Start of Turn: Take 4 damage from Rats! Aura
Standard - Swarming Bats, Area 2 Burst centered in square E2
vs. Rat Swarm in E2, Dire Rat in E3, & Dire Rat in F3
Rolled 1d8+4 : 2 + 4, total 6
(AoE, so will do full damage + swarm vulnerability to rat swarm)
vs. Rat Swarm's Reflex:
Rolled 1d20+6 : 1 + 6, total 7
vs. Dire Rat in E3's Reflex:
Rolled 1d20+6 : 2 + 6, total 8
vs. Dire Rat in F3's Reflex:
Rolled 1d20+6 : 12 + 6, total 18
Effect: Galadren slides each enemy 1 square. He is going to Slide the Rat Swarm to E1, Dire Rat in F3 to F4, and the Dire Rat in E3 to F3.
Effect: The area of the blast (so the squares from E1 to F4 atm) becomes a zone of Difficult Terrain for all creatures.
Any enemy within those squares now grants Combat Advantage.
This zone lasts until the end of Galadren's next turn (and he may Sustain it as a Minor, and Move it 4 squares as a Move).