Move: 7 squares south towards the room the wererat fled
Minor - Perception:
Rolled 1d20+12 : 20 + 12, total 32
Free - Tuck sunrod under arm/Drop it
Standard - Fire at wererat's square (if Galadren made his perception check - should be easy if the wererat is mechanically Running -10 I think to its stealth)/Move 7 further into the room if he doesn't notice the wererat.
Nimble Strike (-5 Total Concealment due to invisibility, +2 from CA due to it running)
Rolled 1d20+6 : 8 + 6, total 14
Rolled 1d10+5 : 10 + 5, total 15
Rolled 1d6 : 4, total 4
Hunter's Quarry
Effect: Galadren shifts 1 square closer to wererat