bolts fly in rapid succession as Galadren fires with abandon, even as a pitted skeleton blade descends. Holy light slows the blade enough for the elf to escape all but a minor scratch. The Wight collapses under the barrage.

Dunor intercepts the blade of the bleached skeleton now only having to face off against the one.

The fallen skeletons rise again. One at Dunor's back and brings it's sword across the human. The same holy light that protected Galadren slows the blade slightly.

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Galadren's opponent continues to swing its blade at the elf but the ranger evades the swipes.

The decrepit skeleton moves around the magical sphere and swings its blade at Shandien.

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The recently restored decaying skeleton wades back in on Tulugaq sweeping its blade at the warlock.

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The moldering skeleton presses its advantage against the human spellcaster

Lords of Rivenroar Audience Chamber Fight Round 3!

Map of the Rivenroar Audience Chamber

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Dunor @ C10 | Hit Points = 16/31 | Heal Surge = 0/8 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Duelist Stance (each time an enemy hits or misses you, use Duelist's Prowess Attack) | Cond : Second Wind (+2 to defenses EoNT)
Galadren @ C8 | Hit Points = 13/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Bleached Skeleton @ C12 | Hit Points = Down 30 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)Marked (Dunor)
Rotting Spellcaster @ B10 | Hit Points = Down 57 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Shambling Skeleton @ D9 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Crumbling Skeleton @ C7 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Decrepit Skeleton @ G10 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment); Marked (Shandien)
Decaying Skeleton @ E15 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Moldering Skeleton @ E17 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Warlock's Curse (Tulugaq)
--->Tanthalus @ F12 | Hit Points = 25/32 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment);  Temp Hit Points (3)
--->Tulugaq @ E13 | Hit Points = 16/30 | Heal Surge = 8/10 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Warlock's Curse (on Moldering Skeleton) | Cond :
--->Thespias @ H16 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 3 | DMI = 3 | Misc : Bold (+5 to save vs. Fear effects); Nimble Reaction (+2 to AC vs. AoO's); Storm Soul Resist -5 (Lightning, Thunder) | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3)
Shandien @ D10 | Hit Points = 21/28 | Heal Surge = 4/9 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Resist - 5 (Lightning), 2 (Cold, Fire, and Thunder); | Cond : Marking (Decrepit Skeleton); Promise of the Storm (add 1d8 damage to any Lighting or Thunder power UEoNT)
Thurnan @ ritual circle center | Hit Points = Down 9 | Misc : | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3); Paralysis (Ritual); Bloodied
Jalissa @ in hall | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 11:08:59 PM by Melblen_Cairn »
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #334 on: April 09, 2015, 07:22:46 AM »
Dunor attempts to leverage a parry of the bleached skeleton's blade into an opening to attack, though only manages to deflect the attack. Good enough.

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Offline Nanshork

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #335 on: April 09, 2015, 10:59:46 AM »
Tanathalus summons more of his god's holy flame, hoping that they can take care of these skeletons as quickly as possible now that the boy is safer.

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #336 on: April 10, 2015, 08:07:07 AM »
The burning radiance scorches the floor at the skeleton's feet.

Lords of Rivenroar Audience Chamber Fight Round 3!

Map of the Rivenroar Audience Chamber

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Dunor @ C10 | Hit Points = 16/31 | Heal Surge = 0/8 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Duelist Stance (each time an enemy hits or misses you, use Duelist's Prowess Attack) | Cond : Second Wind (+2 to defenses EoNT)
Galadren @ C8 | Hit Points = 13/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Bleached Skeleton @ C12 | Hit Points = Down 30 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)Marked (Dunor)
Rotting Spellcaster @ B10 | Hit Points = Down 57 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Shambling Skeleton @ D9 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Crumbling Skeleton @ C7 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Decrepit Skeleton @ G10 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment); Marked (Shandien)
Decaying Skeleton @ E15 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Moldering Skeleton @ E17 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Warlock's Curse (Tulugaq)
Tanthalus @ F12 | Hit Points = 25/32 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment);  Temp Hit Points (3)
--->Tulugaq @ E13 | Hit Points = 21/30 | Heal Surge = 8/10 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Warlock's Curse (on Moldering Skeleton) | Cond :
--->Thespias @ H16 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 3 | DMI = 3 | Misc : Bold (+5 to save vs. Fear effects); Nimble Reaction (+2 to AC vs. AoO's); Storm Soul Resist -5 (Lightning, Thunder) | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3)
Shandien @ D10 | Hit Points = 21/28 | Heal Surge = 4/9 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Resist - 5 (Lightning), 2 (Cold, Fire, and Thunder); | Cond : Marking (Decrepit Skeleton); Promise of the Storm (add 1d8 damage to any Lighting or Thunder power UEoNT)
Thurnan @ ritual circle center | Hit Points = Down 9 | Misc : | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3); Paralysis (Ritual); Bloodied
Jalissa @ in hall | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #337 on: April 11, 2015, 01:55:35 AM »
Not much I can do here

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #338 on: April 11, 2015, 09:16:27 AM »
Tulugaq's eyes burn with magic as he hacks down the skeleton with his sickle.

Lords of Rivenroar Audience Chamber Fight Round 3!

Map of the Rivenroar Audience Chamber

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Dunor @ C10 | Hit Points = 16/31 | Heal Surge = 0/8 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Duelist Stance (each time an enemy hits or misses you, use Duelist's Prowess Attack) | Cond : Second Wind (+2 to defenses EoNT)
Galadren @ C8 | Hit Points = 13/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 1 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Bleached Skeleton @ C12 | Hit Points = Down 30 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)Marked (Dunor)
Rotting Spellcaster @ B10 | Hit Points = Down 57 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Shambling Skeleton @ D9 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
Crumbling Skeleton @ C7 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment)
Decrepit Skeleton @ G10 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment); Marked (Shandien)
Decaying Skeleton @ E15 | Hit Points = Down 6 | Misc : | Cond : Dead
Moldering Skeleton @ E17 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond : Warlock's Curse (Tulugaq)
Tanthalus @ F12 | Hit Points = 25/32 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions); Wildstep (Ignore difficult terrain when shifting); | Cond : Dim Light (Concealment);  Temp Hit Points (3)
Tulugaq @ E13 | Hit Points = 16/30 | Heal Surge = 8/10 | AP = 2 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Warlock's Curse (on Moldering Skeleton) | Cond : Pact Boon (+2 on next D20 roll)
--->Thespias @ H16 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 2/7 | AP = 3 | DMI = 3 | Misc : Bold (+5 to save vs. Fear effects); Nimble Reaction (+2 to AC vs. AoO's); Storm Soul Resist -5 (Lightning, Thunder) | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3)
Shandien @ D10 | Hit Points = 21/28 | Heal Surge = 4/9 | AP = 0 |  DMI = 3 | Misc : Resist - 5 (Lightning), 2 (Cold, Fire, and Thunder); | Cond : Marking (Decrepit Skeleton); Promise of the Storm (add 1d8 damage to any Lighting or Thunder power UEoNT)
Thurnan @ ritual circle center | Hit Points = Down 9 | Misc : | Cond : Temp Hit Points (3); Paralysis (Ritual); Bloodied
Jalissa @ in hall | Hit Points = Down 0 | Misc : | Cond :
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 11:08:27 PM by Melblen_Cairn »
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread Continued)
« Reply #339 on: April 11, 2015, 06:39:01 PM »
The halfling storm sorcerer unleashes more lightning towards the already battered skeleton.

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