Actually I just read the other thread you made about this, you want your divine CL to at least match your arcane. Simple enough, may I interest you in a plate of Mystic Demiurge? It's designed to launch off Mystic Theurge and retain power at the levels you obtain. Specifically though, this:
Combined Caster Level: At 5th level a mystic demiurge no longer worries about needing to focus on advancing both spellcasting types to maintain his power. He may use the caster level of whichever spellcasting class is highest for both forms of spellcasting.
That might work... I'll have to run it by my DM... granted I'd have to run any homebrew class by him... I'll still have to work in some method of gaining Turn/Rebuke for DMM though... a Level of Sacred Exorcist should cover that though...
Lets see... Mystic Demiurge:7... would effectively replace all 7 levels of Epic Mystic Theurge... Sets my Divine CL = Arcane CL... Increases my Lore ability from +25 to +62... Gives me access to all bonuses from Dark Knowledge... +2 on multiple Knowledge Checks... would improve my familiar if it wasn't already House Ruled to scale with HD rather than Wizard/Sorcerer Level... and merges my Spells per day...
That's actually above and beyond what I was expecting...
The Combined Spell Slots feature has me wondering about something though... Would a Ring of Wizardry double ALL spellslots of the specified level (bonus slots excluded) or still just those granted as a Wizard?
Also... some shenanigans could be had with this feature:
Combined Features: A mystic theurge is capable of advancing more than merely spells per day. At 1st level a mystic demiurge can use the caster level of his arcane and divine classes to determine class level based effects which scale with level up to their HD, such as the wizard's familiar or a cleric's turning level. It does not grant any other abilities not yet gained... a druid does not gain wildshape if he does not possess it first, nor any new animal shapes (though wildshape attempts per day increase), nor does a wizard gain bonus feats.
It doesn't appear to limit itself to abilities granted by spellcasting classes nor to classes that were advanced by Mystic Demiurge... so... theoretically I could use the feature to gain SA dice = to a 40th Lv Spellthief & a 40th Lv Rogue... and even if it is limited to spellcasting classes... I could still add more SA dice through Spellthief & possibly even Arcane Trickster...
This is seeming more and more like a perfect class for my build... a little to perfect... somehow I get the feeling my DM will shoot it down instantly... then again if I don't add it till Epic levels then he might be more open to it...